February 28, 2021

Who's training who {Training Take 2}

 Today was the beginning of something different. I didn't rush into the barn and hurry up and take everyone outside. Instead I opened the top doors, the brought Lil Star out, tied her in the hall and cleaned her stall. Then she got groomed and put back in. I dumped the cart and came back for Polaris to go next. Star Bright was the most patient and went last.

After everyone was done getting groomed and stalls cleaned. It was time to start lunging for Polaris. Only he and I went out to the paddocks. We only did a short work out, then he spent the day in a dry paddock ~ running, bucking and running some more. Worked himself up a sweat for the first time. Hopefully we'll be able to do this regularly, daily preferred.

Next Lil Star went out. She'll do a work out tomorrow morning after her spark of energy and high spirited walk out today. There is only one paddock that is heavy enough in gravel to use for their work outs and today was Polaris. 

Star Bright went out for a bit while I went home for lunch, then I came back and we went for a full saddled ride. Tim came along on the bike, as we are working with her on trails sharing with bikes and people with dogs. She's pretty bomb proof, but there is always something new to overcome.

Getting out of the driveway was a bit challenging. There's a barn next door that is falling down and looks pretty creepy. She wouldn't walk past it to go down the driveway. We took a couple laps on the outside arena then she was willing to cut across the yard and follow Tim on the bike. Once she realized we were on a trail, there was really no holding her back.

We rode to town and back to the trail head twice. Tim was Geo Caching and since she don't stand still very well, we practiced riding up and down the trail. On our second trip to town we all went all the way to the trail head. On the way there was a small green field with a bit of a trail worn into it along the trail. Star Bright cut into the grass trail and we had to have a gallop for a few minutes. 

On our final trip back toward home, I dismounted and walked her. I like to always refresh and keep her up to par on her manners. Walking toward home at the end of a ride, rather than running or running me over - is an important practice. She was hot and pretty sweaty, so it was a perfect cool down walk as well. 'Multi tasking'.

Star Bright's new bridle and Polaris rain sheet are both due in the mail this coming week.! I sure hope they fit like they are supposed too. Vet appointment Tuesday, everyone's getting shots! and quick checks. Busy week coming up. 

Blessed by God 
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails.

What do you want from this?


I already know Polaris will never be BUDDY. 

This was one of the two most amazing horses you could own and I paid $500 bucks for him and Star Bright with all the tack and extras. Including 5 saddles.

He loved the kids!!

My grandson was running around a bit too fast for Buddy one day and he put his hoof down on my grandson's foot......

We quickly pulled the boot off to not even find a mark. I asked if it hurt and was told just a little. Apparently Buddy applied just enough pressure to hold him still for a minute.

Many smiling faces have come off his back after a ride. He was the perfect 'kid's horse'. And he will be missed and greatly remembered
 - since his passing.

I know Polaris will never be Buddy, I want Polaris to be Polaris. But I really want Polaris to be as dependable as Buddy and Star Bright have been.

Lil Star is coming along nicely, let's not forget her in the mix of the message. We have her bridle and are selecting her saddle for this summer

I have a Granddaughter that has been waiting for the day she rides ..... The love for her pony...

These 2 have been connecting since DAY ONE.

Today's blog is preaching to me, myself and I..... 

PATIENCE and stop rushing it. 

~~ Slow and steady - 

We're 'taming' and 'training' 

NOT 'breaking' our horses. 

Be selective about what advice takes you in what directions...

Deep breathe, sigh, and it's off to the barn for a day without any other obligations... The first since we moved the horses.

Blessed by God
LIfe's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for Stopping by
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails.

February 26, 2021

Polaris~In the Beginning {Training Take 2}

 I don't need to remind anyone, that Polaris is the clown in our herd.. He has such a sweet loving personality and is really just so full of play, while discipline and training are necessary we are not wanting to lose his originality....

Day One

Polaris is NOT getting any grain other than his daily ration of HORSE GUARD. & The usual treats, such as a few grapes, pieces of apple or banana, strawberries.... ABSOLUTELY NO GRAIN.

The morning started when I took the girls out to the paddocks and gave each her own space for play time. This allowed more freely to buck kick and roll by themselves without having to share their space and bump each other.

I went back to the barn for Polaris.  I opened the top half of Polaris's door and talked to him a bit. He was going to be staying in for some one to one time with me, while I cleaned stalls. At first he wanted to push on his gate and get all wild like storming around. Being mouthy. Swung his butt around to the door like he was going to kick it, I gave him a little swat on the butt with the riding crop and said NO! He turned around and never pointed his butt in my direction again.

Today we would be using the small riding crop frequently, I showed it to him, stroked him with it at the same time as I was petting him with my other hand. I made sure he wasn't afraid of the crop as we worked through the day. When he would push on the gate or kick at it with his front foot, I commanded BACK, and tapped the stall door with the crop. When he moved back, he was rewarded and praised. If he didn't move back, I repeated the process. Using the crop to tap the door, the crop did NOT tap Polaris during this exercise.

Some good advice given to me was that when training a horse do it in 3's... So make sure you repeat the lesson 3 times. 

By the time I was done with the girls stalls, Polaris was standing at his door respectfully with his head out and watching me work. Of course he was enjoying the occasional grape slipped to him, a reward for politeness.

He really is a smart little horse, that has grown quite a bit and isn't going to be so little.!!

Once the girls stalls were done, it was time to open his door and check his hay and water. The command BACK as I opened the door, showed him the crop and waited for him to retreat to the other side of his stall. He turned and put his butt in the far corner and looked at me. I complimented him and told him to STAY. as I proceeded to fill his hay and water. When I was done, I went over and talked to him petting his face. 

Haltering was a much calmer experience. I took a few relaxing breathes before I started and moving slow and steady, he calmly put his face in his halter without all the wild head toss and smacking around we've been dealing with this week.

Now it was time to come out in the hallway and cross tie {only one side for a first time} use a lead rope to represent the other side, held in my hand or dropped to the ground once he proceeded to stand relatively still. 

I cleaned his stall and talked to him, so he wouldn't get all upset standing there. {He's not learned cross tie, tie, or any form of restraint..}

Once his stall was done, we did some grooming still trying to get those balls of mud and poop off his belly. He's not fond of the water and it's way to cold still for a bathe anyway. He has been standing for the detangler sprayer and it has been helping with getting some of it off of him.

He went back in his stall when all was said and done. The girls came in for the night and I felt we had a good day.....

Day Two

Richard came out to the barn this morning to tell me that when he went in to feed Polaris his breakfast, Polaris moved to the far corner, put his butt to the wall and stood like a gentle man while his hay was being put in the bin. 

Richard could tell that we had already started working on his manners !!

I was able to lead him out to the paddock and back in without incident. He came out and stood for grooming and re entered his stall without any resistance. His behavior was much more mellow, still the same silly boy, just a little more respectful.. and a lot safer to be around.


I've had my share of horse accidents and injuries, starting as far back as when I was 8 yrs. I've been riding horses since I was so young I don't remember, I have just seen the pictures of lil me. I've done a fair amount of rehabilitating horses, helping rescues feel safe with humans again, and done a bit of corrective training, some riding training... But. 

Polaris is my first young colt, that has had no previous training and it's all up to ME - How he turns out will be a result of my work. So I am taking this quite serious in my learning as well as his. I've watched a lot of trainers, studied a lot of trainers and followed a few You Tubers that are pretty smart at what they do. Read as much as I possibly can about diet, behavior, housing comforts, riding, and what's important for my horses and myself.

And yes, sometimes I feel overwhelmed and in over my head. Then he does something spectacular like this morning and it gives me new energy and hope for the both of us. 

Stay tuned for more updates on Polaris's progress. {Subscribe if your forgetful, never miss a post.}

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails

February 24, 2021

Polaris ~ Correcting HERD mentality


Big mistake on my part was to put Polaris back into the herd last fall. Winter has pretty much undone all his training, and created NEW problems. Don't get me wrong, he is still the sweetest boy and as lovable as a colt can get.

However, he tries to play as he did with the other horses. This behavior includes, being "Mouthy" and 'attitude' that tries to "nip", "turns to kick" and "rears up" when he's wanting to play or being asked to do something he doesn't want to do.

It's only been a week and a half at the new barn.....
I know it's going to take some time... 

But I feel like we're back to square one and starting over.... Only this time, he's older and bit more cocky about it.

Polaris is back in the stall and it's him alone in his paddock. {This was recommended to help "un herd" him}. The girls are together next door.

We are working on haltering without the 'head toss' and walking to the paddock and back without spook episodes or breaking away. I know I have to give him some time to learn the new barn yard and get used to the new routine...

I went to You Tube for some inspiration on 

The mouthy, nipping issues....

And for the rearing up and authority issues....

I'll let you know how it goes after a couple weeks. 
What I need ;

is a round pen that he can't jump the walls on ~ lol 

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by,
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails.

Which Hay is better for your horse?

 Timothy vs Orchard

  1. Standlee forage ~ nutrition information
  2. Atascadero ~ nutritional information
Each site states the opposite information regarding protein. One states Timothy is higher the other Orchard is higher.

So I went to My horse University

To find out the way to choose hay.

The bottom line:

  • Make sure your supplier is providing quality hay. 
  • Talk to your horse and find out which they like.
  • Evaluate your horses age and work requirements.
  • Check your pocket book.

Visit your local hay store and select your personal choice.

Everyone has an opinion and preference. It's good either way. As long as it's good quality hay and not full of weeds or moldy...

I hope this helps. As you know, everyone has an opinion and hands out advice freely. Double check the facts before you change your mind. Don't just listen to people. FACT CHECK for yourself.

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails.

February 20, 2021

We love our Farrier.


Lunch time~ and no, it's not as much as it looks like, except for Star Bright - who is getting what she needs to regain her weight. She'll be 24 this spring! 

They all need their Horse Guard every day and I prefer to feed fresh fruits and vegetables for snacks, rather than buy prefab treats.

There are a couple exceptions to the rule. But Read the ingredients! Before you buy.

Today was a really BIG DAY @ the Barn. Our amazing new farrier 'George' came to do hooves.

Star Bright has a sore on her leg and wasn't as co operative as usual. However, if you'll notice, even though she has another sore, we don't have a wrap on her leg! Seems the last several pictures for her have been with a band aid on one of her legs.

She is starting to look a lot better. The 'rain rot' is a daily regiment and finally going away. She doesn't mind staying inside in the horrible rainy cold weather. I believe she actually Loves having a bin of hay all to herself. No one biting or kicking at her. And a soft dry bed to lay down in.

Silly Polaris loves his stall so much, he even rolls in it!!
Polaris was happy to see Papa Tim today, can you tell? I was so proud of him. He got his front feet done today for the very first time ever!! We're still working on picking up the back feet. He's a baby growing up and hasn't been handled much til I got him.

He and I have 'home work' to do before the next appointment. His one back foot needs straightened out before it throws his spine out of alignment. So we have to get them back feet picked up before George comes back. Polaris has been doing so good at walking in and out from the barn to the paddocks, without spooking at every little thing. {This is a major accomplishment for Polaris, you have no idea}

Even though it started out as a struggle for her, Lil Star had all 4 of her feet done today!!! This is the first time her back feet have been done without everyone getting the 'crap' kicked out of them or pushed over.

In the end, she stood without even having to be held and let him trim her back feet. George said he even had a good time with her, he hasn't 'wrestled' a mini in a while. Her little feet don't look as pretty as we'd like, maybe next time she stand for the file longer.. 

1000 kisses on the noses when it was all over with. 

A very amazing day for us. We've been working hard on the whole process of getting them feet lifted and trimmed. Both Polaris and Lil Star had no previous handling until I bought them. Lil Star is going to be 5 this spring and Polaris is guestimated at being 2 1/2 now.

A lot of work training 2 horses! 

Very rewarding when we have days like today. 
Such a good day, Star Bright and I even got a 10 minute workout ..
I wasn't able to load the full video, Blogger has limits. 
But heres a clip in our new arena.

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails.

February 17, 2021

What'cha Thinking


The topics vary, this is true. What comes out in the next post, is what ever is on my mind at the moment I get the chance to write. Or, it's something that I want to share, or feel needs said.

Our beautiful world is changing and there is a lot of scary things going on. Forgive me for saying it, but it does need said..... We have a lunatic in the Presidents chair and our country is in serious disarray. So I guess it's nice to spend 5 minutes reading something that is much adu about nothing. If you get a chuckle out of it, or at least a smile. .. It's been worth the time to write. 

Todays' thought ~ is actually a quest.....

Polaris has mud balls and horse poop stuck to his belly and they are balls that are as hard as rocks. He's been pulling his hair out trying to pull them off. I've tried to brush the smaller ones out, I've even tried shaving them off, he won't hold still so that didn't work at all. It's been too cold for a bath and that is still something he's learning to stand still for.

Someone stated that they will fall off when he sheds..... It's obviously uncomfortable or he wouldn't be pulling on them...

I'm going to try a bottle of detangler and some conditioner next. Let you know the outcome on that one. If anyone has had success with such a feat drop me a line! I'd love to hear your remedy.

The horses moved end of last week. It's taken this long to clean them up and I'm still not done. Star Brights scabs finally peeled off a couple of her injuries. One I believe was needing drained. Yuk - it was a stinky mess. Looked much better when I was done. I counted almost 20 bite marks and cuts on her hind end and back legs. A lot of ointment.

I got her out of the 'herd' before she got hurt too bad. Her chest was even tender when we first moved. Like she took a front kick.  She is really enjoying being in a stall and having her own space, not having to fight for food. She's been pretty spoiled most of her life, she really don't know how to fight all the time for food. 

Even Lil Star had a couple bald spots on her back I noticed. A little bit of 'rain rot' on her too. It's really not good to have horses out in the weather with out shelter or a blanket. Not good at all. I believe it's actually illegal in some states. 

Polaris has a few bites, however I don't think they are as bothersome as his belly. Poor babies. It was a really hard winter on my horses. Very grateful to have found a wonderful new barn. 

Tomorrow the 'buyer' is supposed to come for the truck.. We'll see how this goes. If all goes well; I'll be car shopping the next couple days.
Once we get rolling in new wheels, it's back to the barn and working on the cleaning and healing wounds on the horses. Who knows I might even get a ride in soon!! 

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails.

February 16, 2021

Let it go

When a certain kind of people accuse you of things, they are exposing their own mentality. The way they think is the way they think everyone else's mind works as well. 

That's why some of us, just can't imagine, why some people do the things they do.

When we've been wronged, some think of revenge, others think of forgiveness, and yet others, just move on. . . Like all the other events in life, it becomes just another memory. A good story to tell, later in life. 

I've heard it said many, many times. . . .  If they would only put that much effort into doing something good, look at how far they would have gotten. 

Holding a grudge and plotting revenge, only destroys your own being. Quite often such events, back fire and end up costing you more in one form or another. Too often they make a person look foolish in the end. 
Talking about things often helps one let it go. The ultimate solution is to be able to talk to the other person and come to a resolve. But not everyone is interested in getting along, so you often have to find your own way to overcome and let go of things. 

It doesn't always mean your holding a grudge, when you remember NOT to trust someone that's wronged you. It might simply mean, your not interested in getting wronged again, so you don't give them your trust this time around. 

Life's too short to hang on to the negative. 

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails.

Blame my parents an my EX.


As a child, my family moved A LOT!
The number one question always asked as the new kid..... 
Is your dad military? .......... 
Answer - NO.

My journey started in North Dakota where I was born. They moved around that state a few times, before venturing west. Seattle Washington is where I started kindergarden. From there we crossed the border north to B.C, Canada. Port Coquitlam was 1st & 2nd grade. Haney/ Maple Ridge I blasted through 3,4, 5th in 2 years. Tested, skipped 6th in time for them to move to Alberta Canada, for me to start 7th grade. 

After spending multiple summers in Alberta, now we lived there! {For one long miserable year}. Then it was back, yes all the way back - to Seattle, Washington. 8th grade was in 3 different schools, starting in Federal Way, to White Center, to Kent. By 9th they bought a house! Only to turn around at the start of the 10 grade and announce they were selling and moving back to Alberta.

I moved out! I stayed here in Washington.

At 13-14. I Tried living with a friend so I could finish school and that didn't work out, ended up being a mom early with 4 little ones in tow by the time that marriage ended 11 years later.

The thought of planting roots, didn't seem to be in my DNA. Domestic Violence kept me moving around with the kids for safety until we met Papa. He's been around 30 years now! {Some things are worth keeping}. The stalking and being hunted only added to the PTSS that my parents had started forming in me. Making it more difficult to consider staying in one place.

When I was in 'one spot' I rearranged furniture A LOT. I'm so used to constant change, that I have to constantly change something in my life. When my brother built the new deck on our house years ago, he build the table and benches so they could be moved around. He knew I would even have to rearrange the deck!!

Cars/trucks are another constantly changing entity in my life. If they make it over a year, they must be pretty special! I'm currently selling the truck and going to replace it with a smaller car. {This ole truck girl, is finally settling down to a car - dreaming of a quiet smooth ride}. 

The horses grounded me about 5 years ago. That is when I was really able to put this constant discontentment into perspective. It took finding the bond I'd been looking for all along, to help me see being grounded can be a 'good thing'. 

I've since been able to settle into the thought of buying a house and NOT MOVING again. The commitment to the house is a big one for me. To feel safe enough to settle down is a huge accomplishment. 

Why do I have to have so much constant change in my life?
I blame my parents and my EX for causing me to live 'reactively' rather than 'proactively' for too many years. 

Take control of your life, become 'proactive' and discover yourself. Examine the 'whys' you do what you do. Look for the 'hows' to change the negative into positive - Life will become brighter!

Blessed by God 
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails.

February 13, 2021

Happy Valentines Day! 2021

I hope everyone has a wonderful Valentines day tomorrow. 

Flowers or Chocolate or both?

I received a beautiful bouquet of flowers...
We have SNOW!! yuk! 

So glad the horses are moved... it was starting to flutter as we were heading to the new barn, and has continued to dump ever since. I am So happy they are inside out of the weather!

They go out for a while every day while I clean stalls and do a few things. Today they rolled in the snow and made 'snow angels'. Might sound strange, but it feels good to be cleaning stalls and taking them in and out again. 

The girls turn out together and walk in together, it's nice to have them bonding with each other. I have to admit I was a bit disappointed when lil Star re acquainted with her old friends and abandoned Star Bright in the herd. Although, she did remain protective and chase off the other horses when they would go after Star Bright. My girl is not a herd horse nor is she a fighter. She would stand back and be the last to eat! 

The snow made it a little hard to get the hay delivered today. So blessed to have friends that help with the horses. A load of hay and bedding is greatly appreciated!!! Tomorrow we'll try again for that hay delivery. 

We have a new link @ the Bright side of the Barn. Today's Picture. If you like photography, it's worth a look. {Look for the link at the top of the page, under the header} Tim and I have taken a lot of pictures on our adventures. Dog walks, geocaching, sight seeing, visiting family, road trips... Trail rides... My kids have all had a hand at photography too. Beautiful pictures to share. Enjoy! 

Even though it's cold and a bit rough right now, 

Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn.
Blessed by God
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails.

February 11, 2021

All tucked in

Hubbard Horse Hauling ~ Carol is the greatest! 
All 3 of my fur babies delivered in one load. No one gets stressed out, she drives so well. It is really Amazing how she gets that trailer in and out of some of the most complex driveways...
I highly recommend you call Hubbard when you want to move your horses. 

Everyone called out to each other as we unloaded and walked around the corner out of sight, into the barn. Once everyone was able to see each other again, they calmed right down and started chewing on breakfast.

Polaris wouldn't hold still for a picture, he was too busy looking around and making friends with the other horses in the new barn. 

Star Bright settled right in and enjoyed her breakfast while I worked the brush. And after about an hour I got most of the mud off her feet and legs.... She enjoys being indoors and NOT out in the weather, she really looked happy when I left tonight.

Lil Star, I believe loves the big room and food all to herself.! She's too short for the manger so I had to give her a tub for her hay. Her feet were still to wet to get the mud brushed out, but she did get her hair cut and has the cutest Trojan horse mane going on. Her tail got a trim, hopefully it'll fill out this year now that she doesn't itch as much. 

I bet they all lay down and sleep peacefully tonight, all snug and warm as the snow falls quietly to the ground outside the barn.

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails.

February 10, 2021

The Big Move!

 Tomorrows the day! 

The horses are moving to the new barn. 

I sold the little horse trailer this morning and that enabled me to be able to scheduled the horse hauler to pick them up tomorrow morning. Rather than take multiple trips with my truck and trailer, we'll get it done in one load. That way no one has to stress out and none of my horses have to feel left behind. I don't have to worry about where to store the trailer either.

It's going to be a busy day, setting up stalls and settling them in. I'll need to get them cleaned up and then show them around the farm. They are going to love it so much. Big grazing pastures in the summer. 

And we are making the move - Just in time, I heard it's going to try and snow in the next few days. 

It is so awesome how God works. He knew I didn't like my horses standing out in the cold, and I was worried about them with the weather getting colder. He also knew I needed a small financial miracle to be able to secure a new place and pay the old dues, stock up on hay and bedding.... Pay for the move itself and keep my head afloat during the whole transition. Blessed again. The trailer sold in less than 24 hours on the market for enough to do it all. 

I'm pretty stoked. The dotted line in the picture is a riding trail.... yep, right next door. Plus a really large half covered half open arena to train Polaris and Lil Star in.... All at a fantastic price, Which includes morning hay @ 7:30 am. So everyone will be content and eating until I arrive...

I've met a couple of the other boarders today, Awesome nice folks. Some of which trail ride as well. This is going to be an exciting new adventure for me and my horses. I'm looking forward to it.

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails

February 9, 2021

The words of a wise one.

 J.R.R. Tolkien
“I sit beside the fire and think
Of all that I have seen
Of meadow flowers and butterflies
In summers that have been

Of yellow leaves and gossamer
In autumns that there were
With morning mist and silver sun
And wind upon my hair

I sit beside the fire and think
Of how the world will be
When winter comes without a spring
That I shall ever see

For still there are so many things
That I have never seen
In every wood in every spring
There is a different green

I sit beside the fire and think
Of people long ago
And people that will see a world
That I shall never know

But all the while I sit and think
Of times there were before
I listen for returning feet
And voices at the door”

― J.R.R. Tolkien

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails

February 5, 2021

Horse Supplies

Getting ready to move out of my bedroom and the back seat of the truck, into a 'tack locker'! 
I decided to clean up the buckets and make out my shopping list. Things like DURASOLE are necessities to keep on hand. 
My grooming brushes needed washed and I had a couple lead ropes that were due for a washing as well.   
Hard to believe all of that fits into one little pink bucket!
The Bathe bucket was just as dirty. Had to make sure I have plenty of shampoo, conditioner, hoof cream and whoops better put detangler on the list! 

Here are Some of my favorite products and several samples thqt I've gotten with my subscription to  Saddlebox  💖💖A surprise package for you and your horse that comes every month.

Rain coats, saddle bags.... so much space available in the closet now! Starting to get a feel for just how spoiled my horses are. AND
My room is going to have so much room  I just might have to re arrange when this is all done.👵

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails.

February 4, 2021


 I love how things can sometimes work out perfectly!


I really was nervous about the 'adventure' of moving the horses. 

The big first off - 👀

is finding a place with 3 vacancies and that will take a mini.

Then, find the place that has all of my preferences


  • Stalls (they have water piped right to the buckets! 
    • (Auto water in the paddocks)
  • Turn out paddocks that are NOT MUDDY (7 available)
  • A large arena (half covered half open)
    • Plus a 2nd outdoor arena with lights 
  • Summer pasture 
  • Hot/cold wash
  • Place to ride....🏇🏇🏇
    • Bonus - the 'rails to trails' system is RIGHT NEXT DOOR!!!!
Now, @ the right price (I have to multiply by 3 💰💰💰)

It didn't take long to find it! It was almost instantly and it was through a friend that I found it.

So once we move the horses at the end of this month, I won't really need the trailer. At least not as much as now. So, it's up for sale and eventually we'll look at a 3 horse slant.

I'll have a place for feed and tack, so I'll get half my bedroom/office back! whoo hoo. 

God is Great!

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails.

February 3, 2021

A great Bird Watching Event!!


Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails.

February 2, 2021

Blessed ! Prayers answered again.

I do feel very blessed at the moment. 

At various times in life, I create a prayer post it envelope or board. 
Now, why it hasn't been an ongoing thing is beyond me. 
When I get overwhelmed with so many things needing figured out, or when something major happens and we have to recover. I end up with a new prayer board. 
The board gets loaded with a ton of post its, with each holding a particular, need, request or name. When the prayer is answered a second post it, declares the victory and how it was achieved, moving it to the completed corner of the board.

Well here we are again, after a crazy 2020 and 
This year starting out strong. 
Some of the 'virus memorandums / benefits' ended in December and bills that floated are now 'due' again.... with added fees on some.

People are STRESSING. 
$$$, quarantines, and what is coming next?

I started a new Prayer board!

There's a few things I'd like to shave off my stress pile and make life a little easier this year.... Some unresolved bills, I have family struggling with a few things, not just the virus and some effected by the virus.... My dog. She's 14 years old and not doing well. You can't go into the vets with them because of the virus and I won't let them take her in alone. She's die of a heart attack before they got her out of the car. ... My horses needed to relocate... 

I'm sure if you took a minute, you'd have a list too. 

Within days of posting the board and all the post its, I started making phone calls. I renegotiated a couple payments so they'd be a bit less this year.... Had a miracle with my dog after a horrific scare.... Found an amazing place for the horses .... had a little bonus money show up ... after outrageous car repair bills that we're still recovering from. ..

 and most important and awesome....
the Lord was with a family member when it was about life or death. ... 

Prayers answered and I feel blessed. 
Some things are major improvements from where I stood before, other things major relief! All things for the better and half my board has been answered.

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails.

February 1, 2021

Looking for a New Barn

 We're on a mission, to find a new barn. 

This winter was a little rough for Star Bright, so I'd like to find her a stall again. 

This spring, Lil Star and Polaris are both ready to start their primary training. Which requires an arena or round pen with riding area.

Has to be kid friendly as I have some young riders in the family.

Hot/cold wash rack highly needed!

I have a silly lil boy that likes to get dirty!

Enumclaw to Maple Valley - Issaquah area, maybe Auburn/Kent? 
Self care preferred/full care considered.
Multi horse discount greatly appreciated! 

I'm Available barn help 
4 hours a day 5 days a week 
in exchange for reduced board.
I have 3, one's a mini so they only eat for 2 and 1/2.

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails

2024 Event Schedule

2024 Event Schedule ~

Mark your calendars and  join us at any of the following events this summer. July 9th ~ 16th ~ 23rd ~ 30th ~ Hometown Market  Tues Nights in...

Like what you see at the Bright side of the Barn?