November 30, 2022

To Blanket or NOT to Blanket

 I don't know if it's cause the lights are flickering and the internet has went down and back up .. but we seem to have a few glitches going on. So we will try this quick post to see if it sticks. The previous post apparently hasn't stayed posted? 

It's cold and wet outside!


I've boarded at a variety of places and my horse has been in a variety of situations. 

Currently I LOVE where she is!!!!!

 She has a small pasture/paddock that is grass on a hilly slope, so if there is mud by the gate there are no lakes or ponds that flood the place in winter!  There are rubber mats at the entries to the pasture and the shelter, which help keep the mud down.

She also has a large grass pasture that is big enough for a few horses not just one. And she has it all to herself! {Loving it she is!!} Don't worry she is not alone, there is a handsome gelding next door, they share a water tub. And a cute little mare next to him. Each in their own pastures.

They all have 2 water tubs. One that collects fresh rain water out in the paddock, the other has a heater to keep it from freezing in the winter and it has a little gold fish to help keep it clean. My horse loves to play in the water and I've seen her seem to play with the fish. I had to laugh.

At the edge of her small pasture by the gate to the large pasture is her shelter. It has openings on both ends and it's positioned in such a way that she can stand in there and not be in the breeze of the doorways. Wind doesn't get too bad through there because of the positioning of the buildings and trees. 

Now, my girl is in FULL CARE! which includes the hay. Her feed tub is a 100 gallon water tub, and on these cold days I've noticed she gets quite  a tub full to help keep her warm. Once a day I go out with her grain and take care of her feet and any other issues. She sometimes has watering eyes so we do eye drops. 

The thing is, she can go in or out. Stand in the shelter or play in the rain. She's older, but she's on the healthy weight side of life and she doesn't have a problem maintaining her weight for being 25 years young. 


I let her get her winter coat and turn into a fuzzy bear, brush her regularly and keep tabs on her nose and eyes and weight. She has 2 blankets, 1 is more a rain coat the other a heavy winter blanket. I've only used them when she's had to be outside without a shelter in a small paddock during the day, or if she's had to stay out at night. 

What's your thoughts?

To BLANKET or NOT TO BLANKET? That is the question today.

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn 
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails.

Balance your Kindness

 A lesson I need to learn

It's good to help people. It's good to be kind and generous...

But you have to make sure your not hurting yourself to do it..

We hurt ourselves in so many ways ~ 

For Instance ..

To loan money out, with a promise to get paid back. Then It doesn't get paid back and you actually needed that money for your own bills. Now your hurting. If you have extra money that your not using for a bill or groceries, it's okay to help others out. But if that money is something you need for your own family, learn to say no!

We short change and cheat ourselves to help others ~

When you decide to sell something - you think about it, do a little research and set your price. Usually with a little wiggle room to come down. It's called negotiating. Your supposed to stand strong on your bottom dollar and not go any lower. { Selling yourself short, is cheating yourself}. Sometimes it's okay to take less, most of the time, you were pricing it fairly to begin with and you shouldn't cheat yourself. Remember what it cost you and what it's really worth somewhere else.

We gamble our own needs when we take Payments ~ 

Now who isn't guilty of this one at least once in their life? Payments are a risk and they delay your purpose. Chances are when your selling something, you need the money for something else. Make sure you can afford to wait for your money and know the gamble on actually getting the payments. You got to be able to read people pretty good to avoid trouble with this one. !! 

But you know what we give away the most? Where our own generosity hurts us the most.......


How many times have you put off your own chores to help someone else with theirs? How often do you stop and chat with the neighbor/friend when you should be getting things done? Do you volunteer? Believe me, every task you do as a volunteer is appreciated by the organization that your helping. How many times are you tired, worn out, got hurt or just used up a whole day - for someone else? Have you ever went without something so someone else could have it? 

Sometimes you just got to say NO, I CAN'T TODAY. And give yourself SOME TIME. Do what you like to do for you. 

It's okay to be kind, just remember to be kind to yourself~

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails.

November 26, 2022

Book Party

 Visit the link, fill your cart with some great deals and be sure to submit your order by the 30th! to cash in on the party savings.

Happy Holiday Shopping!
Thank you for your patronage. 

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for Stopping by
Until next time, Stay Safe and Happy Trails.

November 24, 2022

Thanksgiving 2022


I guess, I'm most thankful that I'm still here. We lost a dear loved one this week, making the holiday a bit sober this year.  She was so young and so much to live for, her body just couldn't overcome the odds. It makes you think about your own life. All the times you "come close" whether an accident or stupidity. As we age we "get closer" and watching those younger go first isn't easy. 

Be thankful for family. I have 2 brothers near 70 this year. I know the 'call' is coming. One just spent a week in the hospital, so I'm thankful he's home. I may not get to see them as much as I'd like, but we can pick up a phone as if we talk everyday. I love my brothers. For me they are about the only family left of my childhood. My children may or may not have other plans. Whether or not I see them on Thanksgiving varies from year to year. I'm grateful that 3 out of the 4 are a part of my everyday life. 

I pray for the day the fourth one comes home. I still don't understand. There is a granddaughter I only met a few times, seen a few pictures. I'm thankful their lives look as though it's going well. 

Be grateful for friends. I never would have survived to get this far without them. Whether I've asked for help, had it offered ~ or been the one to give the help. Some of my best memories would be when we are together. 

And I will always be thankful and appreciate my customers. From the little to the large. One time stop by or multiple orders.... You are wonderful peoples and I've enjoyed meeting each one. 

God is amazing, even when I don't deserve His hand in my life. I am forever thankful for the great sacrifice and love He has given. 

On this day, a day that was created by historical events that have long been altered and often forgotten. The one thing we remember is to be THANKFUL. Let this be the most important of 'our created' holidays. For ~ There is no gifts to buy, no eggs to hide. No fireworks blowing up. 

As it is the only one with no expectations, other than good food, family and friends. 

Happy Thanksgiving to one and all. 

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thank You for stopping by
Until next time, Stay Safe and Happy Trails.

November 22, 2022

Why Shop Here?

 Thanksgiving is this Thursday! Wow how fast time flies! You know what that means right? BLACK FRIDAY, is this FRIDAY!!

 Remember how years ago you would stay up Thanksgiving night to head for the store and stand in line outside in the cold, waiting for the early bird opening to bust in and fight the crowds for the pick of the litter!!!

 UGGH! Right? Well, don't fret! 

You could do a great portion of your shopping RIGHT HERE! 

 Why shop with me, what makes this place so special?

 Personal Service! 

 That's right. I'm here for YOU.

 From helping you select your gift choices, insuring your delivery on time, and in case anything isn't right. I'm right here to make it right. 


 If you would like to share your shopping experience with a few friends, I can help you earn some great FREEBIES!!

 Who doesn't like FREEBIES? Especially around the Holidays.

Super EASY! Just select one of the tabs above and happy shopping. If you have any questions ~ just reach out, I'm here.

There is a lot of great gift ideas! Check out a few of the different shops.

And most of all, from my family to yours.....

I hope each of you have an AMAZING THANKSGIVING HOLIDAY!!!

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay Safe and Happy Trails.

November 19, 2022

A Story for Thanksgiving

 I was exploring a few friends blogs and ran across a set of stories for Thanksgiving. This one was just too cute for me to pass up to share along. So, First off let's give credit to where I found this gem....Sharon Wray's Blog

Sharon is a USA Today Bestselling author and a chemical & patent librarian who once studied dress design in the couture houses of Paris… and worked as a Red Cross caseworker in South Korea. Because it took her forever to decide what she wanted to do when she grew up, she now writes romance and women’s fiction novels filled with suspense, adventure, and love.

Be sure to check it out!!

The story I chose for today is ~


By James Baldwin (this short story is from his book Fifty Famous People - A Book of Short Stories, 1912 and is in the Public Domain)

In Richmond, Virginia, one Saturday morning, an old man went into the market to buy something. He was dressed plainly, his coat was worn, and his hat was dingy. On his arm he carried a small basket.

"I wish to get a fowl for to-morrow's dinner," he said.

The market man showed him a fat turkey, plump and white and ready for roasting.

"Ah! that is just what I want," said the old man. "My wife will be delighted with it."

He asked the price and paid for it. The market man wrapped a paper round it and put it in the basket.

Just then a young man stepped up. "I will take one of those turkeys," he said. He was dressed in fine style and carried a small cane.

"Shall I wrap it up for you?" asked the market man.

"Yes, here is your money," answered the young gentleman; "and send it to my house at once."

"I cannot do that," said the market man. "My errand boy is sick to- day, and there is no one else to send. Besides, it is not our custom to deliver goods."

"Then how am I to get it home?" asked the young gentleman.

"I suppose you will have to carry it yourself," said the market man. "It is not heavy."

"Carry it myself! Who do you think I am? Fancy me carrying a turkey along the street!" said the young gentleman; and he began to grow very angry. The old man who had bought the first turkey was standing quite near. He had heard all that was said.

"Excuse me, sir," he said; "but may I ask where you live?"

"I live at Number 39, Blank Street," answered the young gentleman; "and my name is Johnson."

"Well, that is lucky," said the old man, smiling. "I happen to be going that way, and I will carry your turkey, if you will allow me."

"Oh, certainly!" said Mr. Johnson. "Here it is. You may follow me."

When they reached Mr. Johnson's house, the old man politely handed him the turkey and turned to go.

"Here, my friend, what shall I pay you?" said the young gentleman.

"Oh, nothing, sir, nothing," answered the old man. "It was no trouble to me, and you are welcome."

He bowed and went on. Young Mr. Johnson looked after him and wondered. Then he turned and walked briskly back to the market.

"Who is that polite old gentleman who carried my turkey for me?" he asked of the market man.

"That is John Marshall, Chief Justice of the United States. He is one of the greatest men in our country," was the answer.

The young gentleman was surprised and ashamed. "Why did he offer to carry my turkey?" he asked.

"He wished to teach you a lesson," answered the market man.

"What sort of lesson?" "He wished to teach you that no man should feel himself too fine to carry his own packages."

"Oh, no!" said another man who had seen and heard it all. "Judge Marshall carried the turkey simply because he wished to be kind and obliging. That is his way."

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay Safe and Happy Trails 

November 13, 2022

How do you Shop?

I come from a generation that shopped from PAPER CATALOGS. 
Who remembers the SEARS CHRISTMAS BOOK?



You would fill out the order form, add a paper check, put it in the mail and wait........ You had to order early or they could be sold out! Or ~ you go to the stores to shop in person, wait in line to pay, and be on your way. Holidays meant these lines could be long and very time consuming.


You could call in your order and use a credit card to pay for it. Eventually they came out with the debit card that was connected to your checking account so everyone could have a visa or master-card for faster payments. Which in turn led to faster deliveries! Or ~ you go to the stores to shop in person, wait in line to pay, and be on your way. Holidays meant these lines could be long and very time consuming, even still. Technology has not figured out the cure for that one...... or have they?


The INTERNET came along. At first folks were afraid of shopping on line, and NOW - it's insane how much shopping is done on line, world-wide!! ECOMMERCE. The way of the future has arrived. 

The paper catalog has become something you see less often. Big box stores have closed many of the 'old stores' are out of business and many of you wouldn't even recognize the names if I listed them.

Now FED-EX & UPS frequent neighborhoods as often as the daily mail trucks. {Stealing packages off porches has become a new crime}. 

We need to have a late shift delivery and the ability to schedule the time when it's delivered to your house, once a package reaches the local distribution centers. That way you can be HOME when they arrive and the thieves will be out of luck.

Life has become soooooo convenient that you can pick out your groceries and have someone else do the shopping, with delivery to your door at a time of your choosing {within a 4 hour window}. 

It's obvious less people are shopping in person as you can see.... Malls are starting to feel like the makings of a ghost town, with many stores closed and the store fronts blocked off. Strip malls have a bit more popularity, yet they too are not doing as well as the INTERNET and the HOME DELIVERY. 

So I ask you ~ HOW DO YOU SHOP?

I like having PAPER CATALOGS as they are just the most convenient to browse. I then go to the WEB SITES and ORDER ON LINE. I prefer to shop in the quiet of my space during what ever hours I have the time to sit down and shop. Which is usually the middle of the night or late evenings.. as,  Days are usually busy, so what shopping gets done, seems to get done in a hurry. I would much rather take my time and browse without waiting in long lines. ......

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay Safe and Happy Trails.

November 11, 2022

The Source of Income

 I'm thinking at least 90% of people first thought about 'their job' when they read the title today.

 Many started feeling a bit disappointed, not even knowing why....

 We are trained to think ~

1. Go to school and complete a basic education {Graduate}

2. Find a job or move on straight to College : 

 This will depend on your families income and your grades going through school. The better you do, the more choices you will have for yourself, regardless of your families financial status. 

 Many receive partial financial assistance and a part time job to fund their college education. 

 Some don't even think about college and just seek employment. 

3. Which means jumping from job to job throughout life or 

Finding a single CAREER and working for 30 years or so....

4. So you can retire hopefully with a company pension to assist your Social Security or Social Insurance or Retirement Insurance...... Countries differ on these matters..

5.So you can ~ Grow old and die. Leave what's left of your efforts to your children.

And that about sums up LIFE ~

* I watch folks everyday buy lottery tickets with the great hope of WINNING. Some just want to say they WON, or pay a bill; while others want to retire, take a vacation.

* Pawn Shops and Pay Day Loans thrive ~ because many folks can't make it from payday to payday. They do what they have to, just to buy gas to get to work and lunch money for the kids at school.

* State programs help many with FOOD assistance, enabling families to eat healthy without having to sacrifice paying rent, utilities, and gas to get to work. 

* Day cares are in demand, GOOD DAY CARES are expensive. Just so both parents can work to pay the bills and the day care bill? Sometimes it's better if MOM STAYS HOME! 



* You could wake up and randomly find a few bucks added to your PAYPAL, or DEPOSITED into your bank account while you slept? 

1 DEPOSIT could spare you a trip to the PAWN SHOP or the embarrassing call to ask someone if you can BORROW A FEW BUCKS...


* All you had to do was post links to your social media accounts and ask friends to check it out. Let it be their choice to randomly purchase or not.


You might actually get excited about one of the business plans and decide to host a party or buy a kit...... 

* You just scored mass products for little of nothing, plus an opportunity to make money and score more..........


* You found yourself MAKING MONEY by being excited about a product.


* You woke up and found yourself headed for a dream vacation with your family, FREE! Plus spending money, PLUS PLUS PLUS....

Because you went ahead and held a party for AUNT MARY and her friends, and they ended up having parties and you didn't realize just how easy it is to SELL WHAT YOU LOVE. 


I bet the AVON lady, the consultant at the last TUPPERWARE PARTY, probably an AMWAY distributor have all approached you....

YOU SAID NO, I'm not a sales person, I have a job, I can't stand up in front of people, I've heard no one really makes any money.....

Question for you ~

Do you have a friend that moved up in those companies and enjoyed the many perks and benefits?

Do you know a co worker that left the company to WORK THEIR OWN BUSINESS, because that side hustle was suddenly making more money at home than they were making by coming to work?

Times have changed ~

Your not going to see the Avon lady knocking on doors, and most product 'parties' are held through ZOOM or FACEBOOK platforms. No INVENTORY, DIRECT DELIVERY, straight from the company to the customer.....

If you LIKE PEOPLE, you can choose to sell/advertise at events as well. ..

A simple Link ~

Can start adding funds to your bank account without you really doing any effort.... 


The source of your income does not have to stop with the sweat of your brow. 

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for Stopping by
Until next time, Stay Safe and Happy Trails.

November 10, 2022

Ch Changes

 I believe we've talked about this one before, possibly a couple times. 

 I think early on in the 'covid' experience we talked about the changes taking place worldwide and how much we all don't like to change. 

 CHANGE takes us out of our 'comfort zone', makes us open ourselves up to new experiences, tastes, people, etc. 

 If we're not careful, the 'change' might even cause 'change' in ourselves.


 I'm personally struggling with changes at work. {so are my long time co workers}.. 

 Our store was sold and we are under 'New Ownership'. Along with a new owner, came 2 new employees....

 They are not American and their English is limited, so communicating is one of the complications we are dealing with. They have not been in this country for very long, so they are very unfamiliar with 'the way of things'.

 I'm not sure how 'things WORK' in their home country, but their 'work ethics' for our country leave you wondering if they have ever had a job, know how to work, or have any self pride in the results of their work.

 Both young men pretty much walked into our store with the attitude that they are somehow 'new management' and not expected to 'do the work'. Mind you they love to stand behind the register and interact with the customers. Or 'play' in the 'backside' of the computer/register which jams up the registers when you have customers....

 BEFORE - Even though there were only 3 of us, we got the work done. The store 'looked good', floors were clean, garbage cans empty, kitchen clean and food prepped and prepared properly. Coolers stocked FIFO, faced forward. Shelves were full of the customers favorite products.

 NOW - The garbage gets 'pushed down' when you tell them they need to dump the garbage. The floors don't get mopped {one fella complains his back hurts} and the store is looking grungy. I don't know how well the dishes are getting washed on the nights my girls don't work. I know the kitchen garbage is stinking with yesterdays food scraps when I come in @ 5 AM. Garbage Not taken out at all. 

 It used to be there were products like the little energy shots, cigarettes and chew, loaded under the counter so we could refill and restock the racks as needed. Now all of that is locked in the office and only available when the owner comes in. Hence, we run out of a brand of cigarettes, chew or shots and customers get disappointments. 

 We've run out of many of the customer favorites, shelves are looking bare. We rearrange and stretch the products to make the shelves look as full as possible. So many regulars have quit coming in, because we DON'T HAVE IT.

 It feels somewhat like these 'guys' were not even hired to work but to 'watch us'. The fact that we are no longer 'trusted' in our own environment has caused much disturbance in the 'force'. The new owner mentions that he wants 'team thinking' yet his people present themselves as 'superior'. They don't listen to the girls, they don't follow instructions and they just don't seem to care if they get it right or not.

Ugggh! CHANGES suck!

 I was only temporary helping the previous owner out. When the store sold, I thought I would be done and able to move forward into my retirement. The new owner asked me to stay a couple weeks... It's been nearly a month. His guy can't get there by 5 AM, coming in anywhere from 6, 6:30, 7 even as late as 8 AM. 

 So to prevent the store from losing any more customers - I'm still there  5 AM TO 8 AM - Mon thru Thurs. It has to OPEN on TIME.


Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay Safe and Happy Trails.

November 7, 2022

Do You Know Me.

 Have you ever wondered how well someone 'knows' you?

I found myself a bit shocked when I found out how much my own kids, 

'don't know me'. 

It made me wonder just how well does anyone 'know' you?

First Impressions ~ go a long way, in deciding if you want to go further in getting to know someone. And there are times when 'first impressions' are at the 'wrong time' and you end up with the bad side of someone.

Is the person you see on the outside - really who they are?

Then there is the person 'at home', 

where a little more intimate circle 'know a little more'.

Then there is 'how you really feel', 

and the question of how much of it, do you want others to see or know.

You can know someone your whole life and not know a damn thing about them.

Sadly, when you "think" you know someone and leave it at that, you really miss out on getting to know who they really are. So many relationships end, because people really don't know each other. ..


Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay Safe and Happy Trails.

November 5, 2022

Turn Em Back Tonight!

 Sunday morning comes so early tomorrow!! 

Winter has arrived!

November 4, 2022

November is here and it's cold!

 Temp's dropped fast! We went from 80 in the house to it's freezing outside. The rains have come and the drought has ended!  I'm personally not looking forward to the long cold dark gloomy winter days ahead. Until it snows....

 I made sure to make a large book order, so I'll have plenty of new books for the grand kids to read while they are here. You should check out my shop, see if there are any books your own kids might like. I found some cool pop up and painting books for Christmas. An advent calendar and all of the classical favorites in easy read form. And of course we bought the next "Nibbles" book.. Check it out ~ UBAM books has been a wonderful addition to our family. 

 After a busy summer event season for Simply Fun, I've had to replenish the games here at home as well. A recent order has replaced 'Diggers Garden Match" the family favorite, and "Uncle Berry's Bedtime" a cute little game with lots of little bears to play with. Simply Fun Games has brought me a nice little second income as well as many new friends. Whether you just want discounted buying power or a second income, check out the sign up deal currently being offered and get a few extra freebies.

 It seems I'm needed at the local store still, even though the owner sold. The new owner is hanging onto me, So retirement has been postponed a bit. It's been somewhat crazy with trying to train his new guys to our old ways. Especially when half of the old ways are being changed to a new owner and new ways. My co workers are getting stressed out and going nuts. The old employees and new employees don't like working together...

 Meanwhile, I'm just floating with the flow. I've showed them what to do for the food and the basics of what we do, then I leave it up to the owner to correct them on other things if they are messing up.

One must learn to say


Worry about your own performance and let the show go on!

 It's been much easier to take care of my one horse now that I've sold the pony. Finances were getting pretty low and tight there for a while. Almost thought I was going to lose both of them. Until the perfect home came along for my pony. I will get the kids another pony/horse later next spring after this winter crisis passes. I was hoping to use pony money for car parts, but ended up taking payments and of course the car parts didn't work out to be in it...

 Cars need fixed and the vet bills on an older horse are a bit higher than usual. Plus I've really been wanting to buy us new saddles and get a new horse trailer.... Even though now I need to buy a new rig to pull it as well. So replacing the second horse will wait until we're ready again. 

 My mare of 25 has been acting like a 15 year old teenager since she's been alone. I think she likes being the 'only horse' and getting all the undivided attention. Even though we've hardly rode the last couple months, she is so much more than she was before.

 Life has been busy, stressful and heartbreaking lately. With so much going on and Charlie going missing..... I haven't been writing as much as I used to so there hasn't been as many posts as I would have made normally. My apologize. 

 Until next time.

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay Safe and Happy Trails.

2024 Event Schedule

2024 Event Schedule ~

Mark your calendars and  join us at any of the following events this summer. July 9th ~ 16th ~ 23rd ~ 30th ~ Hometown Market  Tues Nights in...

Like what you see at the Bright side of the Barn?