August 30, 2020

The Rewards are endless

 Do you sign up for the grocery store and/or gas station 'reward' card programs? How about the one's offered by your bank and credit cards? When you book a hotel or rent a car, do you go through expedia or another savings outlet?

 For just a little effort, you can save/earn quite a chunk of change. Back in the ole' days, coupon clipping was the way to go. Now with rewards cards it's even easier to save and earn money. 

 I love the Fred Meyer rewards. My last earnings was a sweet $15.00 off. 

76 'kickback' card. I usually get it up to about $10.00 and put it in gas every couple a weeks. 

Albertsons shopping app and the Albertsons/Safeway rewards program. The savings in gas and free groceries always benefit the budget. As much as a buck off on gas! Every week a freebee special. 

Bank of America has a 'deals' page on the web site. You click on the deals you'll use then just use your card to pay.

I have this hooked up on all my credit cards as well. Always at least 10% extra discounts, sometimes cash back.

REBATES - Ever fill out the post cards and send your receipt or what ever proof of purchase required, to get a rebate check in the mail? $3.00 $5.00 $15.00, they add up. 

How about the most recent series of 'class action lawsuits'. I know the first thing some folks are going to say is...

" Ya, I filled one of those out once and got a whopping .25 cent check. The stamp to mail it cost more". 

I would agree with you. Not all of them are worth it. 


The last 3 'class action' cases, 
I filled out the paperwork for, 
awarded me 

So, tell me again, how it's not worth it.

Pennies add up and really the rewards are endless. 
With just a little time and effort, you could be saving hundreds of dollars a year. 

#savingmoney, #penniesaddup, #rewards

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails.

August 27, 2020

Polaris ~ Now


Well there is my baby boy. . . He's filling out so nice, you can't see ribs anymore! He's been gelded, and healed nicely. He needs a bath! The Dr. said we had to wait at least 2 weeks after his surgery... So guess what I'm hoping to do tomorrow.

Really can't wait to see what color he really is. LOL

Hard to believe he jumped a 4 foot wall already! Yes, this is my escape artist. The first horse ever to jump over the arena wall here at the barn. It's my understanding there have been a lot of horses here over the last 25 years or so. 

It's going to be inspiring to watch him grow and learn. He does have quite a silly personality. I remember when I went into the field with him and the other little boys. They called him Mejo. He was the smallest and pretty skinny. Very quiet and gentle moving {HA! you should see him now.} He would come over to me and stand in front of me so that he was between me and all the other little colts. 

It's pretty special when he chose me. 

#lovemyhorses, #yearling, #traininghorses, #polaris

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails.

August 25, 2020

Schooling at HOME?

As a mother that home schooled my kids for at least half of their education. My advice to all would be... Get out of the box! Learning doesn't come from a prefabricated curriculum completely. While it's nice to have worksheets to practice in the early years, you don't have to have a strict schedule to follow. Relax, explore and encourage the kids to ask questions. If you don't know the answer don't worry!! 

This moment will be your greatest chance to teach them how to learn. Find the answer together, learn something new with your child. You will be amazed at the outcome! {For both of you}.  Everything around you is an opportunity to learn. Watching the technicians at Les Schwab fix a flat tire, or how the cable guy hooks things up on the back of your TV/Entertainment center. Ever went crabbing? Take a hike and research the plants you see. Bird watching. . . . So many ways!

Scroll through our suggested links for some ideas on Science, social studies and Government. Captain Planet, Save the Frogs. Find a few contests. Look for things like the World Water Monitoring event, or earth day activities for some real hands on experiences. 

And read. Read a book out loud, together or quietly in a comfortable spot. Talk about what you read. Teach your children how to describe and explain what their reading. Comprehension is the key to understanding what your reading. Share their excitement over the adventures they read about. Encourage them to draw pictures, act out their favorite scenes in the book. Create a play, just as many good books have become movies. 

Teach them how to think and learn for themselves and you will have taught them the key to a successful future. 

Share your ideas, send me the links to awesome sites you find, so I can add them to our list. Let me know how it's going and always feel free to ask questions. 

Now for those that are interested we're creating a

 Writing Contest

2020 the year to remember for sure! Our children have been impacted hard, losing out on their education, missing friendships, and all around changes and the unknown. Parents left shouldering the responsibility of educating their own children. Many left in the dark, lost not knowing what to do or how to do it. When will it end? What will the new normal look like? How do the kids feel about it all?

Between now and December 1st, the kids can be working on their submissions.  Currently working on prizes and guidelines. The one or two things we know for sure is ~ 

 The topic will be ~ 2021 a New Normal ...

and the Age groups

5-7 yrs
8-10 yrs
11-13 yrs
14-16 yrs
17-19 yrs

This is the children's chance to express themselves and how they feel about everything that's happened from the outbreak of the virus to the closing of schools. What do they think or hope the future will look like? The children are the future for all of us. How the pandemic has affected them is important and this is a great way to share, learn and practice good writing skills. 

Most importantly something to have fun while doing!!!! 

#school, #homeschool, #learning, #teachyourchildathome

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails.

August 24, 2020

Duck Details

If you were here back in the spring, You will remember that I wasn't sure I had received 'pairs' of ducks. As it turns out all 3 sets are mated pairs.

However, I've learned a few things along the way...

  • All male ducks have some green in their head, it doesn't always show up easily, but you can see it in the light or up close.
  • Also, The tail has a couple little feathers that curl up on the males, this is where the term 'duck tail' comes from in reference to one's hair., having that little flip curl. And it is incredibly cute on a duck.
  • Pairs have to be kept separated or you will end up with mixed matched couples and the boys like to fight! 
  • I was told, that it's better to have 3-4 females to 1 male, rather than 1-1.
  • Chickens eat duck eggs!! The ducks and chickens must be separate. I have one female duck that became very sad when they were with the chickens...
So, I've had to build and buy a few fences and houses and it's been a challenge keeping the horse from helping out. 

I originally had the mini mare in the same paddock as the ducks and chickens. She quickly figured out she could fit into the chicken shelters and there was an abundance of hay and grain in there. 

So I had to rotate horses and put a different horse in with the ducks and chickens. Now this one only likes the ducks water and will disturb them for a drink only if it's clean. {Which it seldom is, even though we change it daily }

Now for the cool news.

Meet Daffy and Daisy. 
They are Gray spotted Runners.

Can you see the eggs?
They have 5 in their nest!

I'm not collecting the duck eggs, to see if they will nest. It might be too late this year due to the cold coming. We'll see. The eggs are about the same size as the chicken eggs, but they are longer just a bit and slender. Almost an off white. I know Daffy is very protective of the nest and always checks on them through out the day. 

I'm hoping Howard and Precious and Lil Duck and One Duck will be able to start nesting soon. Still setting up their yards and making their houses secure from predators.

I have to get all the ducks and chickens secure before I try moving away from the barn, since I won't be here at night. My landlord will keep an eye out, but it's just not the same. I worry about my babies and would feel horrible if anything happened to any of them.

#chickens, #ducks, #raisingpoultry

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails.

August 23, 2020

Waterbath Canning


Do you want to save those berries to enjoy this winter? 

Easier than using the traditional pressure canner. 

Safer to use for beginners

What you need...

The easy to use digital timer is ideal for measuring processing times and counts down from any time up to 99 minutes and 59 ...
Presto · Electric
Enjoy your favorite fruits and vegetables throughout the year. This canner includes a 21.5 quart. Canner with side handles, a ...
Stovetop · 21.5 quarts
  • Canning Jars { Sizes vary ~ you can find them most stores }
  • Ingredients! { What are you making? }

Important Instructions

** Always boil your jars, lids and seals just before you use them. Keep your jars warm in the oven while you prepare your recipes.

** Waterbathing consists of pouring enough water over the canning jars in the canning pot to cover the jars by at least a half inch. "Bathing time" is when the water is boiling with the jars in place. "Bathing time" varies by recipe.

** Once done bathing place jars on a towel covered table. Let sit undisturbed for 24 hours. { You will hear the pop as each jar cools and the seal sets }

Here are 2 of my most requested recipes.

Best Salsa EVER

3 cups chopped tomatoes
1 cup chopped green pepper
1 cup chopped white onion
2 med Jalapeno's about 1/2 cup chopped
3 cloves garlic chopped
2 tsp canning salt
1/3 cup vinegar

Dash of Hot Pepper powder, for those that like it HOT.

** Mix ingredients and simmer over med/low heat for 30 minutes,
Ladle into warm canning jars and water bath for 30 minutes.

Strawberry Jam or Blackberry Jam....

3 quarts Strawberries or Blackberries cut and mashed
9 cups Sugar
SureGel powder.

** Cook on medium heat until the sugar dissolves, then up to high for a continual boil 15 minutes to thicken. Ladle into warm canning jars and water bath for 15 minutes.

Give it a try and let me know how your's turns out! 

#canning, #preserves, #waterbath canning, #recipe, 

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails

August 20, 2020

Lil Star ~ We DID IT!!

 She's soooooooo cute!!!

Check out those feet!!

Lil Star is one of my new babies. 

She's a paint Mini Mare.

She was part of the {hoarded herd} that was rescued from the hoarder. Many folks know of the 'Fall City 40' but what they don't always know is that there was well over 100 horses, kept at various locations. Lil Star was part of the Auburn herd of over 60. 

I had seen her picture at auction a couple years ago. I missed out then. So when I seen her in the herd.... 
and when she separated me and wouldn't let the other horses around me, we knew. 

She was coming home.

One of my vets estimated her age at 4-1/2 to 5 years. So she's really quite young. 

I was told she's Very healthy! 
{ That felt good to hear. }

Since coming home, She's added on some groceries, 
and today - we were able to get her 2 front feet done. 
And boy did they need it! She was going pigeon toed they were so long. 

You see...... someone, somewhere, didn't do it right. 
Some people just shouldn't have animals !!

When Lil Star came home, she had some issues to correct. .

  • Nipping
  • Kicking
  • Chasing goats, chickens, dogs, kids, anything in her field.
  • Not letting you get anywhere near her right side. 
  • She would run in circles anytime you put her on a lead line and tried to lead her anywhere. 
  • She would crunch up her butt, like she was going to get beat anytime you were near her rear end. {And you had to be careful to not get kicked}
  • She wouldn't let you catch her when she was in her field.
  • She wouldn't come into the barn if anyone was in there but me.
  • She would run circles and freak out anytime my mare was out of sight.
  • Putting a blanket on her - wasn't going to happen.
  • A bath wasn't going to happen.
  • Brushing her any where with any kind of brush wasn't happening.
  • Touching her feet much less trimming them wasn't going to happen.

They say a picture is worth a thousand words.... 
Here it is, right down to the bow in her forelock as well. 

It's taken a few months. It's taken every day. It's taken minutes at a time. It's taken patience. It's taken persistance. It's taken passion. It's taken time. 

And I can not say it over and over again enough. 

Training takes trust!!!!!!!

Lil Star has quite a list of accomplishments.

  • She doesn't bite unless she feels cornered.
  • She doesn't threaten to kick.
  • She doesn't crunch up her butt and likes being scratched.
  • She lets you brush her mane and tail. She even let me trim them.
  • She took a couple bathes now.
  • She wears her bathrobe blanket.
  • She let's me touch her all over.
  • She let's me pick up her feet.
  • She lead in and out of the barn and takes walks down the drive.
  • No more frantically running in circles. 
  • She plays with her ball and other toys.
  • She can stand relaxed for at least 30 minutes without being stressed.
  • She likes being with me and enjoys just hanging out.
  • She let's other people be in the barn with her.
  • She's let others pet her.
  • She trusts me enough to give kisses!
We've come a long way and I'm so happy today because we did her feet without having to sedate her. It was a bit rough, but will rapidly improve in time. 

TRUST plays a big part.

Additionally I couldn't have done it without Juliet.

We owe much thanks to her trainer, Juliet of JC Horse Training.

Check her out she's awesome! 

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for Stopping by
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails.

#inthebarnyard, #lovemyhorses, #horsetraining,

You wouldn't believe .....

 I've chosen to involve myself in a few rounds of therapy. It started after a 'stroke' that was misdiagnosed and a recovery process that took a mountain of faith to overcome. It actually took several years and a few therapists to find the one that I could actually communicate and relate to. One that actually 'helped' me and my healing. 

It was during one of our sessions, that the title of "my book" came up. By this point in time she had come to know quite a bit of the '**it' that collectively became 'my life'. So the title most appropriately fitting ~

"You wouldn't fucking believe me if I told you, but this is my life"

Today's story is just one of the many that make up the totally awesomeness of my crazy life. You see..... 

The year was 1991, my 4 kids and I were on our own after the divorce. I started a new job and it wasn't long before we met 'Timber'.  Within a year we all moved into Timber's big house and as roommates and friends and what ever label one puts on it..... We grew into a family. His son joined us after the first year or so. {That would be another chapter}.

Now 9 years and 1 month later, we married, as a family. It was a big ordeal and we pulled out all the bells and whistles and made it a big shin dig for the family.....

We even put the big house up for sale.

Shortly after .... While the wedding cake was still warm.... our ex's...

You know those other parents? that had nothing to say for the past 9 years and 1 month.... 

Were now accusing us of 'child abuse'. One parent took us to court in one county, the other parent took us to court in another county. Both owed us child support in the 000,000.00 digits.

After spending everything we had left, we ended up losing the brand new house we had put all of our money down on. Courts drug on and on, we lost wages, had to pay guardians {which are a joke} attorneys, and everything else. 

Of course we won both cases. It was pretty obvious that the ex's were just trying to get child support. {another chapter}.

The courts ordered the children returned to us, and we were never again a family. We split up and went our separate ways. The kids had lost the most, and nobody ever got over it. A lot of dark days, years and chapters almost unbearable to write. 

Now here we are and the year is 2020. The kids are grown and the grand kids are growing so fast there is already great grand kids. 

And we are here, buying a brand new house together and starting the life, we tried to have 20 years ago. 

Told you, you wouldn't believe it.

Blessed by God,
Life's good at the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay Safe and Happy Trails.

#mynewlife, #lovemyfamily, #dreamscometrue, 

August 18, 2020

Be the Miracle



Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails.

August 14, 2020

Going HOME

My brand new little house..... Finally going home!

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for Stopping by
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails.

August 9, 2020



I need something to cheer me up tonight. 
Such a cute face how can one resist. 

It isn't always easy and sometimes you just don't get it right. 
and this time.... it just hurts. 

If only life had a rewind !

Now theres a thought.

Life's Blessed by God
 @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails.

August 2, 2020

Sunday Afternoon

The chickens and ducks enjoying the sun. 
Almost all the hens from this spring have started laying!

Lil Star took her first bath today. She didn't really soap up, but she did take on a whole shower top to bottom. Put her in her stall to go clean things up and this is what I came back to....She loves rolling in her stall. 

Polaris says "Peek a boo". 
He's officially a 'gelding' now. We have 2 weeks of after care.
He's grown quite a bit already, just look at how he's filling out.

Absolutely love that mane! I sure hope his tail fills out like that!

My beautiful baby girl.... Of course down with her foot again. Every time we get a trim we have to have a down time. Poor baby. She's getting a bit chunky we really need to get riding, before the trails close again.

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails.

2024 Event Schedule

2024 Event Schedule ~

Mark your calendars and  join us at any of the following events this summer. July 9th ~ 16th ~ 23rd ~ 30th ~ Hometown Market  Tues Nights in...

Like what you see at the Bright side of the Barn?