April 30, 2023

Crystals over Diamonds any day.

It's the end of April already! Here comes Summer {What happened to spring?} Oh well, at least the sun is finally here. 

We can pack up the long johns and get the shorts out!  The sun is coming out and it's time to SPARKLE AND SHINE!!!  Which makes crystals the perfect EVERYDAY WEAR.

Why buy crystals instead of diamonds? Is it cost? value? environmental? stature? shine?

One of my favorite quotes ...
Every time you spend money you're casting a vote for the kind of world you want. Anna Lappe.

Let's talk about crystals vs diamonds...


Let's leave the 'rocks' out of this conversation for now. Gemstones, also known as crystals are not the CRYSTALS we are going to be talking about at the moment. 
So, stay focused. This is about artificial crystals, not stones vs diamonds.

This is about your SPARKLE 

Let's Talk....

1. Diamonds. Not all diamonds are 'blood diamonds' thankfully our government used to have a 'brain' amongst them and these diamonds were 'outlawed' in our country. {Didn't stop the problems, but stopped us from supporting it} At least most of us. 

But... All diamonds are HIGH in VALUE. 
And come at a price, whether it be humane or environmental.

Here's a good read about the 'Diamond story' on Brilliant Earth

2. Crystals. 

Not all crystals are Swarovski! Not all crystals are as good as Diamonds. Swarovski crystals are precisely made with the highest Ingredients and processing is done environmentally conscious. 


To learn more about the making of Swarovski Crystals visit the home site.

It's a personal choice and a matter of opinion .. I like getting more sparkle for my buck and I don't lay all my eggs in the same basket 
SO   It's crystals over diamonds any day.!!

The best part about TOUCHSTONE CRYSTAL and being an independent consultant, is I can help you get FREE JEWELRY, go here to ask me HOW.

I want to live in a world where small business and neighborhood businesses thrive and big box chains don't exist. A world full of trees, clean water and fresh air. Where kind people really care about each other and the creatures that live here as well.


Blessed by God 
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay Safe and Happy Trails.

April 29, 2023

Enter to Win

All orders placed this weekend {April 29 - 30 ~ 2023} 

will be entered into a drawing for a FREE pair of crystal earrings!

No minimum purchase required.

 Order your MaMa Necklace now! 

Hurry & place your Order in April

spend at least $100 

Then select any one additional item

for 50% off!!!

Drawing will be held Monday morning. May 1st. 2023

April 27, 2023

It's Officially "Over the Hill" now.


My oldest Daughter is turning 43 Saturday. 

I was thinking about things, how long I've been a mother....

All the events that have brought our family to here and now. What we've been through together.

She was my first born and the child that taught me what it means to be a mom.

She was born shortly before Mother's Day. Making it extra special for both of us. 

In the midst of all the reminiscing I realize I'm turning 59 this year, not 58. I lost a year. I think when things like this start happening you can safely say  

"I'm over the hill". 

Getting older does not feel like I expected or thought it would. I was giving COPD diagnosis at 41, had a couple minor strokes between 40 and 50... I've already felt 'really old.' Already had to 'prepare' as if 'life was over'. Doctors didn't give me another 10 years with my lungs and heart. The high blood pressure was through the roof back then and my body was tired. 

So I'm just not sure I feel like my age yet. I feel younger now than I did then. I don't think I have ever 'felt my age'. The mirror reminds me I'm old. lol. I worked hard to get my lungs back and I've made a lot of changes to my life to reduce the stress. So far the blood pressure is much closer to normal rather than close to the end. Oxygen levels are okay. The doctor checks them every time she sees me.! 

I've worked hard to heal

Stress alone can cause so much damage to a person, both mentally and physically. Being traumatized has more of an effect than you realize. Trauma requires HEALING. It's not something "you just deal with" or "get over". It's something that happened that you need to work through it and be able to move forward from it.

Sometimes, It's a lifetime 

I've had ailments all my life, so the aches and pains of getting old are just a different set of discomforts. My eyes are getting worn out. The glasses are needing to be stronger. I can't get around as much as before, getting up and down are a bit harder...  but from - in here... I just don't feel that dang old. Yet.

It seems every time one of the kids has a birthday, it affects me too. I'm just amazed at how they have grown up and the people they have become. When your young having your babies you think about the future and you try to imagine what it's going to be like. 

Then it happens and your looking back, comparing what you thought it would be to what it actually turned out becoming. For some the better others the worse.

 Life is an amazing journey. 

Don't waste a minute of it.

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay Safe and Happy Trails.

April 25, 2023

Brighter Days Coming

 Since it's been warming up, I've been able to go exploring with Chanelle a bit more. She of course is ready to go, pulls you full speed ahead and can go forever. The first photo is her not wanting to turn back and head the other way back to the car. It's a bit slower walking back and she doesn't pull quite as much. 

 Today she met her first little snake! It was quite the sight to watch her watching the snake. Then once it slid off to the side of the trail, she spend the rest of the walk sniffing every twig, every stick and looking in every hole, to find that snake again. 

Looking back frequently to make sure it wasn't following us too close. I'm guessing it was her first encounter with such a creature. She has had a lot of 'first time' experiences with me. I think she was never really taken out and about before I got her. 

 It's been a hard stressful week. This morning shortly after a good prayer a few answers came to light. Things are looking up in some ways, including financially. I had to make some hard decisions, turn down a few heart desires, and probably disappoint a few people. Myself included. It comes down to - you got to look at the situations - ask yourself if it is the right thing to do - respect other peoples feelings in the choices you make - make sure everyone comes out for the better. Regardless.

 Hence, the knot in my stomach as subsided. The headache is going away a bit. I hope to be able to sleep tonight {Finally} And I think we are heading down the right path. 

 My girl is pooped and ready for bed too. She's been with really close to me all weekend. Guess she knew - 

 It's been an adjustment as well  NOT having to get up at 4 am. Even though I'm still waking up, I'm not having to get up. Hopefully I can start sleeping to 6 at least? maybe.

It's been a good week of rest for my foot, and my back is actually starting to feel a bit better. I have to accept that I'm older and with disabilities comes limitations. Whether we like it or not. I just can't do the things I used to and I can't work like I used to. My weight lifting limits has decreased. The amount of time I can be on my feet has greatly decreased. And sadly I can't just sit for long periods of time either. 

 My Social Security and Jewelry sales are just going to have to be enough. Mind you I did slip in a mystery shop to the car wash the other day.... Chanelle was barking and growling at the brushes. LOL I think it was another first time! 

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for Stopping by 
Until next time, Stay Safe and Happy Trails.

April 21, 2023

Re Homing Horses - Mariana's Ranch

 Last fall This photo hit me like a ton of bricks...

We decided to rehome our pony when I realized my Granddaughter was getting to big.

We love our pony and it was a really hard decision to make. 

I had fostered a couple horses before. 1 - restored to healthy condition and found a retirement pasture home. The other I lost track of and wonder about even still. 

This time, it's OUR pony, not my horse. So I had to be even more picky. Lil Star chose me at the rescue. While in the pasture with the horses she stood between me and the others. It took a few weeks just to get a halter on her to bring her home. 

Rehabilitating her after the rescue was about 3 years of hard work. To go from a wild pony that had been abused to a pony that trusted all kinds of people again. Big and little alike. 

Getting her feet done was the biggest obstacle. I went through 3 farriers before I found a farrier that would work with me to work with her. It took us a while, but now.... Any farrier that is GOOD at their job - can do her feet!

So, when this sweet little lady with a house full of foster children came to meet my pony.... I found out about this wonderful rescue Idea she had formed into a non profit. A place for foster children and their parents and foster parents to all feel safe and comfortable.... AROUND HORSES.! 

My pony was going to 'go to work' helping children. 

And so her new story began. It's been a few months now. We keep in touch. I get to enjoy her progress and see how much she has blossomed into the amazing UNICORN I knew deep down inside that she was. 

And even still today, I can call and say hey, and go see her for myself. It's so scary to rehome your horse. It's your baby, it's one of YOUR OWN. and the thought of your baby going to a bad place is a night mare no mama wants to have. 

Our little girl got a wonderful new home!

And a new big sister! 

Please, visit marianasranch.org/

To learn more about this amazing program. 
Make a donation, participate with your own foster children..... attend an event.....

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time Stay safe and Happy Trails.

April 18, 2023

Spring ~ Horse Maintenance

 After a long cold, wet winter... 
Spring is finally on the horizon around here. My girl is shedding, which means there are little hairs flying around. Some getting ingested with her food and hay. 

She had a serious case of Rain Rot when I got her years ago and every time we pasture over the winter, she gets a little bit on her back. {She's not a fan of blankets, we've tried.} So we use our medicated spray when we groom. And the blanket... makes a good BBQ cover.
We use Absorbine Fungasol Spray, for that Rain Rot
easily ordered on line from Statelinetack.com

In addition to all those little hairs flying around, there is the fact that it's been wet and muddy. The grass is low and the ground is more brown than green... 

Even using hay bins and feeders, horses still eat off of the ground. They ingest mud along with their grains and hay. Add that to the little hairs and you can only imagine what's going on inside their tummy in the spring. So it's time to run a week of SandClear

I actually go to TractorSupply to pick this one up. That would be one of the few stores I actually like shopping in, it's always nice to see what's new for the barn. 

Something I do a few days before adding the SandClear to Miss StarBright's diet is - her spring worming. This way we can get rid of the worms and really get her belly cleaned out.

Everyone has their own preferences and Vet recommendations regarding wormers. I personally like to order again, from Statelinetack.com . They have a great AUTO SHIP program so you never forget or miss a worming!
And they carry a large variety of wormers for every type of horse, and location. Yep, your location and weather play a part in the types of worms you have to watch out for.  
Here is one   Deworming Schedule
  • APRIL: Deworm all moderate and high horses with an Ivermectin product or Quest. Deworming of low horses is optional.
  • JULY: Deworm all moderate and high horses with Strongid. Do not deworm Low horses.
  • OCTOBER: Deworm all horses with Quest Plus.
  • DECEMBER: Deworm only High horses with Ivermectin.

Other than Spring and Fall routines, 
My girl is really an easy keeper:

* Lots of fresh water
* Good Timothy and Alfalfa-2 flakes 2x day
* Fresh Pasture 4 - 6 hours daily


* 1 1/2 lbs Senior Kibbles
* Fresh fruit/vegetables

* Mineral Salt Blocks - 2 flavors.

I love what Purina Senior Kibbles and HORSEGUARD has done for her the past few years. She acts half her age and looks it too! We don't lose as much weight over the winter months either.
 I call it a KISS diet! Keep It Simply Satisfying!

Did you know you can order directly from Purina and get it fresher!

We would love for you to share your knowledge 

 Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay Safe and Happy Trails.

April 17, 2023

Upside Down and Right side Up

It's been a crazy stressful couple weeks. I have to say the cold weather has played a part in the negative health issues we're struggling with. Now that the sun is coming out more, perhaps we can get back to a steady work schedule. That will help stabilize the finances a bit.

There have been a lot of prayers going up around here and I've seen a lot of miracles happening every day. Little things and somewhat bigger things. Solutions, one by one as we over come the obstacles. Not out of the woods yet, as they say. But we are seeing a light at the end of the tunnels. 

Some of the things that have happened - 'have never happened to me before in my life'.  Like finding $60 while at the store! or having a check show up a week early... 

I'm in the midst of a difficult decision that I've been needing directional help with. Seems the situation is pushing me to choose my morals over $$ and that will help in the final decision. I'm going to need to rely on Events this summer to help make up for the lost revenue, but I think I will sleep better. 

Sometime, doing what's right is the lesser of value dollar wise, but the greater of value in the long run. Usually the dollars add up and you end up on the better end of things in the end anyway. Doing what's right is always the right thing to do. Even if it means we tighten the budget for a while. 

Things are looking up and getting brighter, stick to your goals. Make those lists. Organize and prioritize. Check off the accomplishments and reward yourself!! Even when you don't feel like your getting very far. Or when you slip up and feel like you have gone backwards. You can look at your lists and see what you HAVE Accomplished, you can see that you are getting closer to what you want to happen...

Sometimes life looks upside down, just keep moving forward and it will turn right side up! 

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay Safe and Happy Trails.

April 16, 2023

Buster wants to go home!

Meet Buster...

It says age unknown, but I know him to be about 5-6 years. He's an amazing sweet boy and longs for his persons. I believe we have found him a few little people to love on. We just need to raise about $1500.00 to adopt Buster and take him to his new home. It's a perfect match on both sides.

I believe when things are meant to happen, they work out.
Hopefully this too shall work out ! 

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright Side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay Safe and Happy Trails.

April 14, 2023

Working with My Girl

 StarBright will be 26 years old next month! So it isn't like she needs 'trained'. Mind you, she isn't broke either. I got her from the original owner that had her mother and brother and her, since birth. He didn't break her, he trained her. 

He also let her have an opinion. As all mares, she's sassy!  I always let my horses have their own mind and her own opinion about things. She's allowed to express herself as long as she's polite about it.

 We've been together over 6 years now and become quite attached to each other. StarBright knows my car and comes running when she sees or hears me when I come to the barn. If she didn't see me, all I have to do is whistle.

She is very vocal and has become quite outspoken since I've had her. I recall at the original barn where I bought her, one of the boarders told me that they had never heard her talk before. We talk to each other every day. She's always nickering while I'm with her. 

Where she is now, is the most 'horse friendly' place she could be, to enjoy being a horse. Her shelter is open to her 24/7 and the little pasture is big enough she can run around and exercise. There are trees for shade and shelter. Slightly rolling hills to graze, lay, roll and play. 2 tubs of water, one fed by a hose the other collects fresh water. Fresh hay twice a day and mom with kibbles and treats for lunch! 

There is a nice dirt road and the neighbor is kind enough to allow the use of her arena and round pen. {My girl hates circles.} We seldom use the round pen, but there are a few jumps and obstacles in the arena to work with, so it's fun to work out and practice. We've been going up and down the road, working on walking in a straight line and not weaving back and forth across the road. Along with the challenge of keeping a  steady pace, both coming and going. She tends to speed up as we head back towards the barn lol. After a couple laps she tries to protest too. A little buck a rear, some attitude. I really don't like a DEAD BROKE horse. So we are a perfect match.

We do 3-4 laps, depending on if she turns and gives freely to go again, or if we have resistance. It also depends on if she breaks her pace. Once she's done a lap or two the right way, we head back to the barn. I must say we're getting pretty smart at figuring it out. The second lap today was perfect.

Still trying to figure out how we are going to get to the trails this summer... But determined to get there.

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay Safe and Happy Trails,

April 11, 2023

New Teeth coming soon

I've been trying to get a dentist to help me get my teeth replaced for a few years now. I can't handle the pain and it would be nice to be able to smile. lol. 

Finally the last tooth ache led me to a new dentist that is actually helping me. We did 2 teeth the first visit. 

Today was the removal of another 4 teeth first thing this morning...  I can finally feel my face, however it is swollen on the right side. The pain is incredible. Thankfully I still have pain pills from the last visit. He did say if I needed more to give them a call. 

We have a couple more visits and then we can go over to the other place to get fitted for our new teeth. Mind you there is going to be a pause in there for a few weeks while it all heals.

It's a liquid, soft diet for a while. I'm already hungry, and have been all day. Time to get creative with some recipes. Jello, Pudding, lots of water, milk, milkshakes, yogurt.... but what else can I eat? We're talking a few weeks of liquid diet. . . 

Supposed to take it easy and rest for the next few days. Infection under one of the teeth has caused the pain to be worse than normal. And I need to make sure it heals before the hole closes... So today I'm a hurting unit.

I'm not sure yet how much my insurance is going to help out. It really all depends on how many teeth we are going to need. I'm trying not to think about it too much, as this all had to be done for the infection. So I really didn't have a choice regarding the bad ones coming out. 

It seems no one likes really going to the dentist. I used to be bothered by the needle they used to numb your mouth. It was huge and metal like something you'd use on an Elephant or something... and the pain....

Glad to see technology finally made it to the dentist office. The needle was much smaller and it took effect much quicker. Because of the infection he had to use a lot, which sucked, I think I got jabbed about 6 times. That might be why it has taken all day to finally feel my mouth again.

I'd love to hear your feelings about 'going to the dentist'. What you like or dislike. Please Feel free to share in the comments.

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails.

April 9, 2023

Happy Easter 2023

 And still He lives!

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails.

Loooooonngg Days

 Today was one of 'em. Easter event at the Auburn Outlet Mall. 

Up early, I pushed the snooze button til 6 AM. Then it was, Up and get ready, load the car, head out. I had to be @ the mall at 8:AM, to set up and then stay open until 7 PM. At which time we pack up, drive home, Crawl out of the car, unload, unpack.. 

It's 10 PM and I need a shower and another cup of coffee {Only had 1 this morning} and then some sleep. 

I have to be to 'work' at 7 AM tomorrow.

I didn't even get to go see my horse today.

It was nice  and warm when I got there, but shortly after the air conditioning got turned on and I got cold. Sitting in a camping chair all day and being cold, my back is KILLING ME at the moment. { Note to self -I need to take a metal chair next time.} Extra pain pills tonight.

It was a really long day for Chanelle too. She's never been away from me this long. She's my co-pilot and always with me. Just the few hours I worked in the mornings were enough to make her miss me! Today, I have to wonder if she thought I was never coming back, being gone almost 12 hours.

It wasn't the best of days for me. I needed a 'good' day and instead I found myself literally 'wedged' between 2 vendors with double spaces and very large displays. We were lost in the shadows. Little bit of financial stress this week - coming up.

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails.

April 7, 2023

Mystery Shopping

Do you want to know more on becoming a mystery shopper? 

Do you want to find the companies that really pay and pay really well? 

I've done mystery shopping for over 25 years and I've kept my list of the best of the best. 

In days of old I would get paid cash $$ referrals for every new person signing up. I've since retired, and only charge a small fee to compensate and give you access to my complete list. 

So here you go! For a whole $5.00 you will have immediate and instant access to the best mystery shopping companies!. 

Are you ready to get paid to watch a movie? Eat at a fine restaurant? 

 You won't find a better deal than this SO What are you waiting for?


Once payment is received you will be directed to the page with all the information to start signing up! If you have any complications you can email me    3horseaddict@gmail.com 

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails.

April 6, 2023

Easter Shopping !! See you Saturday.

Imagine all this for $99 plus shipping!!
Ask me how!

Blessed by God 
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay Safe and Happy Trails.

Helping Fur Babies

Sometimes we pick them up, sometimes they knock on the door. It seems we've turned into a kitty rescue of sorts. With that comes responsibilities. As there is a fine line between being a kitty rescue and a crazy cat person. We are crazy kitty rescue people - lol. 

Bugs have been a battle this spring. Ear mites have invaded our space. The older cats Gizmo and Miss Cleo seem to be suffering the worst. With every over the counter remedy failing we made an appointment for Miss Cleo..... 

Today was her day to go in. The mites were bad and she had to be sedated while they worked on her, so it was a traumatic day! 
Thankfully She's home resting now. 

The bill was bigger than expected... so we're reaching out for a little help.  So Please if you can   

Her bill was $408.00. Which was A little more than what was in the kitty pot.. 

On Faith We made Old man Gizmo's appointment, which is estimated at about the same amount.

 We are hoping to raise about $500 to pay the balance of Cleo's bill and get Gizmo taken care of. His ears are just as bad if not worse. Every little bit helps and all Donations are greatly appreciated by all of us here at the Bright side of the Barn.

Gizmo turned 12 years old last fall! 
Pretty handsome for a Senior.

Most often I pay the vet bills myself. This year with the rising costs of food, litter and helping the wild feeders, we pretty much spent the kitty pot. Papa's health has kept him from working steady so the kitty pot doesn't get as much as it used too. 

Believe me, Every little bit helps, and We all Thank you!

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by,
Until next time, Stay Safe and Happy Trails. 

What is this Blog about?


 When I started the BRIGHT SIDE OF THE BARN - it was for me. 

 A place to heal.

 I love to write, and have been blessed with a couple pieces published. I've always wrote letters, to myself or to others as a means of sorting out how I felt or how I wanted to react to something. Or to express myself without being misunderstood or misrepresented by the stigma of 'he said' 'she said'. My words were fact - in black and white. No dispute.

 I could rewrite, where as with words once spoken, they are said.

 So, when it comes to healing 'writing' made sense. Why a blog? Why make it public? Why share? From my end, it's like sitting in a group therapy, or class. Feedback sometimes can be the answer your looking for. But, you don't get feedback if you don't open up.

 My mom  once told me that it wasn't about what I was going through, it was about the people watching me go through it. They needed to see the way out. My mom put a lot of the world on my shoulders as a child.. lol. 

 I think it's the OPENING UP part that helps us heal. We've let it out, released the pressure, tension, burden.... Once out, there is nothing to HOLD so you feel lighter.

 The first post was nothing more than a welcome and announcement that I had deleted any and all previous social media and blogs. There was NOTHING of me on the internet at the time I started...

 The 3rd post is where we really dig in and BEGIN..... You can read it here

  ~ Illness X

 It's taken most of my life's journey so far to get here.... and understand me. In the last 4 years I've come to the place of peace and have the ability to look forward. For me now - Life is GOOD. 

 A lot of things have happened and we've shared many emotions along the journey.  Together we've come to a happy place and moving forward. It has touched my heart at how many have come along on this journey with me, with us. I love each and every one of you. 

 I accidently deactivated this blog once, couple years ago. A few folks went to alot of trouble to find me and ask me about it. It was an accident. But the experience, made me realize that someone out there really enjoys this little blurp of mine. Perhaps, someone struggles as I do.?

 Other than having to recreate myself financially and the added burden of Papa's decreasing health.... life is looking up. And we shall continue to blog the randomness of my life.! So I hope you all stick around and enjoy the journey with me as we continue to grow older {never old}. 

Life's a journey enjoy the ride!

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails. 

April 3, 2023

Every little bit helps

 Life on a fixed income isn't pleasant unless your fix is substantially greater than the current cost of living, And for most of us, it isn't. 

Social Security, disability, retirements, 401 K's ~ our paycheck is dipped into and a little bit goes here and a little bit goes there.... and then ~ you need it.... but the cost of living has increased 3x's what you expected. 

So what you end up getting is 'just enough' if your lucky ~ to 'get by'. 

 Many of us have 'side gigs' or 'hobbies' or second jobs that help add to the income. Direct sales has helped supplement our income, as well as 'affiliate links'. There are many ways to earn a 'few extra bucks'. You don't have to gamble away your savings hoping to 'hit it big'. 

 Pennies add up...

 Google has an ad link program and so does Amazon, Party lite, Simply Fun games and so many others..... Simple links added to a blog or social media site can start earning you pennies for every click or a percent on actual purchases. 

 If your worried about your bank account, get PayPal. Send your 'extra' earning to the PayPal account. Watch it grow. It's going to be a slow process, I'm not saying this is a 'get rich' overnight plan. 

 No, I'm sharing a way to get a little bit extra, to help you get from one check to the next. Who knows, a few people have actually 'hit it big'...

 Another great way to enjoy life and get paid for it, is to 'mystery shop'. Becoming a professional customer service evaluator can actually lead to a good 'extra income'. I've made almost $1000 in a month just mystery shopping. It was a 'busy' month. But I did it to see if it could be done and yes it can. 

 I personally was connected to over 25 companies that employ mystery shoppers or professional inspectors. I would accept jobs and schedule my shops with various companies so that I could earn the most from the day. 

 An example would be ~ getting up and doing a FRED MEYERS grocery shop, then over to SAFEWAY for a quick shop there. Stop by BROWN BEAR and get the car washed on my way to the mall to stop by T MOBILE and inquire about new phones, stop at AUNTIE ANNES for a pretzel and drink. Shop and return at a couple HIGH END RETAILERS. Make a small purchase at another shop in the mall, then it's off to the theater to WATCH A MOVIE and finally a stop at DAVE AND BUSTERS for dinner.....

Yes, every CAPPED title in that paragraph earned me money. That day was about $150.00 profit. Just a few years ago.

 I'm older now, I still do PRICE AUDITS at ROSS for $20 and get $25 to have my car washed at BROWN BEAR. I can't give up those two..... My health has prevented me from running from morning to night, so I've had to look for alternative ways to make ends meet. I have medical and mental complications so life has become more challenging.

 I have always been affiliated with a direct sales company since I was 15. There is always a few extra bucks there to be made. From Avon to Tupperware. Weekend events during summer months and winter holidays are always fun as well. Now, with the internet and social media, I've learned to rely more on affiliate links and on line sales.

 If you'd like to know more about mystery shopping leave me a comment in the box to the right. If you love on line shopping please visit anyone of the links in my title bar and/or below.

 Thank you and know that when you shop here, you are helping a senior citizen with a fixed income, support her fur babies and enjoy the grandchildren. God Bless you.

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails.

As well as shopping at any of the ads sponsored on our blog, will help.

April 1, 2023

Up Next ~ Easter Weekend.

April 8th Easter Market!

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay Safe and Happy Trails.

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2024 Event Schedule

2024 Event Schedule ~

Mark your calendars and  join us at any of the following events this summer. July 9th ~ 16th ~ 23rd ~ 30th ~ Hometown Market  Tues Nights in...

Like what you see at the Bright side of the Barn?