May 30, 2021

Play Time with the Kids

 “Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.”

― Benjamin Franklin

Games, have been the highlight of our weekends. 

Wake up Stars has been a lot of fun, sharing our emotions and feelings about things.... What makes you smile? 

Using the numbers 1 - 10
We've been adding and subtracting at the roll of the dice,
Filling rooms in our hotels. 

Even the little ones get to play with games like
My Monster.
Matching colors and shapes to score a 'bingo'

Remember WAR, how fast were you?
Well, now you got to think a bit
Match color, number or object
Think fast!

Use the 2 letters
Name a bird

Visit the Simply Fun tab above or 
to find out more about the coolest 
educational games yet! 

Blessed by God
Life's good at the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails.

May 29, 2021

My 3 Sons


I became a mom young. My first born a daughter. Pregnancy was traumatic. A fall down a flight of stairs torn the placenta, dilation was not possible. Labor led to bleeding and a C section, emergency style. 

Young, alone, and scared.... 

She was barely a year when I got pregnant again. So much for birth control.

The day the test confirmed positive. I lost him. Miscarriage. 

I needed time to grieve. My partner wanted to have another baby as his way of grieving. It was a fight. I ended up pregnant again. 

Grieving the loss of one, trying to come to grips with being raped, and wanting to love the baby that was coming. 

I had a son. Our relationship was a struggle his whole childhood. He was just a baby when they had to go stay with my parents for 2 weeks. My evil mother took his bottle away from him. She was mean to him, to both my kids, and I didn't know til I picked them up. Shortly after that early one morning I cut my hair short. It went from really long to really short. My baby boy woke up and didn't recognize me. That has played a distance between us ever since. 

He was a daddy's boy and when the divorce came around it was confusing. He watched his dad beat the crap out of me, nearly strangle me to death and cried to the police he was afraid his dad would kill his little mice. Then the next morning he wakes up and wants to go live with his dad if we are splitting up? 

He spent his teen years having little to do with me. Except when his dad got a gun and was hunting for me. My son showed up to warn me. Then he was gone again. 

I'm told now he hates me? I've been told it's because I didn't save him? He's told everyone that I used to beat him, when in fact the truth is - it was his father beating him and I tried everything I could to stop it. 

I had a 3rd son before the divorce. And a 2nd daughter. When I left I had 4 little ones to look out for.

My youngest son, according to my daughters is my 'favorite'. I never meant for anyone to feel less than anyone else. I loved them all. Even the 4th son, the step son, that I raised for 9 years without any love or appreciation. He never wanted to be part of our family and he did everything he could to cause fights between myself and his dad. Fought with my kids all the time... Life was a challenge. 

If my daughters could understand the pain of the loss and all the grief and hurt I've carried over the years for my first two sons, surely they would understand why my only son, means so much to me. 

I almost lost him too, because of my ex and his wife. Thankfully, he married a beautiful young lady with a good head on her shoulders. I have my son and another wonderful daughter. 

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails.  

May 26, 2021

Kitty City


They keep me going. Love how cuddly Tux is. He curls up next to me at night and lays on the couch with Sophia during the day. Purrs super loud, lays on the desk when I'm working. 

Sylvester on the other hand, comes running when I come in the door and straight up my pant leg. {My legs are in pain from kitty claws}. He's my little adventurer. Always exploring and getting into everything! 

The bigger cats are starting to accept them, to some degree. The kittens are so full of mischief that it makes Gizmo spend most of his time, in the bedroom out of sight. 

I've caught Cleo playing chase with them, and MoJo, well, she's kinda
bent out of shape about the whole thing. Sophia has a love hate relationship with them. One minute the 3 of them are sleeping together and the next, she's going after Sylvester by the throat. 

You would think with 3 cat posts, wall shelves, and a kitty house, that they would all have a space of their own. Yet there is constant competition for the top shelves

Until bedtime....

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by 
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails.

May 22, 2021

Appreciate the parents that tried.

Love this boy

It started when I was 14. I had turned 15 before she was born. I was 17 for the next one and there was 2 more before I turned 24. By the time I was 26 I was divorced. I became a step mom by 27 with 5 in my care. An 2 loads of baggage added to my cart. 

A grandmother by 32 now times 10, and a great grama by 52, I'm headed to the baby shower for # 4 today.

Back off! I'm only 56!

I was set to graduate high school before I was 16, a first in my time. A miracle for my family. We were quietly dysfunctional I like to call it. You only knew what you were told and couldn't see the rest. 

Unlike outspoken dysfunction, alcoholism and violence, I soon learned and experienced. I thought I could get away from it, teach my children it wasn't an acceptable way of life. And for what ever reasons, they chose to go back around it. 

Out of 5, 2 hate me and 3 love me. I was the same person for all , just different points of time in life, made the differences in the life we lived. 

You can only do your best. 

There were stories on the news of young mothers, throwing their babies away in dumpsters after birth. Or mom's of toddlers driving into lakes and rivers killing themselves and their children. There was even stories about dad's blowing up the house with himself and the kids inside. 

My own family abandon me in this country and went back to Canada. 

You can only do your best. 
You find out how strong you are, when you stand alone.
You find out how motivated you are, when 4 little ones are standing behind you. 

You make the best decisions you can at the time. 
Things change over time. 
If the rules then were like the rules now.
Or if the system worked then like the system works now. 
Or if time then was like time now. 

I could go on, but I'm sure your getting the point. If not - this blog has been over your head for a while now. 

At any given moment in time, at any given time in the moment....
You could quit. 

Do like - sadly so many of the dad's do and just walk away - not give a shit about the kids and how they are going to turn out. Father'd 8 -10 they don't even know how many kids and don't know any of them. 

After all, for reasons I will never understand, those kids still want to know their dad? 

You could do like so many mom's and turn to the drugs or alcohol. Blind yourself to the reality of life and 'just see what happens to your kids'. 

After all, for reasons I will never understand, those kids still want to know you?

There are so many choices as a parent. 

So many ways to quit. 

Yet, so many get up every day, give it their best, give it their all and would do it all again.

Regardless of the outcome, love hate win lose or draw.

Some parents, just love their children so much. 
All they can do is try and they try their best. 

I don't know how you feel about your parents. 
I don't know if they get the privilege to see the grand kids. 

If not, your depriving your children of a beautiful relationship that may not have been the best for you. But could be the greatest of all for them. Pretty sure your parents love and want nothing more than to make peace with you. 

But really is it all them or are you part of the problem.

It takes a village to raise a child. I know, I had to do it alone. 

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails. 

May 21, 2021


“Friends ask you questions; enemies question you.” ― Criss Jami, Healology

 Pet Peeve? Deep felt moral?

Loyalty is important to me. 
You can't be on both sides of a situation. It's one or the other. 
According to the Bible, even God doesn't like in between people. 
It's either HOT or COLD. No luke warm, He'd spit it out.

So you can only imagine the divorce. 
Every friend had to be determined to be 'friend' or 'foe'. 
There was violence, and death attempts toward my life. My children's lives were put in dangerous situations more than once, because of the loyalty amongst the thieves so to speak. 
People lied to protect HIM

Anyone that was a friend to him became an enemy to me. 
It wasn't a choice I got to make, it was a necessity to stay alive and keep my children safe.

His family down played his violence. 

His parents turned their backs on all their kids drinking and violence.  Ignoring it, making excuses for it and oh yes, blaming the victims for causing it. And if you called the POLICE you were their enemy??? 


The dysfunction has spread to the grandchildren and great-grandchildren. The majority of the family struggles with drugs and or alcohol and violence. Child abuse both physical and mentally. It's sad and sick. 

40 years later I can tell you , it was wise to keep my kids away from that family as much as possible. My kids had a few struggles in life, usually when they acquainted themselves with their dad and his family. 
When they stay away from 'that family', their lives worked out well. 

The hardest thing for me to do when I got my divorce was to leave my nephews behind in that family. One has committed suicide since. Heartbreaking.

People have lied about me, called me names and continually tell my descendants their version of the 'truth'. 

When in fact, my loyalty was to my children, I owed them the best chance at life I could give them, if I had to do it alone, so be it. If it meant being a Bitch and calling the police and having him arrested for breaking the law - so be it as well. I wasn't the one doing wrong. 

You cannot be loyal to both sides of any situation, it's one or the other. 

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of Barn
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails

May 20, 2021

Stand for Israel


A message from our ad partner:
Stand For America Logo

Fellow American, 


Israel is being attacked by violent rioters and the terrorist group Hamas.


America must stand strong alongside our ally and friend.


This is why I am calling on every member of Stand For America to rush their signature to our STAND WITH ISRAEL PLEDGE right now, so we can let the White House know how critical it is to support our allies.

It is a shame that some on the Left are pushing misinformation and anti-Israel propaganda that stokes the flames.

President Biden has called for restraint on both sides, but what he should be doing is having Israelb s back.

Now is the time to stand strong with Israel against a TERRORIST assault. 

It should not be a difficult choice. 

Yet, President Biden is too focused on Trump policy reversal to do what is right.

You and I know that Biden could put a stop to this right now. 

As U.N. Ambassador I worked alongside the Trump Administration to move the American Embassy to Jerusalem and always stood up for our allies at the U.N. This put the world on notice and set the tone for U.S. foreign policy. 


Hamas is testing the Biden administration because they dont t think he will do anything severe. 


Inaction is unacceptable. 


Join Stand For America immediately and sign our STAND WITH ISRAEL PLEDGE.

I founded Stand For America to promote public policy that strengthens Americab s economy, security, and culture.


Stand For America is making headlines and making an impact. And together, we can raise the alarm for these threats to our nation, and make the world a safer place.


Please join Stand For America by signing our STAND WITH ISRAEL PLEDGE right away.


Thank you for standing with me in this mission. 


My very best,

Nikki R. Haley

May 14, 2021

God - the greatest Plumber.

I've been praying about a few things for a long time.

 A couple posts ago, I spoke of the clog. The 5th wheel, the wrecked car..... My week started crazy blessed. A new car and the title to sell the wreck and get it out of the driveway. The next day started 'on the phone' answering questions about God. Even though my day was delayed almost 2 hours, everything that day worked out 'just a minute or two early'. Nothing was late!! God is Great!! The days continued with SELLING yes selling BOTH the car and the 5th wheel the same day.! Both transactions are in the works, getting finalized. 

But, no more storage bill!!!!! Loan payments decreased !!!!! Car payment now going towards a running car!!!!!! 

When God unplugs the clog, be ready to keep up with the flow of blessings! 

God's time and timing is everything. I wanted the trailer to go to someone in need of a home. It was a great little house for me and I wanted it to be for someone else. Turns out, we've made it fit a need. The car went somewhere that we didn't have to worry about someone trying to drive it. 

Our bills next month will be easier to pay and we might even be able to catch up a few other things as well. 

Prayer and Faith need your efforts to work. 

Don't just pray and wait for an answer.

Do the work, focus forward. Stop when someone asks about God. Always give them the time. Take the steps to accomplish your goals. '

God will see you working and He will walk with you and get you through! 

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails. 

May 12, 2021

Miracles! Feeling Blessed


God is the only explanation I got for this one. 

We still owed on the car that was wrecked and managed to come out with the title and a new ride at 0 down. . . . 

Now the Hyundai is for sale SUPER CHEEP to get it out of the driveway. $300.00

Came home today to see the neighbor weed wack into his own yard not mine. We now have PEACE and HOME can feel HOMEY. Maybe someday his wife and I can have peace between us, who knows. 

Woke up to a call asking questions about God and the Bible. Now that's a great way to start any day if you ask me. You would think a couple hours on the phone would cause a back up and running late. When in fact, everything got done right on time.

Life can be so amazing if you take the time to enjoy it. !!

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails.

May 9, 2021



 Dang it. 

I've been working diligently at reducing bills. Rearranging who we owe and how much, adjusting interest amounts.

I've been working on a plan to eliminate bills and reduce the output. Get us to a place of being able to 'get ahead'.


My plan hit a traffic jam. 

The 1st came a little too soon.

Now I got to come up with $$

  • Pay the storage
Then I can ..
  • Move the trailer
  • So consignment can Sell the trailer
  • Then I can Rewrite the loan
Lowering my bills!  About $400 a month.

It's the 1st coming and having to pay another month of storage, before I can move the trailer that caused the clog.... At least 1. of them

Another thing plugging things up is the car. One's broken, the other is breaking down. Need to trade off the broken one for one that runs, so the one breaking down can park until it's fixed....

Preferably before the one breaks down completely. 

Getting the car traded off is the 2. clog. I was hoping to eliminate the car payment, but with only one car running, I've come to realize I really do need a second running car in the driveway. 

Won't lower the bills but it will drop the stress level. That in itself can be just as cost effective.  

Need to get the taxes filed they changed the date and that messed me up. April 15th.... Nope, May ? I don't know.

It's hard to get a head when you have medical conditions that hold you back. It doesn't matter how good a job pays, when you have to take days off for your illness and there is no compensation pay. 

Not all illness and disabilities are obvious. For some of us, struggling with our limitations is hard enough, being judged and/or misunderstood only makes it harder. 

Hopefully this will all work out before the first of next month! 

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails.

May 7, 2021

Glad that weeks done!

 Crazy insane and unbelievable. 

That would be how to describe this past week.

I got good news Monday, so the 5th wheel will be moving to the consignment lot as soon as I get storage paid and transportation hauling worked out. Yay, we'll start saving more money next month. 

I come home to the neighbors grass from the weed-wacker all over my bark , flowers and car. Ruined the landscaping. So disrespectful and rude.

Horses got their feet done, LiL Star was shaking until I held up her feet for the farrier, we're still working on her getting comfortable with men. Star Bright... of course the dream horse, picks her feet up and hands them to him. 

I got bad news one of my grandson's has the covid. This alone makes for an emotional roller coaster for many of us. My daughter is beside herself being home with the kids sick and unable to work. 

It's been a real ping pong of emotions this week.

Sometimes life really tries your ability to hold your dignity and patience. 

You just got to keep breathing and focus forward. Hopefully 

This too shall pass.

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, stay safe and Happy Trails.

May 2, 2021

Nobody is that POSITIVE


You would be right! Considering things like 'depression' and 'thoughts of suicide' have previously plagued one's mind, you would think that person could never be the one 'Insanely Happy'.!

And on that note, your wrong.


Me personally ~

It started with a movie "Man of the House" with Tommy Lee Jones. The girl was explaining a 'cheerleader' to him..... Their job is to 'inspire' when the chips are down... That stuck with me.

Step 1...

"How are you today?" - always answer - "Always Good"

Step 2...

Be a good listener

Step 3...

Always encourage DON'T discourage.

Step 4...

Find something GOOD about it, no matter what it is that's happening at the moment. It will soon be a memory, make it a good one.

Step 5...

Be the miracle someone needs.

Before you know it, your life will change and when you say 'Always good', you'll be able to mean it.

Blessed by
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails.

May 1, 2021

Mini Training ~ A natural born "Horse Girl".

 Training a horse, is no easy task. One that can be accomplished with time and effort. Part of that training consists of 'riding'. Easy enough if your the right size person to be 'riding the prospect in training'. 

 What if ~ Your training a "mini - horse"? 

 Your an adult and most likely 'too big' to ride. 

 How do you make this little horse 'KID SAFE'.?

Safe enough for your own loved one.

Our Story with "Lil Star"

Begins here

Adopted a year ago, she had some issues and work needed to be done. It's been a daily process and not a day goes by, that she hasn't been 'handled' in some form or another. Sometimes only minutes, other times up to an hour. Not always the same thing everyday, but everything she needed to learn collectively over time. 

We knew immediately, she has personality. We just had to build the trust, so she would let it out and shine.

Over time, she has become comfortable with us and her surroundings.

 So happy, she even pactices 'barrel racing' in her free time.

She took the rider like a pro

Had no problem with a saddle.

Bonding and grooming are part of her favorite things to do when it's 'our time'. 

The sight of a 'Victory Ride' is starting to reach the horizon.

Before you know it, she'll be handling much bigger horses without my help. 
The girls a natural! 

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for Stopping by
Until next time, Stay Safe and Happy Trails.

2024 Event Schedule

2024 Event Schedule ~

Mark your calendars and  join us at any of the following events this summer. July 9th ~ 16th ~ 23rd ~ 30th ~ Hometown Market  Tues Nights in...

Like what you see at the Bright side of the Barn?