November 15, 2019

Branded DIsabled

It feels like a brand, an award, achievement.... something accomplished yet never ever wanted to attain.


First - Something happens in life and suddenly you are not quite yourself and unable to return to the self you knew before.
This can be either physical or emotional.

Second - You have to accept yourself with limitations.
Try to understand the new self you have become.

Third - You make adjustments and try to learn to live with the new you.

Fourth - Your circle of people will react, differently.
More life adjustments.
Some don't understand and walk away, some help, some believe and some just don't know what to do.
Some say the cruelest things and break you even worse than you were.

Fifth - You find yourself defending yourself and your disability.
Insurance companies, State agencies, any compensation is going to be objected.
It's worse when you have to defend yourself to family and friends.

Sixth - You have to expose, explain and defend yourself for however long it takes. Losing all sense of privacy, your life an open book being examined and criticized and judged by people. Countless numbers of people......  until finally,

You are declared disabled.

By the time you reach this point, it has become a brand - a reward - an accomplishment. Sadly.

Now finally you can focus on your disability and the healing you need to achieve to live life to it's new fullest potential.

Sadly now there is more damage and deterioration to fix, restore and heal from. The road is harder and longer than it needed to be.

All the lost self esteem and self worth, the pride one had in self and the abilities of yesterday. All you worked for all your life, all you accomplished - memories.

You've been torn down to nothingness, a feeling of hopelessness and worthlessness. Lost everything for some along the way.

Finally, recognition for the damage done. Acknowledgement of the injuries and pain. Assistance that was needed long ago, now the future.

Invisible illness and disabilities are the hardest on the person who endures them. A wheelchair is obvious. Blindness has no argument.
Cancer a popular crutch... But internal pain, mental anguish .....

Unseen with disbelief.

Not a brand anyone wants to wear with pride. Yet a brand one finally feels relieved to achieve.

Who the hell are we to judge another's pain.

Blessed by God.
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn.
Thanks for stopping by and 
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails.

2024 Event Schedule

2024 Event Schedule ~

Mark your calendars and  join us at any of the following events this summer. July 9th ~ 16th ~ 23rd ~ 30th ~ Hometown Market  Tues Nights in...

Like what you see at the Bright side of the Barn?