July 31, 2023

Quiet Times

 It could have been so much happier ~ 

I had so many dreams about 'my family' while I was watching my kids grow up - 

I was looking forward to all the family gatherings ~ Birthdays, Graduations, Weddings, Baby Showers and Holidays; that would be spent together.

I just wanted a house in the country where they could grow up and grow roots. My family moved so much while I was growing up, I really didn't want to have to move my kids around. 

I wanted a peaceful place where we could feel ~ safe, comfortable, build friendships, have fun and find happiness. A place they could always come back too. An attic full of old toys, a garage filled with bikes and half finished projects....

Memories could have been so different...

Blessed by God
Life's Good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay Safe and Happy Trails.

July 29, 2023

What They Didn't Know


...  Years ago when I 'dropped' in a Safeway parking lot and the journey of "What the hell is going wrong with me?" - the 5 days in the Hospital on the ward with the folks just waiting to DIE - Home at last with Oxygen machines in tow.....

What the doctor told me hit me so hard I just kept it to myself and prayed that I could prove him WRONG. {My mom always said I had a drive for doing what they said couldn't be done}.

I was NOT about to tell my kids or anyone else for that matter 

You might want to get your ducks in order, even with the machines your lung isn't going to last another 5 years.

 I can't explain what all I went through after that. I cannot tell you what that does to a person. Inside - outside.... upside and down.

It took a few years but I finally got a doctor that had the right idea with medications and my lung has been hanging on with her keeping close tabs on it... I'm still here and it's been 17 years, 16 with no machines glued to my side. 

I can say - it changed the way I feel about how people treat me. The way I look at people and their actions. The people I love turned out to be the ones that hurt me the most over the years.

I can feel it isn't going to be much longer. Some things you just know. I'm pretty intuitive towards my body and my premonition rate is 99%. 

Ironic, I've spent most of my life 

  • Fighting depression and thoughts of suicide
  • Protecting myself from domestic violence and someone trying to kill me
  • Doing everything I could to make sure my kids could survive without me.
And here the biggest fight for my life - has been telling myself to 

Just Breathe

Because my own lungs are what is going to take me down.

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay Safe and Happy Trails

July 28, 2023

July 26, 2023



Anyone that "feels it" when they see a horse, touch a horse, smell a horse...... 


You don't have to own a horse, you don't have to know how to ride a horse. You really don't need to know anything about a horse, except - 

That feeling you get.

From the most prestigious rider to the greatest laid back horse lover that has nothing but pictures.

Horse people - LOVE HORSES.

Many that actually own horses are a touch 'crazy'. Your walking up to a 1000+ pound animal and trusting it not to kill you for one. Whether it's a pasture pet or trail mate, you bond, you connect and you learn to trust. You become grounded to the universe. You gain the confidence to do - 

and sometimes what you do seems crazy to others.

Every horse person knows - horses are special, majestic, powerful, yet the softest most loving creature on the planet. {No prejudice here}

Not one horse person knows everything that they need to know about their own horse. Like people, things happen, things change, health issues pop up, circumstances happen... We don't know it all. 

We learn from each other and most all horse people are willing to give you advice; some you have to ask others offer it freely. Yet others charge a buck or two. Usually pennies to the pound well spent.

You don't have to be an expert to be a horse person.... 

But be warned -

You will become a stronger more confident person just by being friends with one.....

I would love to hear your thoughts of What is a horse person? ... in the comments below.

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for Stopping by
Until next time, Stay Safe and Happy Trails.

July 22, 2023

Kitten Kuteness


Ask Chanelle what she thinks of all the kittens and this is what you get.

The look says it all.

We are on round 4 of babies. Round 1 all adopted out, round 2 would be Calvin and Hobbs and Calvin still wants very little to do with 'hu-mans'. So we don't see them going anywhere any time soon.

                                            'Calvin' hangs with the big boys and 'Hobbs' loves the bathtub on hot days.

Round 3 - Miss 'Coal' the 'coal black' love BUG!  is doing well, she goes in for shots this week and I don't know the status of her surgery yet.. She is the sweetest little thing! Purrs and purrs, wraps herself around you and just loves to be loved.......

The new babies are about 3 weeks old and not eating on their own well. So it's bottle babies and a mess at feeding time. 

They are getting lots' of bathes and as you can see little Mozart sitting in the sink, they are not afraid of water and don't mind it much. Between cereal on the face and messes on the bottoms the bathes help teach them to keep themselves clean. Also gives them the advantages mom would be giving them by helping out with the big messes. 

Little 'Precious' the girl and 'Sabastian' the really fluffy black and white boy.... 'Sabastian' sleeping with the toys...

'Teddy Bear' the only orange one, male and super fluffy!!!

Little 'Mozart'

'Lil Mozart' in the bath ..... 'Mozart', 'Precious' and 'Teddy Bear' chillin.

Gotta love the kuteness!!!!

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay Safe and Happy Trails.

July 19, 2023

Back to Work vs Retirement

 Well it was good news for Papa. It seems the surgery and the time to heal has helped immensely! He will be able to return to work with no restrictions at this time. 

 We will see if returning to work 'aggravates' the problems again. It could be that the rest allowed everything to settle down and actually heal. New medications have had time to take effect and more tests show that 'nothing ' else is wrong.

 So we shall see.....

Meanwhile, it was pretty quick and amazing! with the kittens. They went in for surgery yesterday and all were adopted by noon today! I will be picking up 4 more little ones tomorrow. These are only 3 weeks old and may need bottle fed for a while...

I really love this fostering... I can't afford to be a 'horse' rescue and my yard isn't big enough for dogs. So CATS and KITTENS it is. We are somewhat of an unofficial rescue as most of our cats are strays or adoptee's as it is. Doing this is just such an additional blessing. 

I'd like to thank our followers for sharing and caring. 

In early days I really felt I was writing for myself. Over the years, I've come to realize that there are folks out there that read and enjoy the life at the Bright side of the Barn. Some posts have helped someone along the way and I appreciate the feedback and encouragement. It shows so much love and support, when there is a calling out for a need and you folks fulfill the expectations every time.!  Thank you all and God Bless. 

I'm sure sometimes folks think I'm talking about them in my blogs, when the truth is - I'm either sharing my personal journey or a story of 'someone' along the way which, may or may not be them. No names, no deep details. No intent to gossip. Sharing knowledge, experience and things I've witnessed along the way.

So with all that being said. Life is in the process of rearranging and decisions have to be made. I'm 'retiring' and going it alone if necessary. Old age and 60 is getting closer, I'm done waiting for anyone.

Who knows where the next Chapter will lead.

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay Safe and Happy Trails.

Thank You for Sharing!

I took the babies in for their surgeries and the very next day all 6 were adopted out! Thank you for all who shared, and to those who adopted!
 The house was a bit quiet today with just the older kittens, the heat has them all sleeping...
 Tomorrow morning we pick up another 4 babies. These little guys are only 3 weeks old and might need help eating for a bit.
If you ever want to help out in your own community, check with the shelters about foster programs. Such a rewarding experience.

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay Safe and Happy Trails.

Let them Believe what they Want to Believe

People are going to listen and believe what they want to believe. Not everyone cares about the TRUTH. Don't waste your life running around trying to 'correct' the mistakes in the story line. 

Let it be. 

If people would listen to what someone says about someone else, that person really isn't worth you wanting to know. 

Real people worth knowing, will come to know YOU from being around YOU. Real people don't take other peoples word for things. They look for what's REAL and the people that are REAL.

Something to think about while someone is bashing someone else to you..... Just remember this is how they bash YOU to SOMEONE ELSE, too.

I know we've talked about this before and I'm sure I've mentioned a few times, my life has been hell in that sense. When I got pregnant at 14 and was shotgun wedded into marrying the father at 15, I can say it wasn't about LOVE. And it wasn't a normal family I was getting myself into. 

In 11 long years I learned so much about His mother who was a bully and pushed people into getting her way. She walked over people and taught her children how to 'cheat the system' in every direction. Gossip and lies tearing each other down all the time. Drinking, violence and total disrespect of the laws. 

Total opposite of how I was raised to have honor, integrity and respect. 

He was competing for his parents attention as his older brother was bringing them their first grandchildren. At the same time {Unrealized at the time, he was struggling with an addiction to alcohol as a teenager, that was being ignored by his parents}.

My parents were about to move back to Canada away from the US, and I had already been to 17 schools in 2 countries, the few short years attended. I was set to graduate at 16 and all their moving was screwing up my chances at a good life.

I was living with his brother & wife & baby, trying to finish school. Yes, I was in a relationship with him. For me 'the teenage thing to do, nothing serious'. His sister in law and he discussed the possible times during a month, that a girl could get pregnant, watched the calendar and set me up for a 'date night'! 

This wasn't the story of a GIRL TRAPPING A BOY, THIS WAS A BOY TRAPPING A GIRL. Because my family was leaving the country his mother insisted I stay here with the baby. Made so many promises out her ass and blew everyone of them.

After 11 years of hell, I divorced with 4 small children in tow...... Alone not much family in the state, not much for resources back then...

His most repeated words then were YOUR DEAD, IF I CAN'T HAVE YOU , NOBODY WILL. TILL DEATH DO WE PART. His actions were true to his words. 

Courts were different back then and 'protection orders' were not easy to get. I had to go in with strangulation marks on my neck and 2 officer statements of how out of control he was and how ransacked my house was when they arrived. He was in the process of strangling me with a telephone cord {Something else you don't see these days} when his brother came in and turned to run get me help. His brothers testimony to the police was in the report. An additional report of how it took 6 officers to take him down, later proved to be my salvation.

What his family has done to me and how they have treated me and my children since has been stunning...

I've been accused of having abortions, when in fact I had miscarriages that doctors had to abort. One after taking my husbands knee to the gut.

I've been accused of abusing my kids, when in fact I am one of the last parents standing that believed in RAISING AND TRAINING using discipline with their children. NOT letting them get FAT on candy. Strangely enough, I rarely had to 'spank' or 'discipline' my kids. The one child of mine that insists I abused him, was violently beaten by his father on multiple occasions. 

{I tried to save my son, but things were different back then, we didn't have instant phones that could take pictures or record what was being said, very hard to prove cases in court especially when the child was afraid to testify} .

I've been accused of cheating on my husband, when in fact I have friends that took me out when I was separated and trying to leave my husband, helping me find away out of the toxic abuse I was in. It was never sex, or cheating. Not even when the love of my life came back around. My whole mission with him was to help him see... and it worked. His life is good now.

I grew up with 3 older brothers and had a sister that married early - left home then passed away by the time I was 18. I was always close to my brothers, so it was only natural that all my BEST FRIENDS were guys!

People will choose to believe what they want to believe and more often than not, the story spins out into more than the original teller ever told. 

Here is one of my favorite stories to share as a prime example. 

The most well known and popular story of my childhood was THE DAY I CAUGHT THE HOUSE ON FIRE. I was 6 yrs old. Left home alone with my 9 mth old baby niece in a crib in the next room. My mom and sister left walking to the store. 

Me.... I love fire, liked matches burning. Sulfur smelled good to me. So I was lighting matches, blowing them out, then throwing them out the kitchen window. {second level}. Un beknown to me, my dad had poured gasoline on a bee hive down in that corner of the house. One of my matches didn't go out and POOF, before you knew it, I had flames in front of me 2 stories high! Fortunately my mom and sister were on their way back, seen the fire and grabbed the garden hose to quickly douse the flames. Nothing but a scorch mark all the way up the house and a little pealed paint. One terrified mother and sister and needless to say, I was never left unattended again, for a few years. lol ,

Now years later, I'm accused of threatening to burn houses down, attempting to burn houses down and probably more stories I haven't even heard yet. 

Don't waste your energy chasing rumors! You'll never catch up!

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay Safe and Happy Trails.

July 18, 2023

Time to ADOPT!!!!

 The kittens left today, they had their surgeries this morning and when I checked in about them, I was told they all did great and are doing fine. 

They are all officially available for adoption starting July 19th! Tomorrow.

Current adoption special is only $50 a kitten in July, hurry before these cuties are gone.!



Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails.

July 16, 2023

Thinking Time....

This was Me, most of the day yesterday. Still waiting for my dentures so I'm not too talkative at the moment... traffic was far less this year and Tim was busier than I all day.

Events last year I watched as Tim got a lot of compliments of his photos, but not much for sales. So this year, I had him start putting his photos on products.

Miner's Day, yesterday ~ his sales were awesome! Not just compliments this year. People took cards, bought products and made suggestions of things they would like to see more photos on. We were both inspired by the response to the products.

Me ~ if it wasn't for the additional 'trinket' boxes. My day would have been a bust. Ever since the game company stopped the direct sales program, I've not found a product I enjoy marketing or that I have had any spark of success with... 

Books, Jewelry, Religious house wares...... I still have access to the Party Lite candles, but not for events especially in this HEAT we have over the summers..... Ever since direct sales company set up the .com and made it so you could buy without a representative. That ended the income potential for reps.

So, meanwhile, as I was pondering and thinking  ~ I found myself helping Tim. Set up, rearrange the table, help with sales, and of course when the wind blew!... Again at take down, home to unload... 

We're doing 2 times the work with 2 tents and 2 complete set ups. Plus we are spending 2 times the fee to have the 2 business side by side..... 

What are WE DOING?

After we got home, unloaded the car, repacked the product totes, took care of all the fur and foster babies {Kittens, bunnies, our cat's my dog} WE ate dinner! You don't realize how hungry you get sometimes! And we drank what must have been gallons of water.

Then we talked about it.....

The smartest and most logical thing to do at this point is SHUT DOWN THE DIRECT SALES and INVEST EVERYTHING into ONE COMPANY. 

The past-time and passion we've both worked on together building up over the years, and the importance of the PRODUCTS being UNIQUE. 

Back years ago when we did events over the summer, we did AWESOME!

Because all of our products were ORIGINAL AND HAND MADE.  So with his photography being an ART FORM, we've decided to build ONE BUSINESS - TOGETHER. and we'll see how it does. 

We'll have 2 times the $$ to invest and only 1/2 the $ in expenses going out.  Somehow this feels like the right answer. 

With him not feeling well and many doctor appointments and procedures coming up, this way, we don't have to cancel events and 1 of us can do it if the other isn't well. No more missed sales. 

So - yes the 'blog' has had a few changes and links removed... Revamped and set up for what is to be the new future. Hopefully a brighter one, since this BUSINESS IS NOW OUR INCOME..... 

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay Safe and Happy Trails.

July 13, 2023

Timber's Photography

Tim will be at Miner's Day this weekend, come on out to Black Diamond on Saturday and join us for some fun with the community.

Tim has turned several of his amazing photographs into some every day products, you will use and enjoy. 

Mouse Pads

  Coffee Mugs

Coaster Sets of 4

And more!!!

See you there.

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay Safe and Happy Trails.

July 11, 2023

Cute ness overload....


Blessed By God
Life's Good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay Safe and Happy Trails.

2024 Event Schedule

2024 Event Schedule ~

Mark your calendars and  join us at any of the following events this summer. July 9th ~ 16th ~ 23rd ~ 30th ~ Hometown Market  Tues Nights in...

Like what you see at the Bright side of the Barn?