May 31, 2019

Rave Review

Dirt Devil!! 

The best vacuum out there. 
Nothing picks up the dirt better you would be amazed.
You can see the difference instantly.
Small and compact, perfect for RV living.

Priced under $50 @ Walmart

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by,
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails.


Tried to get the walkway with the solar lights on. It just doesn't do it justice. It's actually quite pretty at night.

My plants are starting to take off, we should see flowers soon.
Rachael ate the tomato plant, and most of the peppers... They are trying to survive

 We might get a few peppers this summer?  The wind blew the umbrella out of the table and smashed it back down shattering the glass. So all the herbs and plants that were on the table - hit the ground. Not a single plant pot got broke! Just the table glass. And boy was that a challenge to clean up. Like a car window, it shattered into the tiny little square pieces. All through the grass and gravel. 
Had to rearrange the seating area and the BBQ is now sitting over the area that still has a few pieces of glass. The herbs had to be set up on other pots, turned over - so they would be high enough to avoid the neighbors dog. :} Wouldn't want to add that to any salad! 
My trees are doing great! We should have Pears, Plums and Apples!
Already have the jars and canning supplies, ready for the harvest. We'll have some awesome blackberries again this year too!

I did forget the picture of the strawberry patch, it's growing really well and there are already a few strawberries. {Will add that in the morning before posting.} I planted Gladiolus with them, so there will be a brilliant wall of color behind the strawberries this fall.  
I remembered the picture this morning. ! My pallet of Strawberries.
Here's the garden platform. Not finished.... While I was out with the pictures, Sarge, Elvis, Minx and the girls came out for pictures too. My chickens are so friendly and love to be petted... If that's what you call it with chickens?  

Blessed by God,
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn.
Thanks for stopping by,
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails.

May 30, 2019

Free Bibles

If you need a King James Version of the Bible, please send an email with your mailing information. I will send you one.

If you would like to help with my mission of getting Bibles out to anyone and everyone that seeks to have one.... Donations gladly accepted. I pay $35 a case for 24 Bibles and then the shipping for individual requests. I add $5 bills and hand them out to the homeless on the street corners as well.

Blessed by God
Life's good here @ the Bright side of the Barn.
Thanks for stopping by,
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails.


Prerequisite of Prayer

  1. Praise the Lord
  2. Confess sin/mistakes
  3. Exercise faith, BELIEVE
  4. Pray in Jesus Name
  5. Pray persistently

Prayer Requests:

Requests accepted and will be prayed for daily with persistence, 
Won't you join me in prayer, for our brothers and sisters;

Dear Lord

Glory to your greatness and all that you do for us.
Forgive us our errors, help us to see the way and the truth.
We believe the scriptures Oh Lord, Your word is our guide.
In Jesus name we ask you to help our friends in need and bring them into your peace. We do not understand the ways of this life Oh Lord. 
But we trust in you and hope to someday, sit in your house, and be honored by your presence.

Today we call out our friends, you know their needs, take them into your arms dear Lord, we pray. Have your way and be glorified dear Lord.

B & C
Jim and family
Krissy and Family
In Jesus name we pray,
 Glory be to God, in the highest.

I love post it's and as I get older, I use them even more.

 I have an envelope for Prayers and prayer requests.. The request goes on a post it and to the back of the envelope, then when the prayer is fulfilled another post it describing the Blessing, attaches to the first and they go in the envelope.

If you have a request fill in the form to the right and we'll add you to the list of needs. God hears His people and answers prayers.

Keeping track - no.
Counting my blessings - yes.
Testifying of the greatness of God - yes.

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn.
Thanks for stopping by,
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails.

How many God's are there?

  1. 1.
    a recognized autonomous branch of the Christian Church.
    synonyms:religious group, sect, Church, cultmovement, faith community, bodypersuasion, religious persuasion, communionorderfraternitybrotherhoodsisterhoodschoolMore
  2. 2.
    the face value of a banknote, coin, or postage stamp.
    "a hundred dollars or so, in small denominations
    "the banknotes come in a number of denominations"

Ephesians 4:5

One Lord, one faith, one baptism.

So is it possible to have more than one christian faith, 
taking everyone to the same heaven? 

Sorry , not logical.

Is there more than one God, with more than one heaven.?

There would have to be, for every different religion to find their way to their heaven.

So how do we find the ONE TRUE WAY?

Ask God!

Prayer will lead you to the right BIble,

Scripture will lead you to the right Path,

God will lead you to heaven!

Step one is admitting there cannot be more than one way to heaven.

Blessed by God,
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by,
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails.

May 29, 2019

RV Livin!

Some of the beautiful places I've lived in Washington..

  Lake Alder

 Mount Rainier Gray's Harbor Lighthouse

Camp Hosting, Work Camping and Volunteering at historical societies, can lead to a beautiful camp spot @ no cost, for weeks, months and sometimes longer. In return a few hours of easy working daily. 
Make it an adventure and schedule jobs across the country...
RV living has so many opportunities to travel and work, seeing the country and meeting many, many wonderful people along the way. 
Decembers can be spent at Tree Lots, earning $$thousands to carry you along on the journey.

A great way to spend the retirement years.

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn.
Thanks for stopping by,
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails.

May 27, 2019

Let's Eat!

Flatbread pizza

Basil pesto, tomatoes, chopped onions, fresh mozzarella cheese....
Toaster oven for 10 minutes.

Quick easy and good for you. 


Ever since the last storm, the internet has not been cooperative. Nor has the blog editor... thus the updates... and photos not loading.

We're coming into June so the weather should be changing soon. I'm personally hoping for another hot summer. Arthritis doesn't bother me as much in the heat. And I am not a fan of the cold. Rain doesn't bother me until it becomes too much and flooding. Ahhh summer again.

So, hopefully the internet will start working right and we can get back to normal...  I haven't even been able to check my emails regularly.

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by, Until next time
Stay safe and Happy Trails.

Brighter Days

Enough of the dark and cloudy, wet rainy days...
We need to get back to brighter days.
I  understand how much we like to close the curtains and shut the world out when we're feeling dark or gloomy. {Sometimes we don't even know why}. It's important even on rainy days, to find something bright to smile about.

Memorial Day weekend!

It used to be a family tradition to kick off the summer season, by going camping. It used to be a natures tradition to be beautiful Friday, Saturday and start raining Sunday so everything was soaked by Monday. This year it rained and then got nice, so all the wet campers got to dry out before packing up. Nope, I wasn't one of them. 

17 years ago we were on such a camping trip when my daughter went into labor. The hospital wasn't close. By the time we arrived there was no time for pain meds and my granddaughter was born within the hour. The room smelled like campfire smoke of all things...
Don't look at me, we are a camping family. My youngest son was in a playpen balanced on the side of the river with me, fishing when he was just months old. 

This year, we stayed home and had the "17" birthday party. They grow up so fast!! and so beautiful! 


When you have your cousins you are never alone. It was so much fun watching the grandkids / cuzzy's play. The moments were priceless. This is that bonding, that lasts a lifetime.

We bought new games for the weekend so skills could be tested and even Sophia ended up playing beanbag toss today while we were cleaning up.

I hope everyone had a wonderful Memorial Day weekend.

Before leaving, I have a couple prayer requests,

My Granddaughter Jasmine and
My dear friends, B & C. The Lord knows the needs and the needs are great. Let us come together in prayer. Anyone with a prayer request can fill out the form at the bottom of the page, or email me .

Blessed by God,
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for Stopping by, 
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails.

May 22, 2019

Mental Health

I've spent the past several years trying to live with and understand someone who was bipolar, and didn't know they were bipolar.

There's been a lot of unnecessary pain, destruction and loss. The lack of being able to comprehend the behaviors, made it impossible to understand, much less explain.

Over a decade of hell..........

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Finally, diagnosis and medication, has led to a more peaceful existence for all. Over time, some relationships have started to mend.

While Exploring the history of mental health, it was not so long ago all mental health matters were balled up into one diagnosis, and 'crazy' was the side term. "Hospitals" were build to house the 'insane' and what doctors did to people behind closed doors, was un humane and appalling!

So to talk about 'emotions' or 'thoughts' or 'feelings', could be condemning oneself to being committed to torture in the name of science. Over time, we've figured out that not all mental illness leads to crazy. We've learned a lot about medications, causes and coping mechanisms.  Therapies and counselling can help many people with lesser illnesses.

We live in a world that has separated itself from God.
We used to be
We used to have a spiritual sense holding our core together, by being connected to our creator.

I've spent a lifetime struggling with depression and undiagnosed 'anxiety disorder'. I've spent a lifetime striving to find God's approval. 
Personally, I've found much peace of mind, in my Bible studies and prayer. I believe in the power of the Spirit healing....

Would we be healthier mentally, if we were more connected to God? 

A subject for thought......

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn,
Thanks for stopping by, until next time
Stay Safe and Happy Trails.

May 21, 2019

Is it really Karma

The ways we think

  • Karma - the negative in our lives will take care of themselves, what you do comes back on you.

  • Scripture ole - an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.

  • Scripture new - You are not promised a good easy life. Your good deeds will be rewarded to you, when you get to heaven.

  • Scripture - the devil can be allowed to torment you, and the more you seek God, the more the devil is going to mess with you. People living in sin, are already headed to hell. He doesn't need to attract their souls.
So when something bad happens to someone.... it doesn't necessarily mean they deserved it. Defying karma's rule. 

The sweetest girl in the world can die young from cancer. How many children have cancer.... Do they deserve it? 
The meanest killer in the world can get away with murdering over a hundred people...... why is he so lucky? 

So, is it really karma? is karma real? 

Blessed by God,
Life's good here @ the Bright side of the Barn.
Thanks for stopping by, until next time
Stay safe and Happy Trails.

The Manure Pile

Everyone knows, not even the Bright side of the Barn is always sunshine and roses. We all have bad days, we all have a past {unless you were just born}. We all make mistakes and we all have moments that are worth bragging about. Obstacles in life are NORMAL. Everyone has a different level of tolerance.
Walk a mile in a man's moccasins before you judge his steps.
My personal "Manure Pile", has to do with a never ending situation. My ex and the father of my children. You see there is a Permanent Protection order between us and has been for quite some time.
For this reason, peoples, including some of my children.... seem to think that I am holding on to the past and what happened. I've been told to 'get over it', 'get past our differences'... and much worse.
I'm not the one with the problem. I'm not the one hung up on the past. The ball has been in his court for a long time and he's the only reason it is what it is. If my ex could prove he could be civilized around me, or actually talk to me himself about the order, the order could probably be dropped. He's the one with the problem , not me. I think the problem is, he doesn't want to admit to what he's done even still.
The thing is, I have no reason to think things are any different. Until he himself mans up and talks to me, I have no reason to change the order.

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Until next time,
Stay safe and Happy Trails

May 20, 2019

The New Bird

Birdwatching together... The newest bird to join our feeders.. {and the cat walked across the keyboard and published...} As we continue..

A Blackheaded Grosbeak.

My grandson, MoJo and Miss Cleo enjoying birds together. We've gotten so many different birds this year. New feeders and new feeder recipes might have contributed to the success. 

If your trying to encourage birds to your yards. Buy small bags and suet cakes, until you find the flavors that attract the birds in your area.  Give it a bit of time, as new birds do not find you the very next day. It can take a few days for news to travel. 

Blessed By God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn,
Thanks for stopping by,
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails.

May 18, 2019

RIP BB Kitty

April 15 - 2016 to May 17 - 2019

It's been a rough couple days. BB has had crystal stones in his bladder for about a year now. Makes it hard to pee. Surgery and what other remedies the vet had, came with a price tag of over $5000.00 and no assurance that this would be in BB's best interest. The solution was to feed him soft food and I was putting cod liver oil in their water dish. It seemed to help. 

This spring he started having problems again. While I would do anything for my four legged family members.  

Thursday evening when he collapsed, the decision was made to just be with him, make him comfortable, say lots of prayers and let him pass peacefully at home. 

If he were to become in obvious pain, a trip to the vet for immediate relief would be the plan B.  There would be no torture and surgery's no overnight in a strange place.

I've been up for two nights, holding my cat.

BB passed quietly in the night last night. 

He is survived by a mum and dad that loved him,
Tiki a little girl he loved very very much.
Siblings - Cleopatra and MoJo
Best friends - Gizmo and Sophia
and so many friends I cannot name them all.

It's a sad day @ the bright side of the Barn. 
Blessed by God,
Thanks for stopping by,
Until next time
Stay safe and Happy trails

ooops so messed up today I can't even get my signature right.

Blessed By God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn,
Thanks for stopping by,
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails.

May 12, 2019

Happy Mother's Day

It looks a little cloudy here... I hope everyone has a beautiful Mother's Day in spite of it. 
I spent Saturday with
HOney Do's 

The list I have to do has been growing so I spent a 
Busy weekend finishing up projects....

Bought the fire pit and have wood.... just didn't want to use it until we had a bottom.... it's so dry and hot right now... I still want to add the sand and maybe a bit of gravel. But, I think it's looking pretty good.

My farrier and landlord is very talented... A few horseshoes, a rasping file and a washer.... I love my blanket rack. They can be used for hats, coats, bridles - totally awesome looking I think. They come in different sizes too. Mine has four double hooks.

I still have chicken perches to make, and paddocks to clean. 
But hey, it's only Saturday. 

And I was blessed by one of my granddaughters wanting to stay the night. My son asked if it was ok... really. Like Grama's say NO? Everything can wait. 
We've had an evening of Play doe and Mr Potato head... 
Plus messing up Grama's bed. 
Lovin every minute of it. 

Mother's Day for me was waking up next to a smiling face at 6 am wanting to play with Play Doe. I hope your day is just as blessed. 

Blessed By God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn,
Thanks for stopping by,
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails.

2024 Event Schedule

2024 Event Schedule ~

Mark your calendars and  join us at any of the following events this summer. July 9th ~ 16th ~ 23rd ~ 30th ~ Hometown Market  Tues Nights in...

Like what you see at the Bright side of the Barn?