March 31, 2020

Another 2 weeks

As I said before, 2 weeks is not 14 days.

I heard today on the news, we're talking 30 days this round.

And the next 2 week will be the worst.....

We will never be the same,
we will never see the 'normal' we used to have.
The world has been changed forever.

And for the first time since the great flood,
the whole world is affected by the same thing.

But ~ Don't mention the thought of God, or the reality of God.

Nobody wants to have to think about their conscience now.
Nobody wants to feel conviction for their ways.

Let's not mention the BiBLE predicted this.
And it's happening exactly as the BIBLE said it would.

If this is real.... Is hell real?
Has this book been right all along?

Fighting with each other is the last thing on the minds of our leaders.
The world on the same page? !! 

One world order?   Hilter's dream!

There talking a year for a vaccine.

Do you think you will ever be comfortable going to a sporting event or a concert again?

Sitting next to someone you don't know anything about?

Personal bubble "space" has been redefined.

The debt for this is never going to be able to be repaid to our country.
We're broke. And so is everyone else.

Shopping will never be the same again.

Ironically, the internet and uber delivery arrived before the virus. 
How many would be starving because they don't know how to cook?

It's going to take a while to get through this
and over this one.

The best thing to do is stop thinking it's going to go back to 'normal'.

Stop putting a date and time limit on it.

Start a new routine and adapt yourself to a new normal.

One day at a time.

Blessed by God,
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay Healthy and Happy Trails. 

March 29, 2020

Be the Leader

Apparently, yesterdays post was a hit?

Thanks for joining us.

Sometimes those numbers amaze me. And it just goes to show you, you really don't know how many people you affect with what you say, what you do and how you react.

My mother put the world on my shoulders when I was a little one.

I was continually reminded, that I had to be strong and an example. As there were others watching, and they may not have the strength to endure the situation, so they needed to see someone succeed. ...

Another of her teachings was that I should always be thankful that it was happening to me, and not to someone that wasn't strong enough to handle it. ...

As I said, My mother put the world on my shoulders when I was little.

I'm not sure where she got the idea that I was strong enough to handle it? But she was sure that I could endure and handle anything, to the point that I was responsible for succeeding, so that others may follow.

When my older brother was losing everything and life was falling apart. He said to me, you have to get through this, if you don't make it, I never will. ...

He's 11 years older than myself. So don't down play the seriousness of my mothers words.

She was so intimidating to people, that a childhood friend waited 40 years until she passed to contact me, as he was afraid of her....

Powerful woman she was indeed.


 Some people are born with it.

It's not being a control freak, it's knowing how to succeed.

Not a follower.

Leaders teach... 

My grandson was going stir crazy as I'm sure many are. I picked him up for the weekend to help with some projects @ the Barn. We're building a chicken/duck yard, so the little ones can be outside during the day. He helped with the design, picked out the paint, helped buy and load the wood and wire. On line order to Lowe's and a quick pick up {keep it safe}. 

We're still putting the wire around it, I wanted to let the wire stretch and rest so it wouldn't be so hard to pull tight. Instead of snapping back up in a roll while we work.

Now what I don't have a picture of and the biggest lesson learned in this....

Is how we got an 8'4" square frame out of an 8' barn door.

Grandson says,

next time we build it outside or small enough to get through the door!

The best lessons learned are the ones we never forget!

Stay healthy and safe out there.
Be a good example, Be a leader!!
In these times of uncertainty,
we need strong level headed people!

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by,
Until next time, Stay healthy and Happy Trails.

March 27, 2020

Just 2 WEEKS

My youngest daughter could tell you what 2 weeks really means.

Because it doesn't mean 14 days.

When we were going through some hard times, a check would come every 2 weeks.
With every 2 weeks there was a glimmer of hope, that this would be the last 2 weeks of hell.

However, 2 weeks can turn into 2 years or longer.


2 weeks is a significant amount of time to pass, while adjusting in smaller increments to the situation at hand.
2 weeks avoids panic.
2 weeks feels do-able.....
2 more weeks isn't that long,
after all we've already gone 2 weeks we can do 2 more..

And 2 more.....

When you tell someone 2 weeks it doesn't overload their system.

If the government was to announce that this could last 3 months, people would have went into panic mode, far worse than they already are.

Tell folks this might take a year to recover and we are talking PANIC on more levels than you care to imagine.

So they say 2 weeks....
 {keep in mind how many  2 weeks it's already been}

By doing it this way, you have the opportunity to rationalize in your own mind, that this is going to take longer than 2 weeks.


The government isn't trying to take over our lives.

They are trying to get the selfish ignorant people to realize that they are putting everyone at risk, by acting like this is nothing.

If we could all do the same thing for the same 2 weeks, we'd be half way back to "0".

No one knows how long it will take or how many 2 weeks we will go through to get to the other side.

I do know from past experience that it doesn't end,

 but it does turn around.

Things become better in a couple weeks, then they get even better a couple weeks later and it continues until.....

I've had 2 years of 'home sweet home' after too many years of living in hell.

So give it a couple more weeks. .... We'll get through this.

Blessed by God,
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn,
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay healthy and Happy Trails.

March 22, 2020

At Home with the Kids

All across our Nation, folks are still trying to digest and accept what is happening. Trying to understand and not panic. Trying to cope and have hope. 

Our economy changed forever from what we know. The government telling us to stay home and they will give us money?

The government talks about the numbers infected and the numbers passed away. But you don't hear much about the number of the survivors.

Minds are whirling at the thoughts invoked by ships being brought in and turned into hospitals. Treatment shelters set up on soccer fields. Schools and motels converted to house the sick.

The President said it right when he said we were in a war with an invisible enemy.

How do you stay calm, how do you help your children understand why they can't go to school and why they can't play with their friends. You don't get much chance to keep it from them, with everything that's going on in front of our eyes.

You breathe.

You get up every day and you have breakfast with your family and consider this time a blessing to be able to be with our families. How many times do we work too much and our families are so far away, even though we live under the same roofs. Use this opportunity to get to know each other. To spent time together. To love one another.

Use this opportunity to get all those things done that you have never found the time to do. It's spring time. And with everything going on, it's a perfect time to do some deep spring cleaning!! Top to bottom, inside and out. Get rid of the junk and set up a place to enjoy in your yard, on your deck or just in the house or apartment.

A lady at the store the other day was buying herself flowers. If she's going to be locked in the house for a few days, she wanted something pretty to look at. {Believe it or not, these type of things really help}

Oh the kids.....

They are going stir crazy and your going nuts. Check out our places to go over there on the right and there are some great sites to get materials to teach and work with your children.

Captain Planet has an awesome gardening learning plan for all ages. Google curriculum and you'll find anything and everything you need to create work and fun activities to teach your children at home.

World water day, Earth day, Save a frog... There are a lot of environmental sites with great stuff for kids. And one of my favorites is the Nature Explore put out by the Arbor Day foundation.

Visit to find some great spiritual education materials.

Check it out, and if you find something you'd like me to link up , shoot me a message.

In all of this..

Just remember...

  • We're all in this together!
  • Don't hoard.
  • Look out for your neighbors.
  • Keep breathing.
  • Spend time each day, appreciating something in the day itself. 
  • Don't worry. 
  • Don't panic.
  • Don't be mean.

And it never hurts to pray.

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for Stopping by
Until next time, Stay Healthy and Happy Trails.

March 20, 2020

Let's be FRIENDS

While we are all concerned for the events going on around the world. Here's a little sprinkle of something to make you forget the sh** and smile!  Remember we are all in this together.

Remember a couple years ago...
 I finally got my goats!
Born August 2018, less than 24 hours old.
Joey and Phoebe joined the family.
They are Nubian goats. And they started out so tiny!
Then they grew and grew. Now close to a hundred pounds each.


Then came Rachael.    March of 2019.
I wasn't supposed to get attached because I was just the nanny. lol. However. Rachael, believes she is mine and sleeps close to my place. She comes for me when she's called and I think I'm the only one that can catch her.


My grandson loves helping with the babies.

And now 

Meet Chandler. 
He was born yesterday. 

Isn't he cute!!!

Let's be friends

Blessed by God
LIfe's good @ the Bright side of the Barn.
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay healthy and Happy Trails.

History making events

For those that have lived through any part of the last 50 years, you have been a part of history making events. We've lived through them all so far, at least those of us that are here today..

I've said it a hundred times, and probably a hundred times more. Movies are not real, but they do have a real message.

Say what?

Years ago when our country needed people to sign up for the armed forces to go to war. John Wayne and Elvis Presley starred in so many war movies, glorifying the events. People signed up.

When our country needed us to start accepting 'divorce' we got the Brady Bunch. 'un wed room mates' we got 3s Company. When they wanted 'black' and 'white' to intermingle. We got All in the Family, the Jeffersons. When they wanted us to accept gay, bi sexual, trans sexual, cross dressing and so many other things. We got movies. Movies after movies putting things in front of our eyes and in our minds, to numb us from the realities. To excite us about the wars and not realize the death. Because after all. Actors come back to life and make another movie. So do video game stars.

Now when 'disrespect' and 'violence' started becoming promoted...

It was shortly after they took God, the Bible and prayer out of schools and people stopped going to church as families on Sundays and started going to football games and other sporting events.

Video games have numbed our children to death and violence. After all you get 9 lives. Go ahead pull the trigger. Your friend won't die. What the hell do we expect 7,8,9 year olds to comprehend out of these games.

How many children have grown up with the violence in their homes.

So here we are.....
we've seen the Zombie Apocalypse, I am Legend, the Stand.... I could go on.

We have a virus going around the world.

Half the people don't give a shit, because they really don't believe it's all that bad. And then there's half the people going into panic mode, you can't find a can of lysol anywhere. Hand sanitizer, wipes, bleach.....

The government has hit freak out mode, my state's pretty much quarantined from the rest of the country. Death toll rising daily. And it will rise a lot higher before it goes down.

Problem is.

Government thought they could contain it and they didn't say anything soon enough, it spread before it was announced. Then when people start dropping like flies, they have to announce that it's a 'situation' when really it's a 'situation out of control'.

All events over 10 people are against the law in Washington in effect as law.

For the first time in history the government is going to pay you to stay home.... If your here now, your living through history.

Wash your hands and take care of yourselves. Respect your neighbors and those around you. Something tells me, KARMA is going to play a big part in all this. Those that hoard and trample all over people are probably going to be the ones that get the sickest.

I think it's coming to the place where the meek will inherit the earth...

Blessed by God,
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy trails.

March 14, 2020

Use your head

Think about it......

The President says only 1 or 2 % are dying.... Most people will recover.

Then why are we frantically building quarantine facilities? Telling people to stay away from each other? Closing hospitals and preparing for a large incoming of sick people? Closing schools to protect our children.

Why are other countries shutting down?
Why are the death tolls so high?

The 'official' medical personnel are dancing around the truth.
Not saying anything specific.

Do you really think this is 'nothing to worry about'?
Or do you think they are holding out on the truth?

Ever see the movie ~ The Stand....
 funny how a 'super flu' was the devastation of the world.

Now for the most important question?.....


People are so panic struck, so brain dead, the best they can do is grab toilet paper. So much so, there is none to be found.

Many of us are asking..... is it the super cure? What do they know that we don't.... as we laugh at the stupidity.

I was told of a lady that filled her shopping cart with pickles. Now there is a much needed item in the face of an emergency situation.

I'm proud of my kids. They have been stocked up on food and they keep it that way. In the event of any kind of emergency they are prepared.

Come on Washingtonians. We got this.

We've dealt with snow, ice storms that have taken the power out and prevented transportation and deliveries to our area for weeks.

We've survived Mt. St. Helens. up close and personal.

Earth quakes..... wild fires....

really ~ we got this.

While everyone is out hoarding and fighting over toilet paper. I bought seeds. Been planning my garden anyway, I just bought extra.

In the near future,

While everyone else is fighting over food I can watch mine grow.
Fresh eggs to go along with it and I'm set. Need to breed my little goat, so we can add some milk to the menu.

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy trails.

March 7, 2020

Virus.... Anthrax.... Black plague....

A few years ago, one of my daughters was studying mortuary science... to be a mortician. One of the books we were reading, spoke about the Black Plague in London... and how devastating it was.

Then there was the big anthrax scare a few years and years ago. Now this new virus.

People are freaking out, just like they did in the ice storm about 9 years ago. Toilet paper, water and hand sanitizer, flying off the shelves. Companies are jacking up the prices and taking full advantage of the situation.  Seriously, $300 for a bottle of hand sanitizer.
 If anyone deserves to get sick it's them.

  You got to admire how this time, it's not the poor and homeless causing the problem. It's the rich and arrogant that created this one. Travelers. According to the news, the ones that can afford to travel to other countries are the ones responsible for bringing this back to us.

 Welcome to Seattle..... I've heard the government is freaking out and buying hotels, anticipating the population to be affected. They need places to quarantine people . Cities where these hotels are located are freaking out. They don't want sick people in their town..

 There's talk of 'what about the homeless people', they are going to be a high risk for spreading it...

Revelation 16; 14:9-12.
The seven last plagues are God’s final judgments upon a world that has rejected His love, the cross of Jesus Christ, the worship of the Creator and full authority of the Ten Commandments (14:7, 12) These plagues fall only upon those who have chosen “the beast” and received its “mark” (Revelation 16:1-2). This time period is also called the “time of trouble” (Daniel 12:1). During this awesome period, God’s people will be fully protected, just like the Israelites were during the falling of the ten plagues in Egypt (see Exodus 7-12; Psalms 91). At the end of this period, God’s faithful ones will be “delivered” (Daniel 12:1).

Blessed by God.
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn.
Thanks for stopping by, 
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails.

March 5, 2020

A day at Home.

Miss Sophia has caught the flu with a cold  and has been coughing for a few days now.  She's running a fever too... Lounging in the bean bag chair and staying in her blanket...

The cats scored a new post. It's the tallest piece of furniture in the house.... They are loving it! Miss MoJo jumped on it as we were bringing it in, she didn't even give us the chance to set it down. They do take turns sleeping on the top. And everyone loves running up the posts!

The baby ducks and chicks are doing really well.... they are in the dining area, where I can keep it nice and warm. I can't wait to see what they all end up looking like as adults. Such a variety of hens... Did you see the little pom poms on the yellow ducks heads... I couldn't tell you how much time I spend with my hand in one box or the other, just watching them play and jump around on my hand. ....

It's my way of taming my chickens.

and My chickens are tame!! I can walk up to - and pick up any one of them, except little Red the Rooster. He lets me pick him up, but not as easily....

They come when I call them and they go in the barn when I round them up. If your sitting in a chair outside some of them will come sit on the armrest and visit you. What's really cute is when Kevin and Rachael the lambs, follow me and there are 10 little chickens walking with them. My little parade.

Check it out, Spring is coming!! 

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by,
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails.

AND THEN there are days like this.

I met a couple young ladies the other day. Not sure how the subject came up. But, struggles in life... I shared a couple of the antics I've been through.

I've been told often I should write a book. My own brother at one point during one epic adventure, stated I really needed to write the book, because nobody would f''''' believe it.

I shared with them my brothers words, which were again encouraged by my therapist. Once again agreeing the title should reflect on the topic .... You wouldn't f'''' believe it, if I told you. The girls offered me a book signing at their place of business and told me they'd buy it. I left them hanging as it was....

And who knew the very next day I would have another one of those wonderful days that only happen in my life..... and you wouldn't f''' believe it if I told you, but here you go....

Today ~

 I woke up expecting my ducks. I had an early appointment, so I admit, I was hoping they would come early like the chicks did. Turns out, the call came a little bit later so the day started out, feeling like I'm running behind already. Really hate that feeling even though I'm 15 minutes ahead of schedule ....

Didn't get much time to set them up or play with them, and I had to get chores done and go.

Olympia, a good hour away. Big job, needing a couple hours of my time. Got there ON TIME and got it done. Headed home. Oh crap, forgot a picture. Turn around and go back. Thankfully only a few minutes into the freeway easy turn around. Get what I need and head home again.

Cruising down the freeway 60+ and I start hearing this horrific noise. I think it's the motor home next to me at first. So I speed up and get around and away from him. Remember I said 'speed up'.

Unfortunately, the noise came with me. Somethings wrong with my car. Thankfully there's the exit. As I pull up to the stop sign, you can really hear this grinding squealing shrieking noise. You'd think I was driving on a rim. No problems with the steering wheel. Doesn't seem like I have a flat. Thankfully, there's the gas station a block away.

Creeping slow, probably pissing everyone behind me off..... I make it to the station and almost into a parking spot. And the worst noise yet. So I stopped. Shut off the car and got out. Walked around the whole car.

No flat tires, no smoke, nothing looks wrong or out of place. So I walk around the car again, this time grabbing a tire and pulling it back and forth. Left front, doesn't move, we're good. Left rear, cool. Right rear, this is getting weird. Right front..... I barely grab the tire and the whole wheel tips and pretty much falls over. I'm only 5'3" and not that damn strong.

Oly wow! My whole wheel tire and all is falling off my car.

How I made it down the freeway to the exit and then to the gas station, is nothing short of a miracle.

I called for my roadside assistance and think about how blessed I am.

 Of course, while I'm waiting a couple guys leaving the store ask if everythings ok. I tell them my wheels falling off and I'm just waiting for my tow. The first guy says no way, your lug nuts are probably loose, here let me look. He grabs my tire and sees it's falling off...."Holy crap", your lucky to be alive!".  Tell me about it. And off they go.

Still waiting another couple guys pull up to the station. Everything ok? My wheel fell off just waiting for my tow. No way, here let me see. I bet your bearing is just coming out. So he grabs my tire and quickly lets go. "Holy crap", your lucky...... Yep. I know. Just waiting for my tow.

Tow truck driver says so what's up with the car?.... He looks under the front....

Oh, your ball joint came off.

good thing you weren't going fast.

Dude, I was on the freeway.


Get to Les Schwab, they take the tire off....

Good thing you weren't going very fast...

Dude, I was on the freeway.



It's called a MIRACLE.

On the positive side. I'm alive to pay the bill.
This day could have been so much worse!!

You just gotta love days like these.

Blessed by God,
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for Stopping by,
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails. 

March 2, 2020

Days like this.

You just gotta love days like this.

I have one little granddaughter that writes me letters and draws me the most beautiful pictures. I have them all over, some in the photo albums, some on the wall and some in with all the special treasures I collect.

I have a grandson and granddaughter that frequently tell their mom they miss Grama and want to see me..... I got a call this evening asking if I would mind if they hung out with me for a few hours, while mom took care of some stuff... { I don't like it called baby sitting. It's my grandchildren ~ we hang out!.} So I have company tonight. The baby chicks are the most entertaining, better than a TV screen. The first hour was nothing but us watching the chicks. Baby girl is so tired, now crashed out and little man is sitting here watching a movie with me. Tells me he's waiting for mom.

I got another call earlier. Another grandson. "Hi Grama, I'm going to come over this weekend and stay with you". " Ok buddy, sounds good". "Love you, bye". and he hangs up. A few minutes later the phone rings again. "Hi Grama, I just wanted to let you know I'm coming Friday and going to go home on Sunday. Love you, bye". The phone goes dead before I get a chance to say anything. All I can do is chuckle and smile.

They don't ask. They tell me and that's okay. They are my grand-kids, they know its always a go.

You just gotta love days like this.

Being a mom was pretty cool. I loved my kids and had a blast with them. But, being a Grama..... oh ya, it's so much more. Each one of them melts my heart. I enjoy every minute they drive me crazy too.

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for Stopping by
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails.

2024 Event Schedule

2024 Event Schedule ~

Mark your calendars and  join us at any of the following events this summer. July 9th ~ 16th ~ 23rd ~ 30th ~ Hometown Market  Tues Nights in...

Like what you see at the Bright side of the Barn?