November 28, 2019


A time for family to set aside their difference and come together.
A time to appreciate the ones you are grateful for.
A time to reflect on all the things you have to be thankful for.
A time to remember where you cane from and how you got to where you are.
A time to feast and celebrate the fruits of your labor.

Blessed by God
Life's good at the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by and
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails

November 22, 2019

It's not Winter yet!

Brrrr. It was a bit chilly this morning heading out the gate!

It's down right chilly in the trailer since the furnace went out. I've been looking into a duel burning stove. Looks like a wood stove but you can burn natural gas or propane? I'm heading to the fireplace store in Tacoma to check it out. I'd love to replace the loud old furnace with a nice quiet new wood stove looking heat source. It claims to heat up to 1100 sq feet and I have about 350- 375 with the slide outs. So, it should work perfectly.

                                                   It's that wonderful time of the year to fight thrush in the horse's feet. Diet, exercise, mud and a poopy yard all can contribute to the problem. Frequent consistent trimmings, daily hoof picking and a weekly dose of Thrush Buster.

Makes for a happy pony!

I recently created my own hay feeders for the goats and horse.

Old tires and the 'new flex buckets'. Make a great combination.

And it's been working well. Much less hay being wasted on the floor and they are not eating the garbage off the floor. Makes for less frequent  Sand Purging.

Happy healthy horses and goats.... I've studied up on the variety of hay feeders and horses eat naturally off the ground so wall mounted feeders are truly not the best for the horse. Slow ground feeders are the most recommended by vets.

The holidays are coming up fast! 

Thanksgiving is late this month. A holiday I wish we would eliminate. Seriously , it was all about the immigrants and Indians eating dinner together. ? Like really.....

A lot of folks have been decorating for Christmas since Veterans day. I think I started too, just because I had to get the nutcrackers out so I would know what I have,  so I can avoid duplicating .....

I last counted 31 and that's after everyone received a nutcracker for Christmas last year..... Ya, that's part of the fun of it. I found a football player for my son. A clown that looked like IT for my daughter (it was one of her favorite movies) I hunt down and find nutcrackers and at Christmas, each of the kids and grandkids get one that was picked just for them........ My collection is spread out through out the family...

How cute is that?

Home made or Store bought ? How do you gift?

Crocheting is something that works in place of physical therapy for my hand... Saves me trips to the clinic too. I've made a few gifts and a few gags....

Miss Sophia and Gizmo 
make for great models.

Not sure what the gift theme is going to be this year I haven't really got to thinking or feeling holiday shopping yet........ and NO I don't do BLACK FRIDAY. Prices are blown up and cut back so much, if you really want to save money wait til after Christmas and just before the new year. No store likes the end of year inventory. So the prices are cut to the lowest.

I crochet or sew.. Couple years ago it was aprons.... Imagine Ninja Turtles at the next BBQ   The kids love the minis' including oven mitts...
Not sure what we're making this year

Well, it's Time to bundle up for the night... it's been hitting freezing temps here... Stay warm.

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn.
Thanks for Stopping by,
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails.

November 19, 2019

What Nobody Realized. {100th post}

I celebrated turning 55 this year. My oldest daughter with the grandkids and I. She's been with me since I was 15. Some could say we grew up together. Perhaps that is the key in our relationship.

I went from living with my parents to being a mom, losing my dreams and plans along the way. I later returned myself to my education and added some college over the years.

I truly missed my calling. I've spent years in family court defending myself and protecting my children all pro tem and always a win? If you could call it a win. The damage it does to the children is irreparable. The damage it does to you.... goes unspoken.

Had I have gotten to law school I can see where I could have made a difference. As it stands I helped make a few changes. I would never trade my children for anything. If I had to do it again I couldn't do it without them.

I just celebrated my very first year of living by myself.

Take a moment and think about that one. Your alone time, the time you use to develope who you are without others influence so as to become the true you. ..... Most get this as they grow up. For me, it's on the down side of the mountain, growing older. (I'll let you know when I feel as old as I am).

New therapist in my life is just learning the ins and outs. A time line and family tree are two good tools so they can keep up. My life has not been simple. Happiness is a choice to be made when life is not pleasant. Joy is something you feel when life is good. Big difference.

While I enjoy living by myself I do not like to be alone. Another difference. I gave up everything for my kids, and now to return the appreciation is in time spent with the grandchildren. The true joy in one's life.

There is so much you don't see when you look at someone, so much you don't know just by talking to them.

Once again I am told I am a strong person.... sharing my life amazes people ..... yet I take no pride in it. I only hope this 'strength' I'm told I have can someday be the betterment of life for someone else.

What nobody realizes is that I do not feel strong. I do not feel I am what others see in me, those that see the good or those that call it bad.... Truly nobody really knows you.... except you. and how often do you truly know yourself?

Blessed by God,
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn.
Thanks for stopping by,
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails.

November 17, 2019

It's time Grama

This last summer I had to do what was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do. That was to decide to put down my senior gelding.
My Grandson's horse.


RIP Mr. Buddy Love

Seizures 3 within hours of each other, led to the immediate prognosis - He was deemed unsafe to be around the children.
His age was nearing 30, his health had been good until the seizures. He lost weight rapidly and became depressed as did I.

It's taken a while for all of us to recover. I had four horses, adopted 2 out on a Thursday and by Monday, Buddy was at his worst. Gone the following Saturday.

StarBright went from the leader of a herd accompanied by Buddy her long time companion of over 15 years. To being the only horse standing next to me. I went from chores and horses care and expense to suddenly having time for the one horse and my grandchildren.... Hmmm.

My Grandson has mourned in his own way. He took it hardest of all. As one would expect an 8 year old to feel about his horse.

We have a horse trailer now and trail rides in the future. He was hanging out with me helping clean up the trailer and .......

He's informed me

It's time Grama, I need a new horse so we can go riding together.

So here's the AD.

WANTED a small horse / large pony. 13-14 hands works best. Older, prefer manners, ridable. Looking for the horse that you want to have a new good home and a boy to love (as well as many other children). I can't do wild rescues anymore due to back injuries. My grandson will be the trainer. Please call or text if you think you have his next horse. We're lifer's so this is a forever home. Until it's time to pass over . 

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails.

November 15, 2019

Branded DIsabled

It feels like a brand, an award, achievement.... something accomplished yet never ever wanted to attain.


First - Something happens in life and suddenly you are not quite yourself and unable to return to the self you knew before.
This can be either physical or emotional.

Second - You have to accept yourself with limitations.
Try to understand the new self you have become.

Third - You make adjustments and try to learn to live with the new you.

Fourth - Your circle of people will react, differently.
More life adjustments.
Some don't understand and walk away, some help, some believe and some just don't know what to do.
Some say the cruelest things and break you even worse than you were.

Fifth - You find yourself defending yourself and your disability.
Insurance companies, State agencies, any compensation is going to be objected.
It's worse when you have to defend yourself to family and friends.

Sixth - You have to expose, explain and defend yourself for however long it takes. Losing all sense of privacy, your life an open book being examined and criticized and judged by people. Countless numbers of people......  until finally,

You are declared disabled.

By the time you reach this point, it has become a brand - a reward - an accomplishment. Sadly.

Now finally you can focus on your disability and the healing you need to achieve to live life to it's new fullest potential.

Sadly now there is more damage and deterioration to fix, restore and heal from. The road is harder and longer than it needed to be.

All the lost self esteem and self worth, the pride one had in self and the abilities of yesterday. All you worked for all your life, all you accomplished - memories.

You've been torn down to nothingness, a feeling of hopelessness and worthlessness. Lost everything for some along the way.

Finally, recognition for the damage done. Acknowledgement of the injuries and pain. Assistance that was needed long ago, now the future.

Invisible illness and disabilities are the hardest on the person who endures them. A wheelchair is obvious. Blindness has no argument.
Cancer a popular crutch... But internal pain, mental anguish .....

Unseen with disbelief.

Not a brand anyone wants to wear with pride. Yet a brand one finally feels relieved to achieve.

Who the hell are we to judge another's pain.

Blessed by God.
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn.
Thanks for stopping by and 
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails.

November 13, 2019

Political Garbage

Now that the election is over. I would sure like to see some responsibility to 'removing' all the signs all over town and in the yards. There should be a penalty to the politician if the signs are still up after a week or two. Why don't they pay the homeless a buck a sign to pick em up. I don't know about you, but to me ~ it's just political garbage now.

I find it looks as bad as the half a million garage sale signs stuck to every post all summer long.


Do you see the ad?
Or does it look like trash to you?

Here's a great article to read on the subject...
Political Signs

Political signs fill the landscape in front of an early voting location in Elgin. A study shows that these signs help candidates in small elections. More importantly to some folks, Lombard is offering free recycling of campaign signs, starting the day after next Tuesday's elections.

Blessed by God,
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn.
Thanks for stopping by,
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails.

November 11, 2019

Thank you to those that served and and sacrified

Veterans Day.

Too many have lost their lives or limbs, for the sake of war. To give peace? to Nations.

I watched WAR HORSE this morning. I was up early and Grandson was sleeping peacefully. 2 1/2 hours of gripping movie. Reminder of some of the wars we've been through.

We call it HISTORY now. and host parades and memorials to remember.

How Veterans Day was founded

Remember those still out there, away from home..... and their families.

Blessed by God,
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn.
Thanks for stopping by, 
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails.

November 10, 2019

New Changes

Big sigh of relief, big wave of stress ~ gone.
 A consistency I've been waiting and working towards for a long time... many adjustments to come including insurance... but
Finally, we can grow roots!

Life has taken on the perspective I've longed for and now for the new routine... There's been a few deletions and additions here @ The Bright side of the Barn. I think we'll be growing at a steadier pace now as well. Many new stories and still so many old ones to share... I've had animals around me all through life and they have told many a tales. Some sad, some happy, some to chuckle for and some so unbelievable, you might think I'm making it up.

 I've added the Calendar, as we get new chicks and the hens start nesting, there will be dates and anticipation to hatching. Birth of baby goats to come... I'd love to get together for some fishing expeditions locally, my grandson is loving it. And trail rides are always more fun together so hopefully we can round up some riders, through the public calendar and the new forums...

{free roaming or chicken cooped?}

The forums, They are totally empty and ready for new beginnings. Questions, advice answers... Whatever happens in the barnyard is a relevant topic. Join in and build up some great reference materials for future farmers.

I've been getting eggs consistently every day and in addition to the kids benefiting there have been a few sales.... Flats (30 eggs) $5.00 and Dozens for $2.00. Might have to get more chickens too!

We shall be trying to breed Phoebe next spring and perhaps raw goats milk is in the future. Remember Blackberry, strawberry and blueberry jams coming in the fall. (I'm loving canning). Apple sauce didn't turn out as planned we'll try again. My fruit trees are growing well I hope to see harvest in a couple more years..
Salsa has been such a hit with the kids, I have none for winter. LOL
so we need more tomatoes and peppers next year.

Bee Boxes? I'm loaded with clover and honey bees, I'm thinking honey is in another prospect of the future @ the Bright side of the Barn. Except I'm not sure I'm the one cut out to be the bee keeper.

sigh, so many brighter days to come....

Grand-kids this weekend, missed these two to pieces and spent the whole time playing....

Now, I got a million things to go do.

Horse needs her feet trimmed, goats probably do too.... Eggs to gather and stalls to clean.

Blessed by God,
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn.
Thanks for stopping by and 
Until next time, Stay safe and happy Trails.

November 6, 2019

A Dog's life

I love how Sophia shares her bed with all the cats.

If only humans could relate so well. 

Mind you , Sophia doesn't look so impressed at the moment. As the weather gets colder these guys give up their differences and the fighting turns into snuggle buddies.

Animals are so entertaining.

There is a heater vent in there, and Sophia is not happy that the cats are hogging up all the heat. LOL . Meanwhile, Gizmo is snuggled up in the dog's blanket without a care in the world.

Miss Sophia turned 12 this year. Her tan has turned to gray and she's showing some signs of aging. She's still as playful as a puppy and full of life. 


Blessed by God,
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn.
Thanks for stopping by 
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails.

November 2, 2019

Brrrr, Welcome November

Gone Fishing!
With the Grandson

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by and
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails

2024 Event Schedule

2024 Event Schedule ~

Mark your calendars and  join us at any of the following events this summer. July 9th ~ 16th ~ 23rd ~ 30th ~ Hometown Market  Tues Nights in...

Like what you see at the Bright side of the Barn?