July 19, 2020

This is it!

I believe AMERICA as we knew it, is coming to an end.
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What's exciting,
is how it's all been predicted in the Bible and how so much of the Bible is unfolding at a rapid rate!

I grew up in the 70's, many refer to the era as the epic of Bible Thumping. "Jesus is coming back and you better be prepared, or go to hell".  Phony cults and fake leaders..... a lot of people died, committed suicide or murder. All in the name of 'GOD'. {Beware of false prophets}.

By the year 2000, there were so many 'religious' types, that you could pretty much pick and choose HOW you want to believe and WHAT RULES you want to follow, to call yourself a christian.  GOD Almight, had become just another god to choose from. Do what ever you want all week and just go to church on Sunday and your good. {works alone will not buy you a ticket to heaven}.

People don't BELIEVE any more. People don't think GOD is real or anything more than just another 'object' from which to aquire hope. People are not afraid of going to hell, simply because they do not believe there is a hell to go to. Too many people think this life is all there is and you just die. {The hearts of many will wax cold}.

The rapture, ... People are looking to the sky and waiting for it, when it's been happening. {2 will be working. 1 will be chosen and 1 will remain}.

Now we have our money disappearing. Covid makes it easy to look innocent. Even laundry mats are wanting you to upload a pay app for the machines instead of quarters. {The mark will be in your forehead or your hand, and you will not be able to commerce without it}.

{Those with the mark of the beast will not be entering heaven}

Oh, the points go on and on.... and I could ramble all day. Thing is even the Bible says that to those that don't believe they will not see it coming.

Thought to Ponder..... 
Kinda like a twister - one sees it coming and prepares, the other sees it coming and thinks it's going to turn the other way. One survives and the other doesn't.

God's time - 1 day to God is as 1000 years to man. 
Church - A body of people, not a building.

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn.
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails.

July 11, 2020

Saturday s

Spending time with my boys...

Grandsons and great Grandson!!

Blessed by God
Life's good@ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails

July 5, 2020

A New Normal

 I recently added links for the government archives; to the Declaration of Independence, The Constitution, The Bill of Rights and the Amendments to the Constitution. My question is - Have you actually read any of these documents?  I wonder how many of us haven't.
Survey says....... Pick the smiley face at the bottom of this page if you've read any or all of the documents. Pick the sad face if you haven't read any.

Our country is changing. The virus has made a permanent mark on our lives. And normal, will never be the same.

I struggle with how masks are doing any good when we're not wearing gloves and people are touching things. ?  How you go into a restaurant or bar and keep your mask on?

I'm hearing that a lot of states are falling backwards and closing down again. Some folks are still waiting for their unemployment.... I hope there is going to be another check for folks. Some people are getting evicted now because they still can't catch up on rent. More faces on the corners with cardboard signs.

Thank you to all the people who have opened up their homes, renting out rooms, or parking an RV in their yard with a family in need. It's summer, tents are cool too. I don't know where everyone expects the homeless to go, when they just want to chase them out of the parks, camp grounds and cities...

People think that homeless people are homeless because of drugs. When for many, they became homeless because of life and drugs became the only way for them to cope.

I would really like to see rental property become unprofitable. I would like to see rents capped and forced to go down the longer a person lives in the unit. Rent should never be higher than a mortgage. In fact rent should be based on the minimum wages, so that everyone could afford to have a roof over their heads.

Apartments should be like condos in a sense. If a person lives in an apartment 15 years they should own it. More incentives should be created so more people can afford to BUY A HOME. When people own where they live they take a personal interest in their community and neighborhood. When people rent, if they don't like it they move. And the more people move around the more unstable communities become.
The more people own their homes the stronger the neighborhood.

Rent was never supposed to be a permanent solution for people.

We could slow the spread of the virus long term if we could slow down the movement of people from place to place. And reduce homelessness.

Crime would go down too.

How many hands touch the gas pump handle?
Why don't we become a nation of full service gas stations and reduce the number of hands on the pumps and help reduce the spread of the virus and create a million more jobs. ?

What else can we change and improve the new normal?

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails.

2024 Event Schedule

2024 Event Schedule ~

Mark your calendars and  join us at any of the following events this summer. July 9th ~ 16th ~ 23rd ~ 30th ~ Hometown Market  Tues Nights in...

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