July 31, 2019

How far will you go?

We see the problems around us. Walking by,  grateful it's not in our front yard. 
How many of us really wanted to change the world when we were Young. Only to find out that it isn't so easy. How many stay focused on their own lives, putting blinders on, so as to not have to see it, or get involved.


The death of a child led a man to create America's Most Wanted. Giving it everything of himself. 
MADD was formed by mother's that lost a loved one to drunk driving.
It seems more often than not, it takes a loss for us to step up and do something significant, to make a difference in the world.

Our Nation is in crisis and nobody wants to talk about it. The drug epidemic is out of control and babies are being born everyday addicted and or with complications making life itself a struggle from the start. They are going to grow up with a weakness towards the drugs, making addiction likely with the first time using.
Creating the next generation of addicts bred from birth.
We've changed it from being a crime and we have come to realize it's an illness. Yet treatment is not available for the many. We see the epidemic yet we are not building facilities and making beds readily available. When we have a drought we stockpile water. When there is a crisis with oil we stockpile gas. We made underground bunkers when we were in the nuclear war phase.
If it were small pox we would build more hospitals.
Why are we not building treatment facilities and making it FREE. I find it absurd that we create injection sites and hand out free drugs but we don't have FREE treatment.

Can we wake up and see that out patient treatment is a joke. People need a minimum of one year in patient then maybe out patient. Depending.
Outpatient and short term treatment create callus and make it easy to re use and harder to quit next time.

Can we put parents in a separate category and make it a law, either go through treatment for your kids or lose your rights as a parent. Instantly.
 Children deserve a solid foundation to grow up with. If people don't want to be responsible for the children, we need to step up for the children.
Can we make it mandatory for drug addicts to have to get a birth control shot preventing pregnancy as long as they refuse treatment.

How is it we can create a drug to give a man a four hour hard on, but we can't come up with male birth control?
Take the money this epidemic is costing and turn it around into treatment and care facilities. 
Before this wipes out civilization like the black plague.

Forgive me if I should sound blunt and to the point. I've been watching this problem destroy families for 30 years now. Somebody needs to speak up. 
These babies need a voice

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by 
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails

July 30, 2019

Do you care?

When it comes to others feelings, where do you see yourself?

Of course it depends on the depth of the relationship.

Are you a good listener?
Or do you offer too much advice?

Are you

"Cold hearted"

"People pleaser"

"A good ear"

"Blabber mouth"...

How much we care about others, says a lot about us.

Do you apologize or just ignore the other person's feelings.
And go forward as if nothing happened. Knowing there will always be something not right between you.

Do you blame the other person or take responsibility for your actions.
Hold a grudge.
Or forgive.

Thoughts to ponder

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails.

July 26, 2019

Why blog

On the days I blog more frequently, I'm laying with my back on a heating pad.

 I'm not one to sit still and do nothing I don't go to movie theaters. I'd rather clean and watch a movie then sit there and twiddle my thumbs.

 Now so when I have to sit on the seat pad I blog.

About what?

Two marriages, four kids, two boys two girls. Two of my kids for easier than the other two - to raise. For totally different personalities.

Life is full of adventures we all have plenty to share.  some offer how to some show you beautiful places to go some are  information.

Here you find a lot of shitz and giggles random thoughts who knows what else you'll see over time.

For example when I think about kids I had four like I said 2 easier than the other. I think about my dad 1 of 19 kids how did his mom survive that many personalities.

( That's a story all it's own )

I think about all the kids and my cousins families of 10 or more. How they have such harmony. Their house always full and always warm and welcoming.

Then I think about how they have God at the center of their core. I look around at families now broken homes re matched families, we've come so far from God.

I believe in God and enjoy sharing the adventures of my journey to heaven which is where I hope to end up.

I believe miracles happen around us everyday I love sharing the blessings the struggles and everything in between.

Blogging for me gets it off my chest and out of my head. It's not that I'm upset or trying to piss off anyone.  Sometimes a blog can have multiple thoughts, even I get confused off topic. Many of us think we are alone in our struggles, yet there's always someone struggling harder. 

I struggle with depression and anxiety and both are often mistaken for the wrong feelings. My illness causes me to say things not the way they are meant. So blogging, writing and reading back help me not hurt or offend others as much as I do with my mouth.

My intentions are never to point the finger acts Superior or being a know-it-all. I merely share my thoughts and experiences whether they help or hinder depends on the reader. 

So while many are out enjoying the sun and warm weather I'm on medication it keeps me out of the sun and wreaks havoc in the heat so I lay on my heating pad yes a heating pad in the heat and blog.

Feel free to browse around I hope you enjoy your stay and hopefully we'll see you again soon.

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn.
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails.

July 25, 2019

Being Prepared

I turn 55 this year
and I've been working on getting prepared.

Some people buy life insurance when they are young, others buy burial plots.
I'm paying for my cremation and making sure there's a plan for my animals.

You can buy caskets on Amazon now.

Years ago my ex's grandmother had written people's names on things that they had given her or that she wanted them to have. It helped a lot. I'm doing the same thing with some things.

I was 18 when my oldest and only sister was hit by a car and killed instantly. She left behind 3 young children.

My dad said burying a child was the hardest thing he'd ever been through.

I lost both my parents within 18 months of each other. I didn't get to go to either.
Never got the chance to grieve.

The pain of losing a parent hurts at all ages.

Life can be taken in an instant. Cherish the ones you love.

We all know the older you get the closer it gets...

It will eventually happen to everyone.

Getting spiritually prepared is most important .  We don't know what is next, we don't remember what was before....


There's a thought to ponder

Being prepared takes the burden off of everyone, during the time of grief. It's the last thing you can do for your loved ones.

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time Stay safe and Happy Trails

Giddy Up Go

Now that we have a horse trailer here, we have found the trails and some back country horse groups.

Some weekends will require registration, others open to all.

We're getting started a bit late in the season, but there's plenty of good weather ahead.

I was pretty excited when I heard some groups do volunteer work with the national parks and Backcountry.

Getting our feet done tomorrow, just in time for the weekend.

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn.
Thanks for stopping by.
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails

Miss Sophia

Happy birthday Sophia

 12years today

I was very alone in this world .
my parents had passed away .
my kids didn't even notice when I collapsed. 
I drove across the state to get her
And it was love at first sight.
She was my lifesaver she's been the only one here for me when I needed somebody the most.
Truth she's what keeps me alive.

My Best friend

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails

July 22, 2019

Mistakes that kill CONTINUES

If you haven't already read part one refer to the previous post


I got a call today from the Social Security avicate with DSHS,  wondering why I haven't signed and returned the papers she sent me last April.

I interrupted her and asked where she sent them.

Once again my address is still WRONG, even though I just talked to someone AGAIN the beginning of the month.

I am convinced that there is a conspiracy between DSHS and Social Security to drive me BAT SHIT CRAZY


This concludes my RANT for now......

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, stay safe and Happy Trails

July 20, 2019

Encouraging Quotes

I've been cleaning up and organizing some files, saved quotes and stuff.... 

I thought I would share some
Here's a few of my favorite

Blessed by God,
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by,
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails.

July 19, 2019

No Particular Reason

More often than not, thoughts come randomly.

I left FB after being accused of making reference to someone, when that person was the furthest thought from my mind. Some people think they are all you think about...

Many of my topics come from years of meeting many interesting people and having some adventures... I have 2 ex's and 4 kids, there is a few good thoughts to write about...

We live in an ever changing world

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails

July 13, 2019

Connecting the dots.

It started from a scripture referring to being unable to serve God and material things/ or money.


What is charity?


The meaning of generosity.

Back to the parables about earning and multiplying the earnings, for their Lord's...

To debt and when we owe to others.

Its interesting just how much the Bible speaks of earnings, wages and rewards.

Forgive me, I forgot tithing.

Remember the true treasure is in heaven.

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails

July 12, 2019

Cleaning up

Just a day of puttering around and cleaning things up. The barn is clean the house is clean and now, my horse is the next thing to get a bathe.
And be clean.

Star Bright is gaining weight and looking much better. She's doing pretty well in spirit, going from a herd, to just her and Buddy to just her.... I think she's liking being an 'only horse'. {Getting lots of attention and treats}

The chickens stay close to the house now since the eagle came and attacked them. All I have to do is clap my hands and call out 'peep' 'peep', come on 'peeps' and they head for the barn into their stall. It's pretty cool being able to corral and herd my chickens. LOL
They all seen me chase the eagle off and save one of the girls. I'm guessing word around the hen house is 'stay close to mum'.

Yep yep. Here it is. 

I finally have my own little horse trailer.


It needed a little TLC. 
The doors were hard to open and it squeaked and rattled.
WD 40, new weather stripping and padding and she's sound
 even the doors are easy to open. Some black rust o leum paint touched up a few spots inside... 

Still needs a good washing and maybe some rubbing compound.
 We'll see how much ambition I have ....
I think it looks pretty cool.

When I seen the stickers on the back, I knew it was meant to be mine.
Star Bright tried to load herself, so I know she likes it too. 
She's wanting to go to the ocean again I think.

I can't wait, it's going to look so good behind my truck!

I finally got the chance to steam clean the seats and detail my truck. Looks as good as new again. Inside and out.
Ready for a ROAD TRIP, mini vacation
A day with my horse...
fishing gears loaded always ready!

After all was said and done, when I sat down to rest, my little chicken came over to see me... She loves taking selfies. They are all very friendly and social.

Just a relaxing day @ the Barn.

For me, it feels good to finally be able to relax and just be myself. No stress, no worries, no negative people, no false pretense. Just my happy little family @ the Bright side of the Barn. I've had heart issues most of my life, they were minor until 2006. Since then, I lost some of my abilities and it made a few things harder. It's not easy to heal and recover by yourself. So make sure you Take care of your health. Don't let people or stress give you a stroke or heart attack.! 

Blessed by God,
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn.
Thanks for stopping by,
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails.

2024 Event Schedule

2024 Event Schedule ~

Mark your calendars and  join us at any of the following events this summer. July 9th ~ 16th ~ 23rd ~ 30th ~ Hometown Market  Tues Nights in...

Like what you see at the Bright side of the Barn?