September 23, 2022

Happy Autumn Days!!!


Someone shut the heater off! Temperatures have dropped instantly by at least 20 to 30 degrees at night. Days are starting to stay cooler too. Miss StarBright is starting to get her fuzzies. So cute! Soft and what can I say, I love the smell of my horse!! 

This is my favorite time of year. The colours changing, leaves falling. The smell of the fresh rain as it turns the dust to mud. Birds migrating, heading south for the winter. We see a lot of activity at the bird feeder this time of year. Squirrels busy gathering what they can, as well. 

The deer and the elk are hanging around on their way through the neighborhood. Hunting season is close at hand. They are getting smarter hanging out in residential areas. lol, no shooting allowed. 

It's been a hard summer. This month started out really rough. A lot of prayers, have been going up with a ton of blessings coming down! Feeling pretty good about what's left of the year. It could end a whole lot better than it started. 

As you remember I lost my little Miss Sophia, the day before Christmas. Which was also my Granddaughter's birthday. I wasn't able to afford to have her put down comfortably. So I had to hold her and suffer with her during her last couple days on earth. The memories still haunt me and cause me to doubt myself as a fur mom. 

It was almost 8 months when Miss Chanelle was introduced into the family. I believe both Buster and Miss Sophia sent her to me, knowing how much I was feeling empty without either of them. Chanelle has become the heart of both of them. She has brought so much love and joy with her. She's even concurred the cats.!!

Just like the changing of the seasons. With life comes loss, as death looms through the plant life of winter approaching. Only to awaken and be reborn, growing again abundantly, with the warmth of each new spring. 

Love comes again!

They are always in our hearts and their memories live on forever.

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay Safe and Happy Trails.


September 16, 2022

Today is my Birthday

 I was just reading through some drafts, one titled "Another Birthday on the horizon". I have thousands of thoughts pouring through my head today. 58, really it's no big deal. For me it is. I was 41 when doctors told me I only had another 5-10 years with my heart and lungs. And that was only if I quit smoking cigarettes. Something I've yet to completely accomplish. Still trying and I'll never stop trying to quit. Until someday, I shall succeed. 

 Part of me feels very disappointed and un accomplished. Another part, says ~ there are a lot of things to be proud of. I'm not rich financially, however, I'm very rich in heart. I've made a lot of mistakes in life, I've learned a lot, I've had a lot dumped on me that wasn't mine to deserve. . .  and I've kept going. I'm still here. 

 Talked to my 2 oldest brothers today... 69 and 68, going to be 70 and 69 this year. I was the baby of our family and They were my protectors. Funny how,  suddenly I didn't feel quite so old. 

I found the cutest cake!!!

 I did not work today, I did not watch any of the grandkids. Papa Tim took the day off to hang out with me and BBQ'ed some ribs. My son, daughter in law and Grand daughter came for dinner and cake. It was nice. I didn't know he had made the plans with the kids beforehand! For Tim, that's amazing! 

 I spent time with my horse and rode for a few minutes. We have not rode much at all this year, so I'm trying to start daily rides and build up to getting out on the trails!!. She needs to lose a few pounds to be comfortable, not too much with winter coming on. Ok I confess she's actually 50 plus pounds over weight. So we really need to get at least half that down. 

 I'm happy for lil horse, she really does love attention and wasn't getting what she needed. I watched her interact with her new kids and it was pretty special to see her looking for her little girl. Lil Star gave me kisses when I was leaving as if to thank me. 

 I'm off work Friday too! I'm going to call the mechanic and brace myself for the estimate. I have to get one of these cars running and get life turning around and back on top. 

 It's ok for the boat to tip over, it's okay to catch your breathe. But, then, you got to tip it back up, bail out the water, get back in and get back to it!!

 Life doesn't stop. Life doesn't wait. You gotta learn to enjoy every minute of every day. Even the bad days. Because life goes from 15 to 50 faster than you can imagine!!! I've had dreams come true and witnessed so many miracles in my life. I love the family I created and I'm grateful to all the peoples I'm blessed to call my friends. 

It was a good day! 

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails.

September 10, 2022

Dreams do Become Real! Just Believe

 I'm not saying good bye, but I'm letting go of my DREAM PONY today. 

I have a lot of emotions going on, so I'm doing this solo, and I will take the Grand kids to say their 'see you later's' when I'm stronger.

 You see, when I was a little girl life wasn't so good. My mom didn't like me and definitely let me know she wasn't happy she had me. They moved around a lot. It was a new school, sometimes two, every year. My Birthday was a week after school started so maybe you can feel why 'Birthday's' are rocky for me. 

 I learned how to read, my dad taught me and would always bring me books. I loved horses and my dad always made sure we were close to somewhere that I could have my horse connection. 

My favorite book and childhood dream pony..... ponies....

I grew up had kids, my kids grew up had kids.... 


I started buying horses. 

After a couple years, One of my first horses passed away, so my horse  Star Bright and I, mourned for about a year. Buddy was my first UNICORN.

Then we went to a rescue to look for another horse. Yes my horse went to the rescue too! 

This little pony got between me and all the other horses...

I couldn't believe my eyes.
Right there in front of me

I had to convince her not to be scared, so I rode my horse with the rescue horses. Every chance I could. They all learned, it wasn't a bad thing to have a person on your back.

My girls have become "Best Friends".

For the last 3 years my DREAM PONY, became a MAGICAL UNICORN for my Grandchildren. For me the reality that DREAMS DO COME TRUE!!


Today my DREAM PONY is moving onto a place where she can become a MAGICAL UNICORN for many other children!!!! 

Yes, even that dream is coming true !! 

I will miss her, so will the folks where I board. But I and my girl can feel good knowing that we are not saying good bye, we are just sharing the magic of our UNICORN. 

Blessed by God
LIfe's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails.

September 9, 2022

It's Been Too Long! My Apologize

Lil Star has SOLD!        She leaves tomorrow. I am going to be there for her to unload.            I just want to help reduce the separation anxiety, for her a bit. There are other horses there and plenty of kids!                              So, Lil Star should settle in fairly quick. I've moved them around and boarded at a few different places, so my horses are used to 'new places', it's the NOT being together, after being together 3 years.                                     I'm going to have to head straight back to Star Bright and make sure she's ok being by herself.     Spend some time with her and settle her into her 'own space' . She's been alone before, and we've done well being alone together.

 I've come to realize, it was actually the best time for us, so I'm going to leave it at 1 horse, and it's just going to be the 2 of us. Maybe 3 if I find a front pack to take Chanelle.? 

It's going to be good! I know Lil Star is going to have a wonderful new life  and I miss my time with my girl..

So, Why the apologize? Well, most of the folks that come by here or follow along ~ are not here for the advertising. And for the most part this summer, I've been promoting events and game sales. Not spending too much time on the 'good stuff'.  

We also know I don't like to be negative and I really don't like to complain. Yet, I struggle with the fun stuff like depression. Remember if it's getting quiet around here, I'm just going through one of those phases...

I'll be     BACK!!

So let's brief in on the 'goods'. 

I got screwed over by a phony event coordinator and lost a few hundred dollars, wasting money and time every week getting ready, going and finding out ..... there was nothing or something I would rather not describe. So much of my week wasted, week after week. 

Tim's been getting sicker and things have been getting tighter and the stress level has been escalating. Still don't have a complete understanding of 'what's wrong with him'. Colon cancer keeps coming up in the night mares.

I have cars breaking down a driveway full of them 2 dead 1 dying. Currently borrowing my daughters 'second' car and it's pretty much on it's last leg. So, I've been helping out at the store a little bit for a little extra $.  Killing my left foot. !!

My foot never did heal after the ripping of the tendon. The toes are curled up for life. Heals are gone for life! You know I'm crying over that one. The limp is permanent. The pain is real lol. 

On a more positive note......

I've decided to actually start writing the BOOK!! It's going to be published on demand rather than cut down a thousand trees, convert them to paper, add ink and print. Just to have massive stacks of books sitting around... They will be printed as they are ordered!! So it may take a few extra days to arrive. 

Now give me a year to finish writing it.! 

Kids are back in school, things are even more different than they ever were before. We have soooo much to talk about. The rains are coming and it's getting colder outside. You know I'll be sitting here writing to you.

I hope you grab your cup and join me once in a while. Love the company. 

Got to go, time hasn't slowed down just yet. 

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails.

September 2, 2022

Pony for Sale

I had big dreams and high hopes. Pony fulfilled them all!!

Sadly, my grandchildren are just not into it as much as I had hoped. We live in a world where mom and dad both have to work, time is limited and school is the 'new big thing'. My youngest grandson started kindergarten this year. So everyone is busy!

Lil Star is lonely, she looks sad when I leave ......

Everyday I go to feed the horses and play with them a bit, sometimes lucky enough to have a few minutes to ride my horse. I try to spend equal time with Lil Star. We takes walks down the road, she's good at passing cars, tractors and other peoples. I used to live next to a short section of trails and I would walk her there as well. I've done my part desensitizing her every chance I get, introducing her to new normal things.  

Sometimes we go to the arena and Lil Star jumps the jumps, barrels and walks over the logs. She'll walk across the wooden bridge and follow my horse when we 'pony' her along. The kids can love on her, groom her, sit on her and ride, with me on a lead line. She takes a saddle and bridles up just fine. She doesn't really know the bit and spends more time playing with it than not. No experienced little riders, so she's not been rode independently. 

Her feet used to be a 'challenge' but I found the most amazing farrier and over the last couple years, she's gotten good at getting her feet done. She'll let me pick them up and clean them anytime. I put oil on them in the dry spells and they are really healthy. She's barefoot and never had shoes. {To my knowledge}

The dentist came this spring and did her teeth. She stood so good!! Her age was estimated at 10 years and her teeth were in great shape, just a little filing down was all that was needed.  She's a super easy keeper. Adapts to any hay, lives on pasture. 

She's been stalled where she's had to come in and go out, waits for you at the gate. All I have to do is whistle and my horses come running, so for me, she's not hard to catch. I don't load or haul that often, but the few times I've had to haul her, she loads after a pony minute. Sometimes right away? I think it's a pony thing depending on the day.

I'm looking for a family with a little horse lover that wants a pony of their own. Someone to love on her and finish her training. I believe she's going to be an amazing kid's horse. When she runs and plays - she races like she's doing the barrels, who knows, maybe she dreams of the rodeo? 

She comes with all her tack and blankets. My asking price is not set in stone, I'm more concerned with the right home. So if you know of anyone looking for a pony....

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay Safe and Happy Trails.

2024 Event Schedule

2024 Event Schedule ~

Mark your calendars and  join us at any of the following events this summer. July 9th ~ 16th ~ 23rd ~ 30th ~ Hometown Market  Tues Nights in...

Like what you see at the Bright side of the Barn?