January 22, 2022

Franklin - Wa. The Mine Shaft

 Yesterday on the way to the horses we went back to the -

Franklin Ghost Town. . . .
I made the walk up the hill to the mine shaft!!
1300 feet down... and it looks like someone was trying to cut through the grate in the middle . (Obviously not a smart person.) You can see down just a few feet then it gets dark.
I cant help but wonder what lays at the bottom. It was 1980's before the grate was laid down.The mine closed in the early 1900's.
I could feel a presence, so I chose not to go on to the Cemetery further up the trail. The bodies might be there,, but the spirits are definitely here.

Visit the link for more of our visit to Franklin WA - Ghost Towns

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails.

January 20, 2022

Let's go for a walk!


Sylvester loves 'the go outside' part. Exploring the yard and smelling everything!

Ask him about the 'first car ride' and that is another story all together. 

It's going to take a few rides and a good adventure on the other end of the ride, to convince him it's a 'good thing'. 


Now Tux on the other hand, is the one I expected to hold back. He's a bigger, more laid back kinda guy. 

But when you open the door, he's the first to go down the stairs and start exploring. 

Now, he hasn't done his first car ride yet. I'm thinking I should probably do it with them together.

Maybe Sylvester will like it more then too!

Life's an adventure, Explore! {It's more fun with your fur babies}

I found the perfect harnesses online, and in a large variety of colors to choose from. 2 primary sizes and they adjust several inches. I bet almost every cat would fit one size or the other. 

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails.

January 18, 2022

Enough Already...

It's been about a month since Charlie moved in, increasing the cat family by one.

More recently - this little guy has been coming to the window. 

It was pretty obvious he wanted to come in...

He played so hard the first night, he wore everyone out!

  He's made himself right at home.

Increasing the cat family by one more.

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails.

January 17, 2022

January 11, 2022

2022 Adventure Tour

This is the year to explore! 

One way or another I shall again have a horse trailer, so I can take my horses. Meanwhile, we've been exploring trails and finding which ones are good for the horses an good for the bikes... and imagine that, We've stumbled onto some fascinating places.

This year, the plan is to purposely find some fascinating places. There are several ghost towns in our state, many within an hours drive. I have a thing for lighthouses and this is the west coast!! 

"Start planning your next adventure"......

Washington Trails Association ~ WTA.org


Ghost Towns of Washington 

Washington Light houses

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails.

The Donation Button


Some have wondered why the donation button and where do the funds go...

A couple years ago when searching for my 'next' horse, I came across a small rescue. Nearly 70 horses had been abandon on this ladies property. 

Through a long detailed story ~ the horses were granted to her possession, for her to nurture and find homes for them. 

Stallions needed gelding, feet needed done, worming and shots. All cost money and many of the horses were from bad situations so they were hard to handle. Many volunteers and much work has been done.

There is about 25 horses left to home. . . they still need feet done regularly, shots and worming... On top of the hay which doubles in the winter. 

There is another horse rescue nearby that often needs funds for a surgery or to help rescue a horse headed to slaughter. Transportation from abandon homes to the 'rescue'...

When ever we get a donation, it goes somewhere it's needed. 

There may even be an occasion where an elder with a horse is in need of help with hay, or a vet bill.... when I get wind of something like this, if there's money in the bin, we do what we can.

You would be surprised by what a few bucks can do. . . even when only a few people help out. 

Now you know why we have a donation link set up with our paypal and a button up top with the pages.

God Bless and have an Amazing day!

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails.

January 10, 2022

Franklin WA ~ Ghost Towns

Find directions @ WTA 


We took a minute on our way from home in Black Diamond to Enumclaw where the horses are, to detour to a small town, nearly forgotten.....

Franklin, The first Ghost Town on 

our new 2022 Adventure Tour. 

This is only part one. We have to return!
We have more to explore. We went up one of the trails to the right. Next time, we'll go left to the cemetery and mine shaft.

I have a feeling there was more hidden under the black berry bushes than the eye could see....

I found it fascinating how so many trees looked 'dead' as if they too died with the town...

Random bricks and bits of foundations...

We live in such a beautiful place, rich in history....

Bonus on the way home, we found a small unnamed cemetery off the side of the road..

A little fresh air and exercise is good for the soul as well as the body! I love the adventures.... stay tuned for more! 
Cause I gotta go back!

And I did! I made the hike up the hill to the Mine Shaft.

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails.

Is this the beginning of the End?

Concentration camps coming to Washington for the unvaxed....... This vaccine is looking more and more like the mark of the beast and a trip to Hell.

A friend posted in the community of Maple Valley and Black Diamond...
Received an email about this. Is it true ? If so this is so scary and never thought things like this could happen in our country. Regardless on your stance on covid vaccine we can't let this happen due to people panicking. if so please be aware here is email message
: On January 12th at 9:30 AM – 3:30 PM, the Washington State Board of Health will discuss applying current infectious disease WAC codes (Washington Administrative Code) to include Covid-19 for all WA State residents. We are asking that you would take this time and pray earnestly against this. 2 Timothy 2:7 says, “God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind.” We can be in peace knowing that God is with us in the midst of this.
Below is information on the policies, ways that you can voice your concerns, and the WAC codes.
• Allowing local health officers to use law enforcement (WAC 246-100-070) to force an emergency order to involuntarily detain a person or group of persons (families) to be isolated in a quarantine facility (WAC 246-100-045) following refusal to voluntary comply with requests for medical examination, testing, treatment, counseling, vaccination (WAC 246-100-040). These specifics come from (WAC 246-100).
• Including the Covid-19 injections as part of school immunization requirements using (WAC 246-105.)
How to fight back:
Email mailto:wsboh@sboh.wa.gov . Example of what to say: ” I am completely against any of the proposed Covid Policies that are over reaching and immoral. We stand against these proposed WAC’s: WAC 246-100-070, WAC 246-100-045, WAC 246-100-040, WAC 246-100, WAC 246-105. ”
Dial-in using your phone for listen-only mode:
Call in: tel:+12532158782 (not toll-free)
Webinar ID: 894 7406 4216
Passcode: 957396
Location: 101 Israel Rd. SE, Tumwater, WA 98501
Comments must be in by this Friday, Jan. 7th at noon.

I also received an email with this link....

Today, a federal court in Louisiana expanded on that ruling and blocked the vaccine mandate nationwide.

Our world is changing and we don't even know it.

It's time to BELIEVE!

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by 
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails

January 7, 2022


 Snow since Christmas, it's been cold and miserable outside. Not much gets done. Except 'lounging'....

The kittens have been staying close to each other since Sophia's passing. Tux is taking it harder than Sylvester. She was like a 'mama' to them and they slept with her every night. Now they stay close to me.

The bad weather keeps us from wanting to go anywhere or really do much of anything. I have so much pain in my back and foot - that it's hard to move around much in the cold, much less 'do anything'. 

When the kids were young, we'd play board games and watch movies together during the holidays, snuggle up and stay in when the weather was bad. 

We had a wood stove downstairs in 'the old house' and the kids were always complaining I had the house 'too hot'.... 
oh do I miss that raw wood heat.... nothing warms the bones like it! 

This year, I found myself passing the time doing jigsaw puzzles.

 It's incredibly relaxing somehow. Your mind let's go of stress and things that need solving. You find yourself drifting, Reminiscing about years past.. { At least I do.}

I remember growing up, my mother always had a puzzle table with a new puzzle going on. Everyone would spend some time sitting there working on it. . Company would come for coffee and find themselves placing a piece or two. 

Many hours were spent 'relaxing' in front of a puzzle, together as a family. And Damn - I find myself really missing my family this year.........

My kids didn't really know my family, the people I grew up with. My parents, siblings and such. They know nothing of the way I grew up, how we interacted and the things we did together. What we believed, how we celebrated. ..

They never got to know my family, my own kids really don't know me or where I come from, or anything about my life.

Hell, my own kids really don't know ME at all. 


Truthfully - I feel like my family and my kids are like two separate families. It's been hard.

I'm finding that being alone without a dog for the first time in 20 years, has made me feel really alone. I talk to my animals. I've spent more time in therapy with my dogs than with any human being. That dog knew me better than anyone! The horses know some things.... guess they are going to find out more.

This year is having a really rough start. 

Missing family

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails.

January 1, 2022

The First Day of the New Year

 We have a lot of work to do this year, if we are going to get the horses out on the trails together. 

A friend gave me this wonderful booklet on Liberty training, so we shall be learning as well as teaching this season. Our little horse is ready to ride and she's very eager to learn and to please. 

The bond forming with her and my granddaughter is so incredible.  

I can't wait until we ride together.! 

2022 is going to be a fantastic year! I can feel it!

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the barn.
Thanks for stopping by, 
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails.

If you would like to make a donation to help us help the local horse rescues, please visit us @ paypal.me/horseaddict

2024 Event Schedule

2024 Event Schedule ~

Mark your calendars and  join us at any of the following events this summer. July 9th ~ 16th ~ 23rd ~ 30th ~ Hometown Market  Tues Nights in...

Like what you see at the Bright side of the Barn?