April 30, 2021

Against the Odds

 2006 I was 41-42. A collapse in the Safeway parking lot led to 5 days in the hospital and a lot of confusion. I went home with oxygen tanks and told this would be the rest of my life. I had never been in a hospital before except to have babies. I was crushed. 

COPD, a heart condition {possible stroke}, high blood pressure.... the list was long. 

Forever packing an oxygen tank was longer. 

It was less than 6 months and the tanks were gone, I was breathing on my own. I still struggle from time to time. Inhalers are a part of my everyday life. I can live with that!

ABOUT 6 years ago, the doctor discovers osteoporosis and degenerative disc disease DDD, in the same places in my lower back. It didn't take a fortune teller to know a wheel chair would be in the future. 

I BOUGHT A HORSE , I mean 2, then 3 then 4 all together. 

If I'm going to end up unable to ride, I'm going to ride until I'm unable. 

I rode yesterday and it was fantastic. 

DECEMBER 12/2019, I was in my first ever major car accident, only it was 2 half 3/4 ton trucks. It was my first ambulance ride, my first broken bones... fractured sternum and several ribs, both front and back, broken foot... Shoulder messed up... Bruises like I've never seen. 

If the hit would have been 6 " further back , I might not be here. 

6 WEEKS LATER during my recovery I ended up  sicker than death.... 3 days of hell. 

Only to find out later the VIRUS had been at the hospital I was at in December, and it was a HOT SPOT for the VIRUS. Doctor figured I HAD IT. 

I will be 57 this year. I made it against the odds. {And there were so many other obstacles to overcome as well. }

Because of the COPD they want me to have flu and pneumonia shots regularly. Now with the virus, everyone is running out to get vaccinated. 


I'm still here. I've survived this long against the odds, I think I shall continue to ride against the odds and stay vaccine and virus FREE. 

Here's to your health! Love you all. 

Blessed by God 
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails.

April 28, 2021


 This is the day we've waited and worked patiently for. Lil Star was adopted to us just over a year ago. She came with some issues to overcome. 

It was a day to never forget. My granddaughter stayed the night and my son was coming with his truck to pull my horse trailer to go get her. 

6 am, "Grama wake up, today's the day we go get my pony".

We waited until after 8 to call my son. My daughter in law informed me, that he had been awake since about 7, waiting for my call. 

We arrived at the rescue. It took a few minutes of coaching to get Lil Star to load. All the while my granddaughter was hanging out the back window of the truck, "Come on lil Star, let's go home to Grama's, come on Lil Star". 

She loaded we left. 

Buck, rear, kick, bite, run crazy..... brush her, touch her feet - all out of the question. 

Now here we are today,......

She comes to the gate to greet you, leads, lunges, loads. Bathes, grooms  and now gives me her feet. 

We'll see how she does with the farrier next week. She's had her hooves done twice now so far. I'm hoping it's less of a fight this time..

She's taken the bridle, had on the saddle. Wears a blanket and taken walks down the trail...

We've put weight on her back and she's hauled 40 lb bags of bedding from the car to the barn. 

But this is a FIRST...

The expression on her face says it all. 

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails. 

April 25, 2021

They Stopped Teaching

Back when I went to school you had at least 6-8 classes a day and you learned

  • Reading and Reading Comprehension
  • Printing and Cursive writing
  • Grammar, Punctuation, SPELLING, and your Penmanship !
  • Math at all levels, add - subtract - multiply - divide were basic.
  • Social Studies, Government {Scary, we were taught how it's supposed to work }
  • History - American and World
  • Geography
  • Science
  • PE
And then there were
  • Home Economics - how to cook, clean and sew...etc
  • Wood Shop 
  • Metal Shop
  • Photography
  • Art
  • Music
And there was other electives I couldn't tell you how many


They stopped teaching you the electives first. 
  • now food comes packaged ready to go
  • furniture comes prefabbed and just needs put together or it's completely premade
They stopped teaching the basics
  • They turned math around and confused everyone then tried to turn it back
  • They stopped teaching cursive writing {Did you know the Constitution is written in cursive and many people can't actually read it}
  • How many graduates out there are there that don't know how to read.? 
And you expect them to vote? wisely?

Start at home

Teach your children to read, write and balance the checkbook. Keep their room clean, take care of their things and respect the neighbors....

Spend time as a family and talk. Feelings matter! 

We can rebuild America, we can 


Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay Safe and Happy Trails.

April 23, 2021

Bonding Time

Nothing but love here....

A girl and her pony

Spending time together

Love at it's finest!

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails.

April 22, 2021


the accomplishment of an aim or purpose.
 "there is a thin line between success and failure"

So what makes


I'm thinking would be to accomplish what ever it is you are aiming for. 
This doesn't necessarily mean 'wealth' or 'money'.

If your desire is to simply 'own your own home' and you are buying your house, that would make you a success! Be proud of yourself for accomplishing your goal.

Success isn't just for the rich or famous. 

We live in a world of Successful people, however many do not view themselves as a success story.

It has often been said "The only way to fail is to quit on yourself". 

Success can simply be, because you are still trying. That effort alone is a sign of a successful person. 

Too often we feel like we have failed, simply because we have not attained that objective that we were striving for. 

Stop trying to get rich. Try to get comfortable. 

Stop shopping for a mansion and look for a house. 

If you really want to reach the top and have the biggest house/mansion. You start with a cabin and work your way up.

Keep your dreams and lower your goals.

Every time you accomplish a step closer you have successfully achieved a stone towards your dream. Every time you achieve a stone, you feel more successful and more empowered. The more empowered you feel the greater your efforts will become towards the dream. 

Success comes in all shapes sizes and efforts. 

A 14 year old girl working to buy her own horse, is a success story in itself and I can bet she'll go far in life. 

What is success? There are many definitions, but there's one thing all the greats agree on: Success only comes by persevering despite failure.

"Success is not final; failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts." -- Winston S. Churchill

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails.

April 21, 2021

To Assume

 Makes an ass out of you.

Can you see SPOT the dog

Years back, my youngest son attended a party at a friends. 
An accident happened and the medics arrived. 
-the apartment complex was known for drugs, so my son was mishandled by the paramedics.
-when someone told the medics his mother lived in a motel they called the father. 
This action was a violation of a PROTECTION ORDER  naming the mother and the son. 

After the situation at the hospital and a night of hell. Both I and my son safely returned to the motel. With a full POLICE ESCORT.

The following day I received a call from the Fire Marshall. 

APOLOGIZING for his crew and their actions. 

According to the attorney who wanted the case and to sue....... 
I had a winner. 


My response to the Fire Marshall

"You of all people. Hear that someone lives in a motel and assumes the worse of them. How do you not know my house BURNT TO THE GROUND and I am in a motel waiting for insurance funds"

I could hear the shame in his voice. 

He told me this story would become part of his future training, and I hope he was a man of his word. 

NEVER ASSUME YOU KNOW SOMETHING when you truly know nothing about it. 

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails.

April 20, 2021


 I hope everyone had an amazing day. Mine was fantastic! 

Busy. Payday for me usually is. Pet food, Horse food, hay, bedding, Bills, Groceries and a couple other stops. There was a 100 gal water tub to dump and clean, as well as regular chores. I did get to spend some time with the horses, and working on videos ..... 

I don't know if Lil Star is practicing Barrel racing, or figure 8's... but she sure was having fun today.

Tim came out to the barn a couple times with me, working on the videos. .We have a "Barn Tour" parts one and two. Visit my YouTube channel for the videos we have uploaded so far. 

My amazing new Barn landlords. . . Handed me a mini saddle to use with Lil Star! A bit of cleaning up and I need to find a mini saddle pad... and let the training Phase two begin.....

I'm so excited! 

When I text my granddaughter a picture, she shrieked! so I'm told. We're getting into a bit of a good training routine. Lil Star has come a long ways! 

Lil Star is starting to stand still for the entire time while being groomed. This now includes cleaning all 4 feet and brushing her tail! I'm so proud of her

It was a really Beautiful day here. I hope yours was as warm and bright as well.

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails.

April 15, 2021

Today was a great day!

The new babies slept through the night.... 1 am to 6 am..
They don't seem to be missing their mommy. And Sophia is settling right in as a new mommy..

The horses came running to the gate tonight.! It was only the second day in pasture. Yesterday they made me walk around the field for a couple laps. Today, they came running. 

Just look at the beautiful mountain view they have. ..

I'm feeling pretty accomplished tonight. I was out watering the back yard and took a few pictures.
The green house is finally up and 'running' so to speak. 



This time, we have about 8 stakes securing the frame and canopy. It shouldn't blow away again..... {Hopefully}. 

Plus, it helps block the view of the houses behind us. 

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails.

April 13, 2021

Long overdue.

 Well, it's been six months about since I threw away the "hair cutting scissors". 

This would be the longest my hair has been in over 35 years! 

2 of my kids have never seen me with this much hair. 

I did have a long tail for a long time, but the front and sides were always short! 

Super short sometimes.....

Back in the beginning when I first cut it short. I put 2 rubber bands on it. One next to the back of my neck and another about a foot further down. This is the original piece of hair the was beyond the second band...

{I had really long hair, even before that. About a foot had previously been cut off....}

I had promised my mother that someday, I would let it grow again. She was sure I never would.... Mind you she's passed on now, but I'd like to think she still knows. 

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails.

April 11, 2021



the fact or condition of being addicted to a particular substance, thing, or activity.

Whoa! Say that again....

the fact or condition of being addicted to a particular 



or activity.

I guess this explains my email address...


I admit I'm addicted to my horses!

I admit that the only 'bad' things I've ever done is 

smoke marijuana {yes, I inhaled multiple times}

and drink alcohol. {easy to quit after getting away from crisis situation}

What about ?

  • chocolate
  • ice cream
  • food in general
  • gambling
  • collecting things, which later becomes hoarding
  • Video games or Facebook?

  • ? ______________ What's your addiction?
I admit I'm addicted to cigarettes - and I'm having a hella time trying to quit permanently.

I relapse.

It's hard to quit.

I can't imagine the struggle of a drug addiction.

So I googled..... "What makes drugs addictive."

The following is from ...

What Is drug addiction?

Addiction is a chronic disease characterized by drug seeking and use that is compulsive, or difficult to control, despite harmful consequences. The initial decision to take drugs is voluntary for most people, but repeated drug use can lead to brain changes that challenge an addicted person’s self-control and interfere with their ability to resist intense urges to take drugs. These brain changes can be persistent, which is why drug addiction is considered a "relapsing" disease—people in recovery from drug use disorders are at increased risk for returning to drug use even after years of not taking the drug.

It's common for a person to relapse, but relapse doesn't ........

I didn't copy the entire page to violate any copyright.. 
.. Please click on the link and read the complete page.

Until we understand the obstacle, we can't figure out how to move it.

I have family that struggles with addiction. 
Sometimes we've lost 
- this time we want to win
... So we pray.

Blessed by God
Life's still good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails. 

April 10, 2021

Here Kitty Kitty

 Meet "The Tuxedo Kid"... one of the two newest members of the family to be coming home soon. A sibling, "Lil Sylvester" will be coming home too. 

I'm worse than a kid when it comes to babies..

My Miss Sophia is going on 14 years old, she  was in the truck accident with me and has had some complications since. 

I know her time is coming soon, we've come close a couple times. 

Sophia never got to have puppies. When ever I bring home a kitten, she treats it like her own. 

All 3 of my cats and Sophia are 'family', it's pretty cute. 

So, when the stray showed up at my daughters and delivered 5 kittens. The decision to give Sophia a couple more kittens was made. 

This way she has babies one more time, and hopefully they will help me with the loss when it's her time.

We are truly a cat family... Just ask MoJo, Gizmo and Miss Cleo.{top to bottom}

Animals make the world go around. Love unconditional and always there.

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails

April 8, 2021

When Cars Break Down - God knows.

 I could put a chapter in my book on this subject.... Regarding how many times my car/truck has broke down and where or when....

God has been good to my family. 

More often than not, it happens at home. Conveniently. For my sake and the kids. 

Some of the stories and how it happened.... And for the road side stops...


Most recently the day before Easter I got up to go feed horses and the car wouldn't start..... DEAD BATTERY. 

God bless my kids for coming to my rescue. Thank God it didn't happen just the trip before when it was midnight I had my grandson with me... That would have been horrible stranded with the little one in the middle of the night. 

Thank God !!


My most amazing RESCUE story. .  .  .  .  .

FYI : This is the truest definition of a miracle.

"Lucky" 1976 Ford Leprechaun Class C.

Lucky was good to me, he gave me a Spring season at the lighthouse and the winter at a campground... 

My youngest daughter was pregnant and with me when I was headed to my oldest daughters. Lucky broke down. My son came to help. After hours of working on it, we decided to try get it up the hill, closer to my daughters. 

Half way up the hill, Lucky died. My son was in his little Jeep behind me. He put on his 4 ways and we both jumped out of the vehicles about the same time...

Mind you , this is happening just after dark, in the rain, in 5 o'clock traffic. On a hill going up.

We had just walked up to each other and were about to discuss what to do.....

And a TOW TRUCK pulls up beside me and asks if WE NEED A PULL?

He gave us a tow up to the Bingo hall, where security stated the only way I could park overnight is if we went in and PLAYED.. 

Broke from buying parts ~ the tow truck driver gave me $20 to go play BINGO... so I could be there over night without hassle.

After 'playing bingo' 'working on the RV'.. My son went home and we settled in for the night. 

A knock at the door......

Security with PIZZA HUT!! 
  • 2 Pizza's
  • Bread sticks
  • tray of Lazanya
  • tray of Alfrato
  • and 2 liter of pop

If that's not a MIRACLE, I don't know what a Miracle is...

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails

April 5, 2021

Chillin at the Barn.

 She let me braid her tail today! After letting me clean her back feet... Mind you she had her eyes on me the whole time...

It's been almost a year since Lil Star came to be a part of my family. When she came home, she was scared ~ kicking, biting, bucking, rearing up... and literally running circles around you when you'd put a lead or lunge line on her. It took the better part of 5 months to get her front feet trimmed. Just a couple months ago she finally had her back feet done.
Things have changed. She's come so far! This is another big milestone for her. 
And Now, I'm pretty sure she be able to get all 4 feet done without fighting George too much.

My girl just had to stick her head out to say "Hay"... She's really loving life at the new Barn. Big stalls, roomy warm and bright.! There are sort of sky lights so it's never dark in there. {Love it}

She's starting to get her weight back, wounds are healing, scars fading.. Such a personality. Love this girl. 

Love it when I can spend time at the barn with the horses, and just BE. It was really a beautiful day today. ! 

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay Safe and Happy Trails.

April 2, 2021

Happy Easter!

 We all love the bunnies and baby chicks.... 

Kids running around hunting eggs... Bright colors and spring flowers! 

I also thank the Lord for the great gift He gave us. 

The true meaning of Easter and all it represents. 

I hope everyone has an amazing Easter weekend, and can take a minute to thank the one that gave us this great gift. 

and of course Happy Hunting Kids! 

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for Stopping by
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails.

April 1, 2021

The Calm after the Storm.

 It's really a new energy around the barn.

 Not once have either of the girls called out to Polaris. Not when he was leaving the barn and loading to go, not when I came back alone. They have went in and out to pasture and not even looked around for him. 

Now if they get out of each others sight. You hear about it!! Whether I'm riding StarBright down the trail one way, or walking Lil Star down the trail the other way. They call out to each other.   

They are bonded. 

They connected last year when we first brought Lil Star home.  After a year of mourning our loss of Buddy, it was time for StarBright to have a new partner. 

I really should have stopped at the one. Getting the third horse, was probably my first mistake in this endeavor. 

The girls get along and will eventually go down the trails together... Right now they go in and out to pasture together and I can graze both of them together.

Lil Star is about to start taking riders! She just doesn't completely agree with it yet. Work outs are starting daily, now that we don't have to handle the storm, there is extra time... Both in the mornings and afternoons. She's going to be ready in no time!

Especially since My stress level has disappeared. Making the barn once again the Happy Place. The place it needs to be. 

When I pull in the gate at the barn, everything else is left on the road. I don't pick life back up until I'm pulling out again. This is why it's impossible to reach me, when I'm at the barn. The phone is probably in the car, Or on Pandora with the ringer turned off.

Another beautiful day in my neighborhood. I hope you have sunshine as well. I'm off to the barn for chores. 

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails.

2024 Event Schedule

2024 Event Schedule ~

Mark your calendars and  join us at any of the following events this summer. July 9th ~ 16th ~ 23rd ~ 30th ~ Hometown Market  Tues Nights in...

Like what you see at the Bright side of the Barn?