February 28, 2020

Leap Year

We get an extra day this month! Which is really nice considering this year is flying by fast! Papa's birthday is the 28th, really close! People born on February 29th, technically only get a Birthday every 4 years. How many folks even know why we have leap year and add an extra day? It's kind of interesting how it works. I added the link, check it out.

The peeps are having a hard time this year, we've lost a few. It's so super cold.... a simple breeze from opening the door around here makes you feel like frost is in the air. Mind you the sun is staying out later and later every day.. It has to be warming up a little bit, the bulbs are starting to pop up and you can almost see colors.

This high wind and horrible rain at night is getting so old. My house is pretty heavy and doesn't usually move in the wind. Lately, it's been rocking and making me wonder if I have gone a float. Check outside every now and again and wonder if this is how Noah felt when the rains came for 40 days and 40 nights.

We finally had a few nice days and the weather controllers, went up in planes, dropping capsules in the clouds to make it rain again? Like we really needed it. I'm so hoping for a long dry summer. I can't wait to open the windows and doors and let the fresh air in. The house is always so stagnant after winter. And dang it, it's cold!

2 more weeks!! I have to go in for more X rays and see the doctor here in 2 weeks.... And hopefully all my fractured and broken bones will be healed, without too many complications. So I can get the green light from my doctor to start riding again. Just in time for summer. I just need to find a new/old truck, so I have something to pull the horse trailer.

So if you know of any one selling an old reliable truck let me know.
Well, I have a lot to do before the end of the month. Thankfully I have this extra day to do it.

Stay dry!

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails.

February 26, 2020

Spring Things

The baby Peeps arrived this morning!
We have a lot of names to come up with.

There are several different kinds including one
Blue Ameracauna {Like Miss Minx} And it looks like a couple others are unique in colors. Plus, I think we got one with a fuzzy head. LOL.
In any case, they are all supposed to lay a variety of colored eggs, from a deep green, olive green, different blues and brown to a pink!


Meet Rachael the Lamb. 
She's a year old this spring. The first born lamb, last year. Her mom only had enough patience for one baby, so Rachael's twin brother stayed with Mom and Rachael came to me. She was pretty tiny.

To the left side of the fence is Joey and Phoebe, my twin Nubian Goats. They will be 2 years in August. They came to me when they were not even 24 hours old. 

This is Rachael trying to get Joey's attention.

Rachael the Bucking Lamb!

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn.
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails.

February 24, 2020

Time Flies

The Valentines party with the grand kids was a blast. I think they had as much fun as grama. These all nighter's are a bit harder on me than they used to be. Guess that's the side effects of getting older. Worth every minute of it though. Love having all the kids together.

I managed to get my new furniture and had it here for the kids and the sleep over. My grandson fell asleep in the chair for the whole night. His dinosaur under him woke the rest of us up at 3 am, when he rolled over and it started growling at us. That was a moment. Yep that's a bean bag chair.
We went onto a couple busy weeks, and the rain came back! It even froze a couple nights. So tired of the cold..... I ended up with the flu for the weekend, finally felt good enough Sunday to go

To the great grandson's first birthday! He's grown up so much in such a short time. Hard to believe sometimes that my baby girl is a Gramma. That blur in the picture behind lil man is my granddaughter, lol she's always on the go! It was really nice to see some of my kids and their families getting together. Laughing and having fun.

Boy does time fly! Especially when your having fun. I was there for a couple hours and didn't even realize it.

Got the call today!!

The baby chicks are due to arrive soon! Hopefully tomorrow. I had to get a hold of the post office and let them know... I'll be getting a call early one of these mornings. And the ducklings are about a week behind them. Naming time! I selected a variety of chicks so they won't all look alike. Names are always nice. The ducks will definitely need names. There will never be another Lil Duck, but there will always be a cute duck!

Time flies! Make the most of the moments.

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for Stopping by
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails.

February 12, 2020

Beautiful Weather

Everyone here at the barn has been loving the weather... Could do for a bit warmer, but oh so beautiful! And for 2 days we had NO RAIN. The animals have gotten to be outside for the last couple of days and they are loving it. I've noticed the river is calming down a bit, that's always good. I tend to worry about the fertilizers and other chemicals that end up back in the rivers after a flood. Wonder what it's doing to the fish and my next catch, lol.
It's so nice to get to work outside or in the barn. Watch the animals play. Things are starting to pop up in the pots, that means spring flowers coming soon!
Speaking of coming soon,
Baby chicks will be hatching and on their way..... Oh, I can't wait! Have to start thinking about the nursery. Heat lamp, chick grit, and the tub...
Still have a chicken barn to build and a fence, for the older chicks, but we'll get it done.
I've been doing much better. X rays next week, we'll see how well I'm doing. I'm hoping to get released to ride, so we can hit the trails. My pony is getting a bit chubby.
Mystery shops and on site inspections have been keeping me busy, and I'm pooped. I hope everyone is getting a bit of beautiful weather.

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn.
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails.

February 10, 2020

Love is in the Air!

Valentines Day Party !

Grama's having the grand kids over for the night. Mom's and Dad's can go out and do what ever they want?

This will be the first time I've had my grand babies since before the accident.... and it's been way too long.

I miss them terribly.

So much to do,

Decorations to buy, goodies to bake and games to dig out. Oh ya! 
I love having the kids and having them together. Just so they can bond in their own way. It's a lot of fun to watch them all play together. Life is so much better when you grow up with family and don't have to feel alone.
Oh, yes, Grama plays too. No twister this time around though. The doctor still hasn't released me lol. But we'll have plenty of other games to play, Jenga sounds like fun. I found a set of old fashioned music makers, you know the wooden kind that make the most noise! With bells and whistles to blow too.

Going to be a Busy week.

I have so much cleaning to do before the kids come. The floors need it the most, with all this wet weather. Thankfully, It's finally stopped raining so heavily. Today, was a glimpse of what spring looks like and it was beautiful. Hopefully we'll continue to get nice weather to dry things up a bit before the weekend. We want to be able to play outside! The kids can run around and make noise here, without the neighbors getting disturbed.

Well, I haven't had much deep thinking lately. I've been busy working a bit, I have a few new bills to get paid and out of my way. I'm going to get back to writing more frequently, things are starting to smooth out into a nice routine. And we have baby chicks coming, I'm sure everyone wants to know how they are doing.....

Have a wonderful night and an amazing day!

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn.
Thanks for Stopping by,
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails.

February 6, 2020

In Demand

I apologize. I haven't posted in quite a few days! I haven't done a lot of things and I have a lot of catching up to do.

I found myself vacuuming at 8 o'clock tonight, just because it hasn't been done in so long, I was disgusted, and couldn't take it anymore. I usually vacuum daily and it's been too long.

The place is smelling a little better. Need to do dishes, mind you haven't had time to cook or eat. ...

If your wondering why, it's because I've been In Demand. I went back to mystery shopping a little bit, and once my favorite schedulers knew I was back, they keep me busy. In addition I've taken on 'on site inspections'. Which is a fun change of pace for me. Again, in high demand so it's filled up my schedule.

When your good - your good. Reputations follow actions. Character comes from within. People with good character, do good work. It helps to enjoy what you do. Always give it your best. People wonder why they don't get past the minimum wage jobs, it's because they treat it like it is just a minimum wage job. Treat it like it's your business and you own the place.
Always give it your best.... That's how you get the better positions. 

On another note, we've had some loss here at the Barns'. A little while ago, the goat named Margaret passed away. And today, Cartoon, the horse that pastured with Margaret, passed away. The other two little goats, Margaret's daughter Bella and little Daisy, are so lost without their two friends/family. We are all feeling for them and wish there was some way to communicate with them. Sometimes, life is hard, especially when it's lost with someone you love.

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn.
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails.

2024 Event Schedule

2024 Event Schedule ~

Mark your calendars and  join us at any of the following events this summer. July 9th ~ 16th ~ 23rd ~ 30th ~ Hometown Market  Tues Nights in...

Like what you see at the Bright side of the Barn?