November 29, 2021

Eyes wide open

My eyes popped open at 4 am and haven't shut yet. Not even after watching a documentary or two. I love ancient history. It always amazes me to see what they could do and the lasting impression the work leaves for us. Yet we build and it gets destroyed before even one generation passes. Our legacy is nothing spectacular. Nothing that lasts.

With all the things happening around the globe, it sure does seem like the gates of hell have opened and all evil is released. I wonder how many times throughout history, people have felt this way. Like it is the end of the world as they know it. 

You can't believe the news, internet or TV. ... 

They quit talking about the number dying and push for a vaccine that seems to be causing the deaths now. We've lost several in our family, most of which were the vaccinated. 

Store shelves are a hit and miss for supplies. Gas prices vary everywhere. The police have been disassembled in some places. CRAZY has become our way of life.?  

Some states have mandates others say no shots no masks just 'live on' and they seem to be thriving. 

There is so much evidence of Biblical truth floating around yet no one can see it. I am reminded that scripture tells us, those who don't believe or are not true to heart will not be able to see or understand the words of the Bible. 

This has proven so true amongst unbelievers. 

For those that believe.... Where do we stand - are we ready - is this the end - 

I am again reminded of scripture... not supposed to worry about the end. Supposed to worry about today and doing all in today that is to be done. Make sure your right with God and nothing else really matters. 

So why do we wake up and worry, stress and think about everything, so much of which we have no control over. . . 

Why not wake up, enjoy the sunrise, look for the beauty in a day, and prepare ourselves for our work for today. Get up and keep going forward. 

We live in a changing world that will someday be a part of history.

Thank God for what we have today.

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails.

November 24, 2021

30 Things 30 Days


It's about a one hour documentary on Netflix.... watch the show and take the 30 day challenge with me......

Get rid of one thing each day for 30 days...

My mom had a lot of 'stuff', I grew up feeling 'crowded', 'embarrassed' and often wondered 'why'.. 

moving sucked! and we moved a lot. I remember Truck load after truck load..... 'junk' so much 'junk'...

I don't keep a lot of stuff. I have even less now than when the kids were growing up. I thought of myself as a 'minimalist' to some degree. But I decided to take the challenge and see, if I couldn't downsize just a little more.

Watch the show, really. You don't realize how much your 'stuff' weighs you down....

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails.

November 23, 2021

You just can't make this shit up

It's been a month and I really don't know where to begin or end it..... I haven't been on line much. Hoping that will change soon.

When I'm struggling with things in my head I don't like to project a negative energy, so I shut the 'curtains' so to speak.... keep to myself and deal with things.

My horse heals me.

It's been said by many folks including my last therapist, and I do miss her.....

I've been told so many times, "YOU SHOULD WRITE A BOOK", followed in the same breathe by the statement.. "no one would believe this shit."

The book would be titled something to that relevance. ...... 

My Life

Has been born backwards, what can go wrong has gone wrong.

 if it's even possible to happen, it will probably happen to me. . 

 Seems it goes wrong, before it goes right.

Just one example....

Have the bank account hacked into, so you have to put a fraud freeze on the account. This particular bank not only deactivates the cards but closes the account and opens you a new account....

so all your automatic payments that are due to come out of the paycheck that's due to deposit tomorrow to a now closed account......

We won't mention that one payment is to the IRS and if it's missed the whole payment plan goes into default.... of course guess which payment the bank missed paying...

Getting emails about all the other payments bouncing back....

Another example...

I found myself in court over the BECA bill with one of my kids, at the same time I was dealing with their dad in family court.....

What are the odds I'd get the same judge in both courts..

.. About as good as having my EX standing in the courthouse when I received my paperwork, so the sheriff that was there could walk over and serve him..... The officer must have been 7 feet tall. 

My favorite example... 

Your going to love this one

I totalled my truck December 12th, I'm dealing with several broken bones, the other guys insurance and almost $26,000.00 in hospital bills, a total loss on my truck....

And I get a bill from the Army in the mail....?

Apparently I dumped a few tons of garbage near an Army gate and the clean up cost nearly $1000.00. Now I'm sooooo dumb, I happened to put a piece of mail with one of my old addresses on it, so they traced the garbage to me.......

Um the mail was from Child support and my youngest child was 32 years old...... That is an incredibley old piece of mail to be in such pristine condition.

Um the mail and dump site was found in the same city my ex mother in law recently passed away and some of the garbage looked like it could have come from her house......

After writing the Army a letter, they came to the conclusion that I did not dump the garbage and someone from my Ex's family was trying to make it look like me.... 

Merry Christmas, no bill was owed.

57 years old, and the stories I could tell......

Wonder why I have

Anxiety, depression, stress, high blood pressure, always appearing 'mad or upset', simply because the stress level is so high... smiling doesn't come naturally.

Yet, through it all and it's been a few decades... through it all.. God truly has provided and taken care of things. Right down to the little details. 

And in the end ~ Things have worked out. 

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails.

November 6, 2021

Ah Choo!


A weekend full of riding... Ah, so relaxing and so peaceful. I love my horse and spending time with her. It was a nice break away from working and the stressful situations in the day to day life. 

I did great being out in the weather.... 

It was during the Halloween 'trick or treating' that It happened... 

Magic school bus episode all the way. Papa handed out some candy and I just inhaled the air... like you could see the little invader floating towards me and up my nose.

Next thing you know I'm sneezing. And down for the count.

Bless you

 Isn't it funny how some of the memories of raising your children and little things like TV shows, just pop up in your thoughts. What's in a sneeze. My dad always said it was your bodies way of discarding invading germs... nose hairs and snot were what prevented you from getting sicker.?  I like the way Magic school bus explained it better lol. 

Finally, Now feeling a bit better and getting back to normal. As far as work... that's a different story. Bright side of the Barn has received our new Business license and it looks 'pretty cool'. 

I have been working on line and doing a bit of things through site sales. ' We've ordered several games here and put them to the test with the grandkids.... reviews coming in the next blog.. the grandkids have strong opinions about their favorites!

Christmas is just around the corner and the Simply Fun games make great gifts. Help the kids with their studies and give something that keeps giving. Un plug and put away the electronics!  Orders before Thanksgiving will arrive in plenty of time for Christmas. I also have a few cash and carry games on hand, so save some shipping fees for the local folks. 

Life is always better when you are in control of your own destiny. 

Blessed  by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails.

2024 Event Schedule

2024 Event Schedule ~

Mark your calendars and  join us at any of the following events this summer. July 9th ~ 16th ~ 23rd ~ 30th ~ Hometown Market  Tues Nights in...

Like what you see at the Bright side of the Barn?