August 30, 2023

Labor Days Event ~

 Hope we see you there!! 

Black Diamond WA. @ the Elementary ball field off of Hwy 169. 

August 27, 2023

An Yet Another Chapter Begins

We are down to the LAST WEEK. ONLY 4 MORE DAYS OF WORK...

          AUGUST 31ST 2023. 

25 years @ the Boeing Company.

    Congrad's to Papa Tim!!!

Retirement party coming in September. 

If you ever fly on an airplane made @ Boeing, chances are he has made a part or two for that plane. It has his bug # on it somewhere:)

Retirement will be so much different than any road traveled before.

He's a little younger than he wanted to be, but with his health it was necessary. Hopefully this will enable him to be able to rest and heal. So he can feel better to have a longer time to enjoy life. 

He can work with his photography and explore when he's feeling well. Then work on the photo editing when he's not feeling so well. Keeping him occupied will be the battle now. Rather than watching him be in pain and suffer struggling to go to work every night. 

This has all been a lot of stress and I'm tired, more like exhausted, physically and mentally. The last decade has been emotionally hard, with a lot of ups and downs. I need real rest and to get away from all the stress. Doing so much alone and trying to keep oneself healthy isn't easy. {Wish I had someone to take care of me the way I've taken care of all of them- said every woman sometime. } We tend to forget to take time for self, until the battery near dead.

With all the new construction going on in town and the projected future of the area, it's going to be crowded living around here. This isn't what it was a few years ago, when I signed on for peaceful country living. So, I'll be looking for something a little further away from it all.

Since the grandkids are all growing so much and all of them are going to be full time students this year, no half days; I'm not needed so much for watching them. So I don't need to be just around the corner for that anymore either.

It appears this chapter, has no boundaries. No location parameters to stay in, no specific need-to-be's...Just wants and wishes... When I find the 'right place' and the 'price is right' ~ another move will be in the future. 

So yes, I'm looking. I like where my horse is, so unless I find an ideal place for her too, nothing is going to happen. If you've been around here for long, you know.... The planets line up and the stars light the path, when something is meant to be. God has a way of telling us where to go, if we just listen. 

So, shhhhh

Hear's to NEW BEGINNINGS. again.

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay Safe and Happy Trails

August 22, 2023

Fall is on the Way!

 Love this time of year!

Well, everything got done! All the heavy lifting is over so to speak! 

Just here for a POP UPDATE on things ~
 been getting asked how Papa's doin and such....

  • Now, Papa's just finishing up the month at work - then it's Retirement and running his own business. Hopefully gaining weight and getting healthy er.

  • Kids should all be getting ready to go back to school. Homeschool/K-12 or public school; As long as they are learning the important things, that is what matters. Save all the other stuff for the parents to distribute to their own children if and when they think it's necessary. 

  • Birthday coming. 59. Got some ideas of what I'm planning... we will see if I can make it work.

  • The kittens all had surgeries and eye meds for a week so they will be heading down to RASKC to be up for adoption later this week. Calvin and Hobbs are here until someone wants to do a meet and greet with them. They need to go together to a quieter adult home. So they are going to hang out here rather than go to the shelter where they might get all freaked out again. 

  • The bunnies have about 2-3 more weeks with me, then they will be old enough to get fixed and ready to be put up for adoption. ...

  • Then it's CLEAN and CLEAN some more. Taking a kitten break to get the place back in order and give my own cats some missed out attention. Chanelle has been gaining weight missing out on her dog  walks.

  • We have 2 doctors doing more tests in the next couple weeks. We'll know more of Papa's health then. Keep him in the prayers. God has already done some amazing things in our world. 

Enjoy what's left of summer! 
And be sure to STOP for those school buses.

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay Safe and Happy Trails.

August 1, 2023

A Little Break

 I'll be taking a little break from the internet. Life's gotten busy and a few things need put in order. Take care - Stay safe - I'll see you a bit closer to fall.

August 1st

It was a beautiful moon last night! Sometimes I wish life could move slower so I could stop and get the actual pictures...


He's going to retire at the end of the month.

It was a long month after his surgery. Still waiting for the short term disability check. Phone is shut off for a couple more days. Other resources have come through and some funds have come in. Thank you to all those who helped him out during that financially dry spell.

His recovery time did him good. I think he even gained back a pound or two. Returning to work - not so easy. Thankfully his manager has him training the new guy so there isn't much to do; and if he has to make a run for the restroom - he doesn't have to wait for the machine to shut down or pause.

It only took trying to work a full week that sent him home thinking - it's time to retire. Can't do it anymore. 

He's tired, fatigued they call it. He can't run around the shop like he used to. He needs the restroom pretty regularly. The vertigo affects him if he moves around too fast, so he has to be careful. You can tell he's struggling more with the ups and downs of his bipolar. And there is still the issues with his colon and prostate...

I'm praying he can get his disability so that he can focus on his health. Bipolar gets worse as you age and the medications wear down on your body.. He needs have a bit of life to relax and retire with. He's earned it.

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay Safe and Happy Trails.

2024 Event Schedule

2024 Event Schedule ~

Mark your calendars and  join us at any of the following events this summer. July 9th ~ 16th ~ 23rd ~ 30th ~ Hometown Market  Tues Nights in...

Like what you see at the Bright side of the Barn?