July 31, 2022

Shop Early for the Holidays and SAVE!!

Shop @ SimplyFun online, delivery right to your door.

Support Small Business!

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay Safe & Happy Trails.

July 28, 2022

School Direct


SimplyFun School Direct Program

Bring the joy of play‑based learning alive for your students. Easily add SimplyFun award‑winning games to your classrooms and library.

Our program:
  • Volume discounts
  • Fast, easy delivery
  • Purchase orders accepted

You can even earn free games based on your order size:
  • Place an order of $500 ‑ $999, get $50 in free games
  • Place an order of $1,000 ‑ $1,499, get $100 in free games
  • Place an order of $1,500 or more, get $150 in free games

Contact me to get started.

This Weekend

What are your plans this weekend? There are so many things going on!~

 I'll be in North Bend on Friday night and Orting all day Saturday.  I hear it's going to be pretty warm out?  Hello Summer!!

Friday Night


Blessed by God 
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails.

July 26, 2022

August Game Specials!

Shop @ SimplyFun online, delivery right to your door.

Support Small Business!

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay Safe & Happy Trails.

July 24, 2022

The Down Side

 It's been a rough week. Having the car break down has created an undo amount of stress. It's hard for me to drive 'other people's' cars, so even though it's my daughter's and she's ok with it. I just stress driving the car cause it's not mine. 

 For me, stress and anxiety cause me to struggle to concentrate and stay focused. It used to be totally paralyzing and cause panic attacks. I've gotten better. It only took a couple mild strokes to send me down the path of understanding just how powerful STRESS is and how real the affects of ANXIETY  can be. Most importantly, how to LIVE WITH IT.

 Getting the dog a nice distraction. A little more work to the load. While it's a load I already feel is 'over loaded', it's nice to have the companionship. Life has been lonely without my previous 'dog', Miss Sophia. 

 I like being by myself but I don't like being alone. LOL figure that one out.... I think there are a lot of folks that enjoy the companionship of their fur babies to humans and understand me totally on that note. 
 Miss Chanel has become quite the star around here. It was pretty funny when my daughter came over. Miss Chanel stood behind me and barked at her, like she was saying "NO, NO, your not taking me back there!". I then found out a little about her journey from her mamma to here, and how hard it was.

 Bounced from person to person a couple times, to where she was always hiding under the couch.?? Accidents on the floor... 

She hasn't even tried to hide since coming home and we've only had the one accident the first few minutes she was here. 

 She has a blanket on the couch and on my bed, so the cats know, that's her spot. She's borrowing Tux's harness and leash, he's not to thrilled but willing to share. He always tip toes onto the bed and lays somewhat close to her after she's passed out asleep. {He misses Miss Sophia too} 

 Miss Chanel has gotten a taste of 5 out of 6 cat tails. She's pretty much letting Tux, Sylvester and Felico walk about the house. Charlie and her get along outside, but not when Charlie is in the house. Cleo torments her and it's still a challenge. She's just getting to know Gismo and the growls are pretty intense still. 

 Haven't gotten to spend near as much time with the horses as I'd like to. It has been nice to let them enjoy being horses, but I can tell they are missing me as much as I'm missing them. I was told today that a neighbor spotted a bear just down the road from where they are. ... Now I'm concerned. 

 Like - Why? 

 The bear has probably been there every day going back and forth to the creek for water, and now just because someone actually seen it crossing the road.... panic sets in.? lol, yep - I laugh at myself sometimes. 

Sigh ~

 It's been hard with one car broke down and having to drive someone else around. Now both cars are down. I'm up early and have to stay up late. No sleep and what there is - isn't a restful sleep, so you wake up exhausted. The brain is working overtime trying to figure out the repair bills and still keep the roof over everyone's head, with the power turned on for hot showers, a few kibbles to eat .... 

 I don't know how ~ but this has got to all work out ~ someday soon I hope. Meanwhile... God give me the strength and will 
to keep going. 

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails.

July 23, 2022

9 to 5 means 9 to 5.

 This summer I bought a 10x10 pop up and started doing events 'again'. Different products. I fell in love with the Simply Fun games for the family and really enjoy sharing them with others. Seeing so many children glued to phone screens really takes away so much! Schools are not focused on the right subjects they should be teaching young children and families are lost.

So I'm out at events, usually on Saturdays, maybe a few Friday nights. No Sundays. I'm ole School. On Sundays, I'm here to watch kids for my kids as they work.  

How the events all started for me.....

I separated and divorced shortly after my fourth child was born. It was a bad situation and hard to get free. I had to bounce from job to job to stay safe and holiday shopping wasn't easy. 

 So my kids started doing crafts for gifts. This led to us turning into a crafting factory and eventually I opened my own gift shop of hand crafted items. My second husband being native added the native arts to the program and thus the adventure began.

 Summers were spent with my kids and I traveling from trade show, craft fairs, pow wows and all kinds of 'pop up' events. Every weekend was traveling around our state. Week days were spent making things, filling orders and signing up with more events. 


 My kids have grown into amazing workers. Bosses hate to lose them and many take them back in a heart beat should they need to return to a job. They understand business from the bottom up.... {And Safeway wonders why my youngest daughter can set up a winning display everytime!}

You see, it was during one 3 day event, that things were slow. Many vendors were grumbling and complaining. By the 3rd day, some were starting to pack up early. The kids and I were not exactly thrilled with sales and a bit stressed over the long drive to the next event with limited funds.

 Instead of packing up early. We started talking about the things we enjoyed over the weekend. What was cool, what we saw for entertainment, the amazing food we got to taste. Looking at the things we bought. 

 While others were grumbling and packing as the last of the customers were walking through, the people started walking over by us and the folks around us that joined in the 'happy' conversation....

 Browsing, shopping. We vendors were all getting sales. {For some it was A lot less to pack up! }

It was 4:45 when the lady walked up that bought our biggest dream catcher, some beaded earrings, and a few other littler things.... 


 My kids understand, when you say your open 9 - 5, 

you need to be open 9 - 5 !

Your business reputation, is something your constantly building. 

Build strong! 

If you live local, I'd love to meet you, come on out this summer and explore your community!

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay Safe and Happy Trails,

July 22, 2022

Clunk - The expense of car repairs.



Driving down the road Tuesday the transmission went CLUNK. And of course all the bright orange lights lit up! The wrench, the engine, the oil...

I nursed it home and I am now the proud owner of 2 broken down vehicles in my driveway.

I have events scheduled almost every weekend, I need to get Papa to work Monday - Friday as I am his ride. Have to get to the horses, and everything else...

Borrowing my daughter's 'other' car for now. 

On line sales and these events are all I got that's going to make the difference between getting it fixed sooner or later... or not at all. 

Thankfully July is a great month to buy! Sales like crazy

And if you have any book worms in the family, here's a great place to find awesome children's books.

I also earn a few pennies whenever someone shops one of my affiliate links, check it out @ 

Timber's Photography. {Don't let the Euro's scare you, it's a London based website, We're here in the US with US currency}

I love my life! Never boring, always a challenge. 

At least I got Chanel to finally start sharing the couch with the cats.
Sylvester has been the bravest so far....

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails.

July 20, 2022

A perfect fit.


It was only a matter of a couple hours and she's pretty much attached at my hip. Very protective, alert and so smart!

I was told she's not house trained. We've not had any accidents since shortly after her arrival. She gets her harness and whines when she has to go out.

At first it was a challenge with the cats but now that she has her own set of dishes for her food and her own toy, she's decided to tolerate the cats as long as they don't look at her dishes. 

On my way to get her yesterday, the transmission went out in my Explorer. So my daughter brought her to me. Today we took a ride because my other daughter was loaning me her jeep. 

Chanel was worried all the way there and half the way home. I think she thought I was taking her back. 

Once the Jeep turned into our community and then the driveway, her tail wouldn't stop wagging. 

She's laying behind me on the bed right now passed out. But I'd bet if I tryed to get up and leave the room, she'd be on the floor behind me. :}

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails.

July 19, 2022

Miss Chanel

20 years with my little dogs and when Miss Sophia passed last December, I said no more. It's been a hard 7 months. I keep telling myself no more at the same time I've been looking. 

Nothing grabbed my attention. A couple puppies were cute, but the thought of raising a puppy and the $1200- $1500 price tags... No more.

I looked at the dog pounds and rescues.... Checked back every once in a while. Pretty much gave up on the idea deciding that if I was to have another dog, it would be a God given situation.

My daughter text me this morning, with some pictures....

Do you know anyone that wants a dog?

I was headed to her house when the transmission went out on my Explorer..... 

So she brought me the dog.

Love at first sight.

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails.

July 17, 2022

Event Calendar Updates #3

New  Event  Dates

We'll be out and about this summer, working @ local events. So much to do, so much to see. Stop on by and save shipping fees on several available Cash & Carry games!  

Check the dates and mark your calendar.

Be sure to stop by our booth and Enter the Weekly Game Raffle

UP NEXT ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~  ~ ~ ~ ~ 

Sept 4th & 5th

Black Diamond Labor Days!! 

October 22nd

Kentwood High School Choir Harvest Boutique

November 12

HOPE Holiday Bazaar
Everett Mall

Check back often 
as new events are being scheduled for the 2022-2023 season. 

Would you like to have our games at your next event? Contact me! 
3horseaddict@gmail.com. I'd love to hear from you! 

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay Safe & Happy Trails

What a Blast

 Totally awesome day @ Miners Day.

Sales were good, I signed up a new downline to Simply Fun games!

Good music by 'Rocket # 9'. Food of all kinds, the smells were so good!!

I took the time to photograph the nostalgic fashion show. . .

And it didn't rain!  It was lightly misting while we were driving there and setting up, but by 9, it was cloudy and dry. Upper 60's. Bit of a chill. 

I absolutely love small towns and the wonderful people that choose to live there!!!

Congratulations to 

Debi D 

for winning this weeks Game Raffle Drawing.

Drop by our booth @ any event and enter the Raffle. Each event we select a game to give away in a Raffle drawing. No purchase necessary and you need not remain present to win. Yes the kids can enter. The only rule is - Only one entry per person.

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails.

2024 Event Schedule

2024 Event Schedule ~

Mark your calendars and  join us at any of the following events this summer. July 9th ~ 16th ~ 23rd ~ 30th ~ Hometown Market  Tues Nights in...

Like what you see at the Bright side of the Barn?