January 30, 2020


All you can do is try. You hope, you pray, and when opportunity arises, you try. When you love someone, you don't give up. Sometimes you let go. You don't always have a choice. That doesn't mean you quit. You keep praying and you hope for Miracles to happen. Love, can create miracles.

So love.

You can't change the past, you can only live in the present and try to have a better future. Sometimes, you have no control over things, and things happen. Life isn't fair and we don't always understand. Sometimes you make mistakes, do things wrong. Doesn't mean it's the end. Love and forgiveness are powerful forces.

So forgive.

There are so many people alone in the world. No one to help, care or understand. Too many people left to fend for themselves, when we should be caring for each other. How are you going to feel if it should happen to you? What would you do, if you had no one?

So care.

We all get hurt. We all hurt others. Whether it's intentional or accidental. It happens. Feelings get hurt. Relationships of any kind are not perfect. We are human, we make mistakes. We can't let the pain, shatter our whole heart.

So heal.

Love has amazing power. Love can overcome. Love can heal. It's the month of love, so let's think about all the different kinds of love. The warm fuzzy feelings. Let's melt the hate that is so cold in our world today.

Show someone some love

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn.
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails.

January 29, 2020

Down a different path


If you have ever had a major traumatic event occur in your life, you understand, sometimes, it takes a while to recover. I had a few things happen in the same time span and it wasn't easy to get through, So it took longer.

The last few posts have been down a different path, simply because I'm coming up on 2 years of being 'on the road to recovering'. No, I'm not an alcoholic or drug addict. I've had a lot of stress in my life and I have finally gotten to a place that's stress free.... Or at least much less stress. This in turn has improved my heart.... which has increased my expected life span. 2 years without an attack. Or collapse. So, yes this feels good.

I started down a different path a couple years ago. That path has brought me to the Bright side of the Barn and a happy place. For anyone that knows anything about depression or anxiety, they would understand the victory in 'finding a happy place'.

Mental illnesses affect a lot of people. A lot more people than people want to admit about themselves.

Depression has been around for a long time, while things like anxiety and bipolar as well as PTSD, are new to the everyday ear.

We don't understand and it freaks us out.

I have someone in my life, that refused to admit they had a problem. Blamed, hurt and destroyed everyone around them. It took years, they almost killed them self and It was ugly. Finally, and I don't know what finally broke through, but finally, they admitted they had a problem. Instead of tearing everyone else apart, they finally got help, and medication and therapy. So now, they lead a fairly normal life.

Not everyone is so lucky. Not everyone has someone willing to go through the hell, to help them. Sometimes we have so much of our own hell to get through, we don't have anything left to help someone else.
And some people, just don't understand so they turn a blind eye and hope to God it never happens to them.

Mental health is much like our physical health. If we don't do the things to keep it healthy, it gets sick.

A sick mind is a dangerous place to be. 

We all take pity and compassion for those suffering from cancer. But we don't see the suffering of those with emotional illnesses and have no compassion. In fact, many mentally ill people get kicked to the curb and that is a great part of our homeless population.

Something to think about anyway.

We'll be getting back to the fun stuff, I'm about done with reminiscing ... Would be nice if the rain would stop so we could do more fun stuff outside. Cabin fever is starting to set in ..

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn.
Thanks for stopping by,
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails.

January 28, 2020

This feels good.

This really feels good. When I look back to then; and see now.... 

I feel more like me now than I have ever. The stress has subsided and the noise in my head has finally quieted down. 

All I ever wanted was a peaceful place for my kids to grow up. And for them to have a solid start on life. Unfortunately we don't leave our children with the foundations we used to. "Saving for college", is for the wealthy, "Inheritance" doesn't exist. Life insurance is taxed to death! So they don't get much there.

I wanted my Grama house and to have my family over on Sunday's and holidays for dinner. I love to cook. My grand kids anytime they wanted to be there. But that didn't happen. 

I didn't get much help in that and felt I've been on this road alone for a long time.

I left their dad because of his drinking and violence. I disagreed with the way his family raised children. He himself failed kindergarten because his mother allowed him to stay home and drink with his dad at the age of 6. She wasn't much better at being a mother in law, than she was as a mother. 

My second time around wasn't much better, his family was prejudice. And I never should have subjected my kids to that and all that came with it. His mother was much like my own and too drunk to remember anything, again another raised to drink and the adults think it's cute? 

It wasn't that I didn't like anyone. I DON'T LIKE DRUNKS. I didn't agree with the way they behaved. I wanted better examples of adults for my children to grow up around. 

It's not easy always having to defend yourself and the truth. It's not easy doing the right thing, when your feelings want to do something else. But somebody has to be mature about things.

I've walked on egg shells most of the time. In my first marriage I was constantly being criticized and put down for my parenting. In my second marriage, I was disliked because I had my own children and didn't put his child first.

I've been accused and blamed for so much I have never, nor would I do. It's nice not having anyone live with me. I have my privacy. I don't have people speculating that I'm plotting against them.... I don't have to listen to their drama, nor be stuck in the middle of it. I don't have to tiptoe because someone else is upset and I don't want to be the blowup.

I found my "tribe" and I'm happy with them. My horse is the greatest! The goats too funny for their own good. The chickens have become more than just chickens and egg layers. They are pets. My cats and dog, have always been there for me. And none of them, ever think I'm out to get them, nor are they plotting against me LOL..

I don't do social media so I don't have to see the stupidness of people, nor listen to the drama. I keep life real with respect, and it feels good living in the moment. Not having to live for anyone else of their expectations.

Be your best.

Blessed by God
Life's good at the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails.

January 26, 2020

Mirror Mirror

I don't think I'm perfect, You do. That's why you watch and criticize my every fault. This is where the saying comes from "Look in the mirror, when you point your finger".

For a minute there I hope you don't think I was talking about you. I wasn't talking about anyone in particular, it's just how some people make you feel sometimes. At least some of us feel that way.

Be careful what you say on social media, talk about one person and 10 think your talking about them. People have such guilty consciences about themselves, they don't realize they expose themselves with their own reactions, rather than you exposing their story. It's a bit sad to think that so many fall down that path.  

Who's real these days. How many live true to their public profiles? How many share too much of their personal lives? 

I don't try to appear perfect, in reality or on the Bright side of the Barn. I try to show the positive. I strive for perfection every day. Personal perfection. Always trying to improve myself and the life around me. This is my motivation every day. 

I think I'm normal, always wanting to put my best foot forward. 

I come from a time when your actions spoke for your character, your words for your integrity, and dignity and honor followed you in a reputation you could be proud of.

You were who you were and your word was a bond, you lived up to.

It doesn't mean I spend my day looking at everyone else's lives and criticizing when I think they are wrong, or look down on them because they are not where I am.? 

What ever that truly means. I've heard it said so many times. 
My oldest son used to say {using his hands} Dad is down here and your up here. We don't have to try very hard to be better than this, and it's impossible to be as good as that.
Sometimes, it's a sad perception

Be yourself and be the best you that you can be. Don't try to be me.
Like the bumper sticker says "Don't follow me, I'm lost".

Blessed by God 
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn.
Thanks for stopping by,
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails.

January 25, 2020

Why me?

Everyone should have a therapist or Councilor. We all need a place to unload without worrying that it's going to be tomorrows gossip.

A place where there is no judgement, no bias.

It used to be families were closer and could talk to each other. It used to be we had pastors, priests and ministers that we could talk to and trust. It used to be that teachers were a friend to their students and truly cared.


Not so many people go to church, so the pastors, priests and ministers are out. More and more kids are home schooling and more teachers are becoming unworthy of the trust.

Now days, families are mixed up and blended so much that kids don't even know if their own siblings are their sibling or their cousin?  Who's mom do you go to - yours or mine? Dad's are becoming extinct. The new guy takes his place. Mom's are so disrespected by missing fathers that kids have no one to look up to.

So who do you go to?  Where do you go when you don't know how to cope with how you feel? or when you just need someone to be there? or when you really just want some genuine advise...... or someone to shut up and listen.

What happens when you can't find help?

we wonder why so many turn to drugs, alcohol and other means of escape from the reality of our lives.

Have you ever truly listened when someone is telling you their problems. Or are you thinking of your own misfortunes, or feeling thankful that your life isn't so bad off.

When you hand out advise. Is it genuine, or just words.

So many people say "IF that was me, I wouldn't....." and yet they do.
So many people say "IF that happened to me, I would....." and yet they don't.

We are really good at giving others our opinions, but are we any good at living up to our own words.? 

How many times have you asked

"Why me?"

Only to find yourself later, needing that very experience, to help someone else find their way. 

My therapist the other day, said "You'd make a good councilor"... I kept talking and let that one just fly out the window. Even though we're in a room with no windows. 

I have spent so much of my life listening to other people talk about their problems, and I've barely had to share one story of my life and they end up grateful their life isn't so bad. 

I've lived through hell. and that's an understatement. 

I figured out a long time ago.... Why me? because nobody else could live this life ..... just like nobody else could go through your life and survive it as well as you have. 

Regardless of how bad you might think it is. 

It's okay to cry and allow yourself to feel . It's okay to fall, just don't stay down, get up.
.. it's okay to say "Why me?". But then you got to dry your eyes and look around.... 

Someone always has it worse than you. Start looking at them and saying "Why them?" and do something to make their life a little better. 

Don't hold it in, and don't take it out on others. Don't drown it in a bottle or try and escape with the drugs.....

Get a therapist and talk about it. Get it out. Share it. Give yourself that gift. You might not think you have problems, think your handling your life ok. You probably are, but you would be surprised how much happier you'll feel. 

I had a friend once. He was heart broken that his marriage was falling apart. Both he and his wife were in therapy for years.....  but refused to go to marriage counselling together.?  It took him experiencing what life would be like if he left, to realize he wanted to stay. It took him almost leaving for his wife to realize she was pushing him away...... They finally went to marriage counselling. Last I heard they were still together. Whether or not they are happy, is for them to figure out. 

Whether it's a therapist to get it out, or a counselor to referee between couples..... it's a great thing to have. And it works better than drugs or alcohol... or violence, or having affairs, or ..friends that talk about you behind your back... 

ya, try it.
Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn,
Thanks for stopping by,
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails.

January 23, 2020

Family Time

I had a wonderful day yesterday. A quick shop, and I got to pick up a couple grand kids from school, since it was so close. We picked up some of the stuff they are moving and took a load 'home' with us.

My daughter had spent the day cooking a turkey dinner. We missed out on our Christmas dinner together and she had an extra turkey ~ we had Family time.

My little grand son took Sophia out my hand when I got there and the two of them were a team for the first half of our visit. He insisted Sophia had to go potty when I got there so we went outside together. I had asked him if he had a good day at school, and his response was "I'm having a great day Grama, my whole family is here." Melts your heart.

The second half of our visit Miss Sophia attached herself to my granddaughter. Them two have had a relationship for years..... I'm so proud of this young lady working so hard to graduate this year. She's an amazing artist, we see art school in her future. She came home with me and we hung out just the two of us. Haven't done that in a long time so it was pretty cool.

My oldest granddaughter was there for dinner as well, and that was really nice for me, I haven't seen her in ages.... Halloween I think it was. I always sleep better after I see her for myself. To know she's ok.

I've been promoted to GG. My great grandson has sooooo many smiles. He's teething so he wasn't the happiest little guy, but he was sure full of smiles. He spent his time trying to get to Sophia, he's so fascinated by the dog. He loves the animals. Goes crazy for the horses when he's here.

It was a really cool evening, something we haven't done in ages.

There's nothing like 'FAMILY TIME' be sure to enjoy every minute of it.

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails.

January 21, 2020


It's it funny how sometimes, the minutes take forever to pass and other times, the hours fly by.

We know why that is ~ When your busy or enjoying yourself, your not watching the time.

~ When your waiting and thinking about being somewhere else, or doing something your not fond of doing, your watching the time.

I remember when I first got pregnant with my oldest daughter we tried to imagine what it would be like 18 years later. ... Now here it is 40 years later.

I loved my kids and my happiest times were when it was just us doing something. Didn't really matter what it was. Whether it was a drive to someplace we never been or watching a movie together. I miss the togetherness. We used to be really close, and Time flew ~

Now it seems like forever between visits. Grand kids grow so much! from one visit to the next. Feel like I'm missing out sometimes. Then I remember the hard parts of parenthood. Grama, is a nice place to be.

Things change over time.

Laws that were not even in existence then, are strongly enforced now.

Seat belts. 

How many remember growing up in the back seat of the car, facing the rear and playing on the back dash while dad was driving. The seat belts? I don't believe were visible. If they were even in the backseat of the car.

Smoking in public.

You used to see people smoking cigarettes everywhere. In the grocery store no less. Now, you need to be 25 feet away from the entrance of the building.

Sometimes, we run out of time...

I've noticed I missed a few days blogging .. My time has gotten away on me. My left arm and side haven't been doing as well as could be, so I've spent a lot of time, resting or at least trying to. It's been just over 4 weeks with 6 more to go on 'restrictions'. My Helpers kind of disappeared after Christmas for the most part, so I've been doing things I probably shouldn't be, a lot more than I should be.

Tonight was a tough one. My horse's feet are a bit challenging in wet weather, they have to be cleaned daily. The goats feet haven't been trimmed in I can't remember {Where does the time go?} So I spent TIME in the barn, catching up on taking care of things, and tonight while brushing Star's tail, I noticed shedding has begun. 

That means....

SPRINGTIME is coming soon!

I can't wait for the weather to warm up and the days to get brighter and last longer. It's about time I close for now, things to do before the nights over. 

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn.
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails.

January 17, 2020

A few changes

Bright side of the Barn has been so active lately with daily visitors, we've earned a few new awards! Thank you all for stopping by. I hope you enjoyed your visit. and yes, it looks a bit different around here, A few pages had to be unpublished as well as a couple other little things taken out. They were slowing down the load time.

Speaking of slow downs, My egg layers have slowed down due to the extreme cold. So the egg orders are getting backed up. I can't really take on any new customers at the moment. Sewing has been put off so I can get ready for the baby chicks and build the new chicken house. No new apron orders until I get caught up. Hopefully by fall we'll have a full production line of eggs going and I'll be able to do some sewing.

Some people are funny... A little while ago I mentioned that the chicken poop on the stall door was bothering me and I wanted to get the chicken house build and move the chickens. My landlord said, "It washes off". Now here we are {accident delayed my ability to do anything like building} and my landlord is telling me I need to do something about the chickens and the mess they are making on the stall doors?

What can you say, Some people are funny.

I'm trying to do the things that need done, without over doing it. BUT

I can't wait to be able to ride again!! My horse has had the winter off and she's getting a bit sassy about it. Went to put her halter on her the other day and she reared up. lol, she immediately came down and put her own head into the halter. It's not like she's a wild one, just a very spoiled sassy horse.

It's been a series of changes for my babies. While under the care of everyone else, the goats moved to an open stall/paddock. Now they are back to their own stall and getting back into the routine of going in their stall at night and out to pasture during the day. We are working on learning how to heal and stay next to mum while we're walking. Rather than drag mum around to where ever we want to go.

One day at a time, things are returning to 'normal', whatever 'normal' is?

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn.
Thanks for stopping by,
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails.

January 16, 2020

A different kind of day

I've been a bit quiet ~
Just not a lot to say.

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails.

January 14, 2020

That Dirty Rat

Yuck! Walked into the barn and found the body stuck under the door to the chickens. They attacked the head. My landlord peeked into the chickens the other day and found 2 big rats eating the chicken food. They live under the barn and find their way up where ever there is a crack in the floor. There are cats around here but they don't seem too interested in the rats.?

Poison is not really an option. There are too many little dogs, the cats and my chickens running around the barn. Traps create the same problem. Too many other critters that would trip them and get caught.

So what do you do about the rats?

My crazy thought was to pour concrete down the cracks and holes around the barn, seal them in down there. Perhaps fill up their homes so they move on? Surely all this rain has been flooding the tunnels. Why not flood them with concrete?

As for the chickens. 

I will be building a new mini Barn/Chicken coop here soon and they will be moving out of the barn. That should help discourage the rats from having as much free food around for dinner. And hopefully I will be able to pressure wash the poop off the stall door and walls. There is a reason you don't keep chickens in the barn with everyone else. They perch up high and make a mess everywhere.

I have a hen that has even tried to lay her egg above the door. Need less to say, there was a mess on the floor in the morning. My silly chickens like to try and hide where they lay their eggs sometimes. There are 2 that have a little hide out in the hay room and I find the eggs there everyday. Another one likes to go in the goats stall and lay her egg on the ledge along the wall. Sometimes, it's a good egg, other times, it's cracked :{

I plan on having a row of nesting boxes in the new chicken barn. Hopefully they will adapt to them and be happy hens. I'm thinking there is going to be a fenced in play yard as well. That way they can be outside even when I'm not home. Put a few whirly toys on the top to keep the Eagles away.

I Need to find a way to get the wood from the lumber yard, and hopefully my grandson wants to learn how to build something and use power tools!  He makes the best helper.

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails.

January 13, 2020

Dang it anyhow!

It's snowing.... Going to make everything I have to do this week, a bit harder to get done. And of course it's shopping week, with supplies due for the animals. I don't mind the snow, really. I just prefer it stay a little higher up in the mountains and leave the valley roads clear. It's been a light sprinkle but a steady sprinkle since about 6 pm and we have a definite layer of snow now.

Winter is the one season I wish we could get through as quick as possible. With the least amount of weather conditions. The goats would agree with me if they could talk. StarBright loves to play in it. The chickens haven't seen it yet, we'll see tomorrow how they feel about it. Miss Sophia woke up with a swollen cheek, I think she has an abscess tooth. So the Vet might be on the agenda tomorrow as well. Normally Sophia would be out there running around and playing in it. The cats sit in the window and watch it snow. Not to disturbed by it.

This is the one time of year I do wish the 5th wheel had a bathtub. Nothing like a nice hot bath on nights like this. Even a shower longer than 5 minutes might feel nice. Hmmm, I'm feeling a night out in a hotel, just to get away. I could use the change of scenery, even if it's just across town and for a night. I've been so house bound since the accident. Unable to do so many of the things I would normally be doing. Feels kind of like a prison, in it's own way. Being injured.

It's been a month. I know I'm doing more than I should but I have been careful, I think. I just can't help but wonder if it's still supposed to hurt this much. I know, I answered my own question with the opening statement. I do wonder how much is the accident and how much is my arthritis and back issues. Feels like ribs are loose and jabbing into other parts of me. Having a rib broke in the back was the worst. No way to lay comfortably on my back, side or stomach.   

Oh, I went into Mattress Firm today and was checking out new mattresses.. I want the new base/frame. Just have to figure out how to put it in the RV, Considering the bed base right now is a storage box. Put the base and mattress on top and I might need stairs just to get up there. But.... to have the head and feet moved into the 0 gravity position. I'd be able to breathe and sleep! Vibrating options, and remote control. Oh ya, the mattress was to die for. My back didn't want to get up.

Who knows, I might even actually sleep in one day!

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn.
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails.

January 12, 2020

God is Amazing!

I've always felt His presence. Since all this has happened, it has been amazing as God has conquered each obstacle I've been faced with. There are many more to go, but through it all ~ I've felt a hand on my shoulder, making me feel like it's going to be okay, no matter how bad it looks at the moment.

You have to have faith, especially when you pray. I remember my kids would always ask me what I wished for, when ever something happened. As it always seemed something extraordinary would happen and then something wonderful. If you are going to question the 'why', things happen. Your going to waste your time and miss the point, or the blessing.

There is so much in our lives that is out of our control, out of our ability to prevent. No matter how much we prepare, things happen. Things are so hard to deal with when it devastates you. Earthquakes, floods, fires, accidents, so many things......

How we deal with it, makes the difference.

We have so much mental illness in our world today. And we have strayed so far away from God. There are scriptures that tell us, God will keep us of a sound mind. So one has to wonder if the two are related.

Just as we wonder how someone can wake up and go on a mass shooting spree, killing innocent people and then often themselves. There are scriptures warning us in the last days the gates of hell would be opened and people would become possessed by demons.... I've heard some religious leaders are talking 'demonic possession'.

I would be one to agree with them. Based on scripture and the reality of our world today.

So, if we would go back to prayer with faith and believe it is possible with all things and accept the reality of God.......  Blessings would happen.

As they do for those that believe.

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn.
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails.

January 11, 2020

It's going to get better

I decided to start doing a few shops again. It's been so long my log in has expired. Fortunately most are welcoming, and those I have to email seem to be responding positively. Already got assignments from one of the schedulers I didn't think liked my work? It's all good. I love working for her, she challenges me.

Tim came over today and helped me clean out the stalls after moving the goats. That was a big job. Tomorrow is will be a month and I'm really over doing it. So I was grateful for the help. My chest hurts in 2 different ways and it's very uncomfortable. My shoulder feels like it's skinned raw, but the skin is there.? Muscles torn up underneath I guess.
I usually have a high tolerance to pain, but I've never had anything like this.! I'm hoping doing shops again will help distract me. Since I can't really do half the things I want or need to do. I might as well get paid to shop, while I heal. If you know anyone in the age range of 18-30 there is a huge need for alcohol and tobacco compliance shops.

Ever since I got ill the first time, since the stroke.. and now since the accident... You just don't realize how much things can take the energy right out of you. I find myself only able to do about half of what I used to do. And I don't see myself ever getting back there!  Perhaps simple old age plays a part, but I think when we beat ourselves up we speed up the process.

It's going to be a better year, I feel it. This is just the start and it's been a crazy month so far. Feels like we've had a roller coaster ride. Cold weather and high winds in the forecast. Stay warm! I think winter is trying to make a statement.

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails.

January 10, 2020

When to love the rain

When it isn't snowing...... I would so much rather have the rain than snow. Too many people around here don't know how to drive in snow and it makes it dangerous for us that do.
So rain, something Washington is famous for..... is a welcome site!
On this cold dark winter day.

Now because we live in a rainy state, it's important to keep your lights working ! Rainy nights make driving a challenge sometimes.

I came home from the hospital to find the other guys headlamp in the back of my truck. I told the police I didn't see lights when I pulled out.... After looking at the front of his truck and where it hit my truck... I have a hard time believing that this headlamp was even attached to the truck? It's in pretty immaculate condition compared to everything else that made impact in the crash?

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails

January 9, 2020

A mile in my moccasins

The army responded, with pictures that would sicken you. Or should.
There is no way I would do such a thing and after a lengthy discussion, the claim has been closed.
I cryed over this last night. It just made me sick that someone would do such a thing. The garbage was outrageous. Seriously,  somehow A piece of mail of mine from 15 years ago was preserved in perfect condition and left with it all?

I've finally made progress with the truck and have a total loss appraisal coming. $350 later. Need to get things moving with it, the truck is parked in half my driveway and there is no way the Honey Bucket truck is going to get past it to do my tanks!

My car does one bale of hay at a time. A couple bales ago I got such a bad bale, I had to shake the dirt and rocks out if it. If it wasn't for the accident I would have loaded it back up and returned it. But I have to have help to unload and load... Reber Ranch was awesome about it, I told them when I got the next bale and she had me just bring in a corner of it. They replaced it. :}

I woke up to snow! Not something I wanted this year. I'm not used to the car and I really don't want to drive and get jerked around on slippery roads. My chest and left side still hurt pretty well and don't need the added pain.

Monies tight, especially with snow. Going through the propane just to stay chilly not cold. I went to put my last few bucks in gas and it was declined. I'm thinking monthly fees beat me to it. The lady in line behind me paid for my gas?  With the way things have been going, it was a nice change. And a miracle for me.

Nothings ever easy, if it was it wouldn't be worth it.

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails.

January 8, 2020

Explain the Mileage

The loan company and insurance want an explanation of the mileage.
It was 42,000 when I got the truck and it's 98,000 at the time of the accident. From Mother's Day 2 years ago to Christmas, was about 18 months.
That's a lot of miles
My explanation.....

I live in Washington State. I'm 3 hours from the ocean, 2 hours to the mountains and 3 hours to BC Canada.  I have a horse and I trail ride. I have a grandson that loves to go fishing with me. I have grandchildren in 3 different directions from where I live and all are within an hour.
I have kids that need to move sometimes, and family over the border.
Ocean Shores @ the Beach.

I hope that explains the mileage.



Blessed by God 
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by 
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails.

January 7, 2020

Spring Carton colors

I had to have them when I first spotted them in the catalog. The clear round ones are 6 packs, the others are a stack of 3 different colors for a dozen. Makes you think of spring!
I believe I have labels getting delivered tomorrow, and baby chicks the first week of February. By fall I should have 28 laying hens :} and hopefully 3 ducks laying eggs.
Recycling will definitely be encouraged. They are just to pretty to throw away!

I am going to have to break down and build a chicken house and some sort of overhead material on their yard. Got to keep the Eagles away and make sure they get plenty of outside time. The barn needs cleaned! and poor Joey {the goat} he had chicken poop on his ear this afternoon.

As much as goats love water {not} I'm not able to give him a bath, so he had to settle for a face wash. Such a silly boy. People had a hard time taking care of my goats while I was in the hospital and housebound. Joey is like a guard dog and very protective of me. He would raise his fur and get on his hind legs.  He stands over 5 feet tall and weighs at least as much as I do. He's never hurt anyone. He just likes to act tough

I love my goats. They are now 16 months old and growing like crazy. Looking back on the baby pictures, their ears haven't changed. They have gotten bigger heads but the ears didn't get any longer.  They were such cute babies.....

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails.

January 6, 2020


I don't even get completely stopped and you can hear her. She's only seen the new car once and it was dark out that night, yet she knew the second I got there. 

G-R-A-M-A-S  H-E-R-E-

And then everyone knew! 

Makes my heart sing every time I see her.

The accident messed up the holidays a bit. I missed anyone coming over for Christmas and had to reschedule my Birthday date, 

Things are taking a while and I'm still not 100% the pain wears me out and I can't do an all day or overnight, with the littler ones.

So , Sunday was Play Date! 

I picked up a little cake so we could have birthday cake and coffee with mum and dad. For her birthday, I bought her a beading kit and of course we had to make something. Unicorns were the 'thing' this year. The balloons always win a smile and get played with the most, providing we didn't pop them  {ooops}

... board games and doggy doctor were the hits today.

I try to visit my son and daughter in law a bit, while I'm there, but I don't think we ever get a complete conversation finished ...  Leaving is the hardest part. She never wants me to go.

I can't wait until spring when I'm 'healed' up and it's much warmer at my place. Over night party with the grand kids!!!  I miss them all so much.

My Grandsons are another song in my heart.. I was grandpa for one until 'auntie' corrected him. Sometimes, I still get to be grandpa other times he remembers to say grama. It's so cute. 
I wish things would have been a bit different for me around the time he was born. 

The oldest Grandson, has been staying with me over the holidays and helping out so much since the accident. He hung out with me Saturday and we made a deal about him spending Sunday, getting his room cleaned up before school Monday. He's my fishing partner and he can't wait til I'm healed up enough... We decided I best not go fishing just yet, in case we caught the big one I wouldn't be able to bring it in with my 'broken bones'.

My daughter bought him the Red Rider BB gun for Christmas, well, 
she bought Grama one too, so we are shooting partners now too.

My kids were my world, they still are.

~ all four of them. From the moment I knew I was pregnant, I knew.... and they've had my heart ever since. 

Grandbabies the songs in my heart.

Now I live for the moments and memories with the grandkids. 
Making plans to go see another 2 here soon...  My dancing partners! 
I've missed these two! I haven't decided yet what our plans are going to be, my youngest daughter and I spent close to an hour on the phone talking, it was really nice.
So blessed to have most of my grand babies in hugging distance. And be able to pick them up and do things together. My kids didn't have much for grandparents from either side when they were growing up. Grandpa's were the most remembered. I hardly ever got to see my only Gramma when I was young, yet she played a big part in my life. 

Great grand babies a reward all their own.

Blessed To have my Great grandson in my life. He gives me such cute smiles. And boy can he giggle..  My Great granddaughter used to recognize me and give me smiles too, but unfortunately, she's been taken from our family for now.

I wish people could see the hurt and damage they've done, to 3 generations.

Children are the future, teach them well.

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails.

January 5, 2020

What's in the mail box today

My address has changed so many times over the years, keeping up with folks and getting holiday cards doesn't happen anymore in paper, everyone is on line and E cards are the thing! ? 

So 'positive' mail consists of packages, catalogs and the occasional letter. Bills take the lead of course, the junk mail and unnecessary offers follow.

After the mail that's been coming in, I don't think anything could surprise me... 

Or could it.?

A few years ago we got a check in the mail, We were part of the WELLS FARGO settlement. Now that was some pretty mail. This week I got the post card, I'm part of the premeria settlement. Sweet, it's not much but everything helps.

Anything is better than bills especially bills for things you didn't do.....

Got to love the good old fashioned mail.! 

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails

January 4, 2020

Junk Mail can cost you !

So what do you do with your junk mail? Do you live in an apartment or complex with dumpsters? And you think your garbage is safely thrown away...... so you throw away your junk mail. .
all it's nothing that can threaten your identity...

Since the accident, you can only imagine how busy my mail box is with bills and other documents from insurance companies, loan companies, Dr's.... 

Imagine my surprise Christmas eve, yes this was my Christmas eve.
When I got a certified letter from the US Army.... a bill no less .... to which I OWE THE US GOVERNMENT!  And personal checks are not accepted.

For what you ask?

1 ton of garbage that took 10 hours of labor to pick up..... $860.00


Mail in the garbage happen to have my name on it, so I'm getting the bill for all of it, which is probably a homeless camp. That happen to be on the training base for our wonderful military.

When and where?

On or around October 28th..... I wasn't even in that area on October 28th.

However, my daughter moved to an apartment, near that area in the middle of November.... While helping her move, a couple bags of my garbage were in the back of my truck. We used her dumpster,to dispose of them, so I could help move with my truck.......

Apparently someone rummaged through the garbage and my bag was among what was taken. 

I drove a 1/2 ton truck, I don't know How I would have gotten a ton in it.... and seriously, like I'm going to dump my garbage next to a military base, knowing that I have junk mail with my name on it.....? 

I've responded and I don't know the conclusion as yet.... But really $860 on top of the other bills I've been getting.....

I'm 1/2 Canadian, it's such an insult to be accused of littering in the first place. 

Shred or burn your mail!! Don't throw it away with your name and address exposed, you never know where it's going to end up!

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails.

January 3, 2020

A Beautiful Gift

It's beautiful! The dark green is Buddy's color and the purple, well, that's the color!
Shortly after the accident, Tim's coworker gave him the package with a card for me.

It's a prayer shawl.

It's been in the hands of some God loving people, who believe as I, in the power of our Lord, and know, The Savior was with me that night. It's been prayed over and sent to help protect and heal me.

A beautiful gift.

I put it in the car and wrapped it around my seat. It's helped me, recover and drive again. It's like having the Lord's arms around me. Really beautiful.

Both Sophia and I have needed something to help us feel safe driving again, to be able to relax and enjoy the ride.

She has a new little bed with a blanket. 

I've moved it to the back seat because we've had others riding with us quite a bit, but truth be told, I like it better when she's up front with me and so does she.

Security, crazy how it affects us when we lose it.

It's nice to have such a comforting gift.

On another note****

Stormy weather here the last week or so, beautiful during the day and wind storms with hard rain at night. Rivers are flooding. I hope your doing okay in the weather where you are. I pray for those out there in the elements. I wish we could solve the homeless crisis in our country. Something is very wrong with the way things are. Very wrong.

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails.

January 2, 2020


Without even thinking, I called my landlord, my kids and Tim on the way to the hospital. My chest, shoulder and head hurt so bad ~ I really couldn't think. Remembering my own phone number was a challenge. I didn't know how bad things were and I didn't know if they wanted to know or not, but....

by the time I was at the ER my son had arrived and both daughters shortly after. Considering the distances they had to travel, I was concerned at how fast they must have drove! Or, my head was so out of it, I didn't know how much time had passed. They kept asking me at the scene if I had been knocked out, and I didn't know for sure.
Having never gone through so much, it was all very traumatic for me. My kids will probably never realize just how much it meant to me, just to have them there.

My landlord came to the accident, spoke to the officer and made the arrangements for my truck. They took care of my animals while I was in the hospital and helped me out with so many things when I first came home.
My kids and grandkids stepped up and did so many things that we take for granted everyday. Things I couldn't do all of a sudden. My granddaughter even had her boyfriend involved taking care of the horse.

I'm not a soft and fuzzy person, I was never really a soft mom {shhhh, my kids know how to get me to cry}. I'm independent far too much for my own good sometimes. Needing help is hard, asking for it, harder, Letting people help ~ the hardest. I honestly never realized how much so many people cared about me, until this happened.

I'll never be able to express how truly grateful I have been to everyone. Nor could I ever make it up to anyone. I have a few Idea's I'm working on. I also have a lot of Christmas and birthday cheers to make up.
Still not 100% and the chest hurts

So it's a slow forward.....
But it's forward!!

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, stay safe and Happy Trails.

January 1, 2020

Unplanned Plans

My new year is starting out busy.
One of the goals this year is to get a blog post out every day .... or at least once a week..

Honey Do's 

I just made my chicken and duckling order, for this spring. Chicks are due first week of February, Ducks the first week of March. 'Got to get the nursery's ready!' ... No worries, I have plenty of time to get a few things done and ready before they arrive. I never thought of myself as the 'Egg Lady', nor did I think of 'eggs' as my extra income. It's worked itself into what it is ~ all on it's own.
My chickens are happy, friendly, free roaming {when I'm home to watch for the eagles} and produce the most delicious eggs in a variety of colors. Often surprising you with a double yoke. I'm hoping after I get a few good layers, that I can let which ever one of my ladies chooses to nest, have a hatch. No incubators - just nature in it's own glory. Excellent opportunity for the grand kids to experience. {Can you tell that I home schooled my kids and took every advantage of any opportunity to learn and inspire them.}

I'm a bit excited I admit. I've ordered one like what miss Mynx was. She was sadly attacked by dogs when she went into their space to lay an egg. A rare expensive little lady that accidentally was included in my order last year. Her replacement is 23.00 a chick! She needs a name to honour Mynx and yet express her own uniqueness. I've also ordered a pair 'male and female' of the Black Swedish ducks, in honour and memory of 'lil Duck'. As well as 2 other types of ducks, a male, female of each. So I'll have 3 'couples'... Watch they end up mixing up the mates. lol.
Oh well, it's going to be a fun new adventure. They too will all need names. Special to their breed and personality. Of course Lil Duck Jr... will probably be called Jr. and His lil Miss. Your going to love the pictures watching them grow! At least those of you that hang around here to see the animals in their full glory.
I hope to be selling duck eggs by fall, along with the chicken eggs. Maybe eventually I'll get a pair of Turkeys or geese... Not until I have more space to call my own though. I was blown away at the price of the swans and other exotic birds.... $5000 for a pair.
Seriously, I wish this unplanned plan would have started 'hatching' years ago, I'd probably have a variety of birds to be raising and my bank account could be hatching like rabbits!

I had a bright sunny day today, after a night of high wind and rain that cancelled many of the firework events....
Didn't break my heart any to have a bit quieter 'ringing' in the New year.
What a great start!
Here's to the beginning of a beautiful year.

Tomorrow's tasks ~ everyone goes back to work and the routines begin again. I'll be off to the Dr first thing in the morning....
Then it's Time to renew memberships and update domain's, post office boxes are due.... and the lists continue

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by and 
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails.

Happy New Year

Happy New Year!

Bright side of the Barn has been online a YEAR now! Be sure to refresh your page to see the New Look for 2020..

Yes, I'm up working on the blog. The power keeps going out with the boom booms, then back on a few minutes later.. I have to make sure things are turned off or on..
No point going to sleep around here until the booms quiet down anyway. 

Remember to put your words into action and make things happen this year. Show who you are and shine bright!  What you can accomplish is unstoppable.

It's going to be a great year! I've felt like God has had His hand in the plan more now than ever. The accident like everything else, happened for a reason. Not my place to question the why, just pray for the how to get through and what is the right thing to do. So far all is going well, at least as well as can be. 

Fractured sternum, and broken ribs are not comfortable, to sneeze is the worst! Coughing next and everything else next. My shoulder is doing pretty good. We are starting to get a little movement and sometimes I can almost forget .... and then I move it just a little too much in the wrong direction and remember everything including the pain.

I've had some weird pains in the sternum, all the way to my left shoulder... I am being careful and taking it easy compared to what I would normally be doing. This hurts in ways I've never experienced pain before. I'm worn out by night fall. It feels good to sleep and not feel it.

Physical therapy for me, is getting back to my normal routine. Going to a therapist is a waste of my time and the insurance companies money. My doctor agrees my chores and all I do, is the perfect physical therapy.
There is a plan in the works I just have a lot of work to do to get back to my normal. 


This year I hope to increase my chicken 'cluck' adding 20 new chicks, and start producing about 2 dozen eggs a day, by next fall. I'm just not sure where we are going to be as the year carries on. It's not so easy to find a place to rent for my little farm. And buying land, went out the window with the truck accident ~ for now.


Get a lot of things wrapped up and done with ..... Old bills that are so small it's embarrassing that I owe them. Time to sit down and get things paid. Car insurance, ya, 'can't afford it...' sorry, but I can't afford NOT TO HAVE IT. The truck payment , vs, the little car payment will have a big effect on my finances. A positive one, once the accident bills are paid.

My goal is to get bills paid off and get settled down 'at home'. I'm financially stable now, with the prospect of it looking better in 7 years. So the future looks a little brighter. 

The trailer has a lot of work to be done, carpet to rip out, tile to lay, and new leaks to fix. Not really a surprize with the rain we've been having.  and of course The furnace died this fall, I was hoping to get the propane fireplace this winter, but it looks like next fall is more realistic. 

Weighing out the options... Moving to An RV park would exchange the Honey bucket service for Electricity and I think the power bill would be less expensive and less stress. I just wish I could find one that would let me have my chickens lol. I'm finally 55, so there are some things I can benefit from now so I've been looking at the parks.

My goats mean the world to me, finding a place to board them with the horse has been another uphill adventure. Since I'm down to the one horse, she and the twins {Goats} have started to connect and bond. I don't want nothing to separate them. 

So whether I stay here or move, depends on if the planets can line up and be noticed at just the right moment.

I feel good about this year, things should be getting better. My grandson and I were talking about me 'getting old' and 'how much longer are you gonna live Grama'.... He told me he needed me to be here in a couple years and then he decided he wanted me here a few more years after that, cause he wants me to meet his wife... at the end of the conversation it was decided that he wants me to make it to 75 at least.

What a great goal to start the year off with. 

I hope everyone had a safe and Happy Holiday season..
May the new year bring you more joy than the last.! 

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn,
Thanks for stopping by,
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails.

2024 Event Schedule

2024 Event Schedule ~

Mark your calendars and  join us at any of the following events this summer. July 9th ~ 16th ~ 23rd ~ 30th ~ Hometown Market  Tues Nights in...

Like what you see at the Bright side of the Barn?